Finally results are in

Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member

This year I am 5 years out from my neph and had my follow up with doctor today.  I was extra stressed today as I had my CT scan a month ago so the waiting was agonizing.  I had also a one hour wait to see the doc which didn't help either. Long story short it is NED - yay!!. However I don't get off that easy as he was concerned that my eGFR had dropped from 75 last year to 59 this year.  I told him that my nephrologust checked in May and it was 67 which she was pleased with.  However he wants me to see nephrologist again as in his words it is not his area of expertise but he wants to make sure nothing else is going on. I am so happy for the NED but nervous about the change. I've have got an appointment with nephrologist on Friday so not long to wait. Wish me luck!


  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
    icemantoo said:




    Mine has fluctuated as well. The Neph Dr will give you suggestions on keeping your GFR up there. As a layman with 1 kidney, over  70 anwathching my GFR for years I would not be overly concerned about the 59. Maybe a little concerned that it went down. Suggestions to raise your GFR' lose weight, watch BP, stay hydrayted. One suggestion you may not want to follow is to stop getting older which by itself lowers your GFR.




    Thank you Iceman

    Always good for lifting the spirits.  Doc did say I wasn't dehydrated and my weight is fine at 128.  However he did mention BP which in my case has always been really good although it might have been elevated this morning due to white coat syndrome. Yep I agree on the getting older! Hope there are still a few more years in me.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    Mine has fluctuated as well. The Neph Dr will give you suggestions on keeping your GFR up there. As a layman with 1 kidney, over  70 anwathching my GFR for years I would not be overly concerned about the 59. Maybe a little concerned that it went down. Suggestions to raise your GFR' lose weight, watch BP, stay hydrayted. One suggestion you may not want to follow is to stop getting older which by itself lowers your GFR.




  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,045 Member
    The drop, I would be concerned...

    The actual number, no.  Mine has never been over 43 since surgery 12 years ago.  The suggestions to work with the numbers is as you indicated.  The other is to be hydrated when they draw blood.  If I remember to drink plenty of water with all my morning meds, I seem to have a better reading.



  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
    donna_lee said:

    The drop, I would be concerned...

    The actual number, no.  Mine has never been over 43 since surgery 12 years ago.  The suggestions to work with the numbers is as you indicated.  The other is to be hydrated when they draw blood.  If I remember to drink plenty of water with all my morning meds, I seem to have a better reading.



    May have an explanation

    I just realized that the blood draw for my urologist was done 1 day after I had a cortisone injection for pain from bursitis.  I've only just found out the risk to kidney from cortisone as no doctor had mentioned it. No NSAID's was the only thing I was told.  At least I have a question for the nephrologist on Friday as to whether to expect the drop to be temporary or not. You are exactly right Donna my doctor was more concerned with the drop than the figure.

    All the best


  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Nephrologist today

    Nephrologist appointment went really well.  She is not concerned by the GFR number as all other results were so good. Just a blip, have to have labs redone, no rush, and see her in  year.  Could not be happier, just goes to show all that worrying was for naught.

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    God's to hear

    Glad you got some encouraging news. Enjoy the weekend. 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    5 years out....

    What a great feeling that must be, Scottie.  Congratulations!  I wish many more years of NED for you.


  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member

    God's to hear

    Glad you got some encouraging news. Enjoy the weekend. 

    Thank you

    Best to you Ret and Stub as well for continued good health and NED.