Cured whith holistic approach
I looking for people that have been cured whith holistic approach ? Or test it and failed.
my english is maybe not perfect...I am from sweden.
Sorry that you have found yourself here. My husband is using traditional medicine so I can not contribute to the holistic method. I just wanted to say that I would be very weary of methodologies that are out there on the web. There are many MANY crazy "natural" cures that are completley bogus and could hinder keeping the cancer under control. Use caution, use your common sense and most of all stay safe.
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I do lot of researhes for my
I search informations for my sister (42, 4 st. CC). I have read stories when people used holistic methods (accupuncture, qigong, mindfulness, laugh yoga and etc.) together with traditional medicine. And some people claim that they also used bitter wildly grow plants like dandelion, milk thistle,arugula and edible wild mushrooms and etc. it helped them more than just chemo or radiation and they keep cancer under control for many years. my sister has her chemo but uses holistic and herbal medicine either. currently results are not bad.
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Hi Gul1976gul1976 said:I do lot of researhes for my
I search informations for my sister (42, 4 st. CC). I have read stories when people used holistic methods (accupuncture, qigong, mindfulness, laugh yoga and etc.) together with traditional medicine. And some people claim that they also used bitter wildly grow plants like dandelion, milk thistle,arugula and edible wild mushrooms and etc. it helped them more than just chemo or radiation and they keep cancer under control for many years. my sister has her chemo but uses holistic and herbal medicine either. currently results are not bad.
Hi Gul1976
What do you mean by : (42, 4 st. CC). ?
If you want I can send the most potent holistic metod I found? I already spend hundreds of hour to study this "djungle" of information.
You can find a lot of holistic survivers on internet but I want to get in contact whith this people to confirm that it really work and get more detailed information and idealy if they have cure sumilar cancer that I have.
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HiOlle said:Hi Gul1976
Hi Gul1976
What do you mean by : (42, 4 st. CC). ?
If you want I can send the most potent holistic metod I found? I already spend hundreds of hour to study this "djungle" of information.
You can find a lot of holistic survivers on internet but I want to get in contact whith this people to confirm that it really work and get more detailed information and idealy if they have cure sumilar cancer that I have.
(42, 4 st. CC) is 42 years old, Stage 4 colon cancer. I just wrote it shortly. The same here, I didn't find real people just stories from internet. Some stories when people tell that holistic and alternative methods combined with traditional medicine give results and they keep the cancer under control.
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Apricot kernels, bitter plants and vegetables, wild mushrooms...Olle said:Hi
I have also Stage 4 colon cancer whith metastases in my lung.I am just turn 50 and was diagnosed 2015.
I have done surgery in colon and my lungs + 4 rounds of chemo, but it did not kill the metastases, and chemo is a HELL for me + I suffer of bieffects of the chemo , sooooo tired of the chemo!!So I start doubt if chemo will help me so last 6 month I study holistic option many hours everyday. I have change my diet, I think most people will benefit whith better food(I am sure that is the couse to cancer) but I still not know what "cure" method I should choose.
This is the top potent based on my stydy : (method backed by clinical studies )
-Mistle toe Helixor (IV)
-Cannabis oil
-Laetrile(B17 or Amygdalin) / apricot kernel (IV)
-Beta Glucan Interview: it hard to find real people to contact and talk,discuss whith!! To get real eveidence and the real story from people that choose the holisitc way.
I have listen,watch at least hundred interview here:
I beleive the best traditonal treat is a stam cell "operation" should be the best , but very new tech and very hard to find...
Best Olle
My sister is fit and always watched her diet, no family issue. She got it possibly because of her offen work travels (radiation exposure during security prosedures or flight itself.)and stress, none know. She is in the begining of her treatment with chemo. She has liver mets. She chews apricot kernels, she includes in her diet some wildly grown bitter (not spicy)plants like arugula,dandelion, milk thistle . I personally believe that all things in nature cure and all medicine only covers the sickness. There are lot of discussions around about apricot kernels even in this forum, some people claim that they are poisonous and some tell the poison in seeds only attacks the cancer. Some woman in this forum took them regularly, she is a survivor . I don't remember her name . Maybe some people who in this forum for a long can help or with search about apricot kernels you can find these discussions. It's still argumentative which is really better supplements and extracts or kernels , plants itself? probably kernels or plants are safer than unknown brand of supplements. Some people tell that they benefited from edible wild mushrooms . So many people talk they got well or have the cancer under control thanks to natural way, no doubts, there are some true stories I believe, not everything is false or fake.
stay positive and strong, get well soon.
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Higul1976 said:Apricot kernels, bitter plants and vegetables, wild mushrooms...
