Scope appt over!

Suez39 Member Posts: 165 Member

Hi everyone. 

Just had my appt with my ENT specialist today. He scoped me and said thier still is one spot where my tumor was that he will check again in a month. He said it's either swollen tissue from radiation or maybe might still be cancer. At that time he said if spot is still there he might do a biopsy. I'm not going to worry until that time comes. I've been told your first pet scan lights up places but probably is false for cancer. So I'm hopeful. I hope all of you are progressing well with your tests and treatment.

Hugs to all of you! - Susan







  • Dean54
    Dean54 Member Posts: 160 Member
    Good for you Suez

    Sounds like you are recovering well. I go for a scope in Nov. and am already a little apprehensive.


  • Suez39
    Suez39 Member Posts: 165 Member
    Hope your scope goes well

    Hope your scope goes well Dean. How have you been doing? Can you eat solid foods yet?

  • Dean54
    Dean54 Member Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks Suez

    Actually, I started eating some solid foods right after treatments but prefered the liquids because I was being lazy and they were easier to get down. Now I can't eat pratically anything that isn't super dry like bread but have NO pleasure in food at all and dread meal time but knew for the most part that was the price I would pay for what I went thru.

    Hopefully you will continue to get better each day dear.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Dean54 Hang in There

    Your flavor and taste and swallowing will improve-it takes time and you will enjoy food again-God bless

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Here's Hop'in

    Hey Susan, I'm hop'in that it's the swollen rad tissue.  I've had more than one scan that has lit up one particular spot of scar tissue repeatedly, which my ENT is so familiar with that it is just routine to see it now.  Until the scope, have some fun.