My sister is fit and always watched her diet, no family issue. She got it possibly because of her offen work travels (radiation exposure during security prosedures or flight itself.)and stress, none know. She is in the begining of her treatment with chemo. She has liver mets. She chews apricot kernels, she includes in her diet some wildly grown bitter (not spicy)plants like arugula,dandelion, milk thistle . I personally believe that all things in nature cure and all medicine only covers the sickness. There are lot of discussions around about apricot kernels even in this forum, some people claim that they are poisonous and some tell the poison in seeds only attacks the cancer. Some woman in this forum took them regularly, she is a survivor . I don't remember her name . Maybe some people who in this forum for a long can help or with search about apricot kernels you can find these discussions. It's still argumentative which is really better supplements and extracts or kernels , plants itself? probably kernels or plants are safer than unknown brand of supplements. Some people tell that they benefited from edible wild mushrooms . So many people talk they got well or have the cancer under control thanks to natural way, no doubts, there are some true stories I believe, not everything is false or fake.
stay positive and strong, get well soon.
I also excersice for 25year,eat normal, not fat but I also have several company, travel and fly a lot and constant stress for over 25 years that I think is the couse of my cancer.
If know 2 years ago that my cancer was slow progress I would try holistic , if it do not work then you can still go back to chemo.
The problem is what method to choose ? This is my problem, I have study a lot of most of the knowned option but now I try to find the real people that really try it and know the result.Olle
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Personally, I think a holistic approach can cure cancer
Olle, there is not much info in your post, but I do think it is possible to come back from stage4. I highly recommend that you try conventional treatment the first year, with surgery and chemo. However, if the cancer comes back, I think that making radical lifestyle changes can make an enormous difference. I once saw a documentary on CNN that had a big impact on my thought process. This guy with terminal cancer basically left for a Greek island to end his life in peace, but somehow the tumors shrunk and and body magically healed itself from cancer. It basically came down to him making the change to a super low stress lifestyle, eating lots of vegetables, exercise, fish, laughter with friends and family, and sunshine.
I personally was told flat out five months ago by several oncologists I had less then three months to live unless I left for a big research hospital and enrolled in an experimental trial. I chose not to and moved to Hawaii, and so far have lived past five months on no chemo-- and I feel better then ever. I'm definitely not cured, but my pain is down quite a bit and I'm much more active then I was six months ago. I actually feel like it is possible to beat this disease without chemo. My biggest suggestion for anyone is to not underestimate stress-- in my opinion it has a very toxic effect on cancer patients. Things like yogo and breathing exercises are much more powerful then most realize. I think the hardest problem many of us have is financial, and it just isn't easy to make radical life style moves, even when faced with terminal cancer-- but it is essential to get in an environment that makes you happy. Stay positive, and I'm thinking of you.
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How to combine conventional, alternative and spiritual healing
interesting article.
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Hi OlleOlle said:Hi
I have also Stage 4 colon cancer whith metastases in my lung.I am just turn 50 and was diagnosed 2015.
I have done surgery in colon and my lungs + 4 rounds of chemo, but it did not kill the metastases, and chemo is a HELL for me + I suffer of bieffects of the chemo , sooooo tired of the chemo!!So I start doubt if chemo will help me so last 6 month I study holistic option many hours everyday. I have change my diet, I think most people will benefit whith better food(I am sure that is the couse to cancer) but I still not know what "cure" method I should choose.
This is the top potent based on my stydy : (method backed by clinical studies )
-Mistle toe Helixor (IV)
-Cannabis oil
-Laetrile(B17 or Amygdalin) / apricot kernel (IV)
-Beta Glucan Interview: it hard to find real people to contact and talk,discuss whith!! To get real eveidence and the real story from people that choose the holisitc way.
I have listen,watch at least hundred interview here:
I beleive the best traditonal treat is a stam cell "operation" should be the best , but very new tech and very hard to find...
Best Olle
I am a big believer in using Mistletoe and have been injecting it in my abdomen since December 2017. At the very least my quality of life has improved so much. It has not yet cured my cancer, but natural methods can take a longer time.
I also recommend reading tge book Radical Remission. It's very inspirational. I am at a point where I may abandon chemo. I don't like the risk involved. Best wishes.
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Very interesting! can youBRHMichigan said:Hi Olle
I am a big believer in using Mistletoe and have been injecting it in my abdomen since December 2017. At the very least my quality of life has improved so much. It has not yet cured my cancer, but natural methods can take a longer time.
I also recommend reading tge book Radical Remission. It's very inspirational. I am at a point where I may abandon chemo. I don't like the risk involved. Best wishes.
Very interesting! can you give more details? Do you frequently pet scan to follow the development ?
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Hioptimist777 said:Personally, I think a holistic approach can cure cancer
Olle, there is not much info in your post, but I do think it is possible to come back from stage4. I highly recommend that you try conventional treatment the first year, with surgery and chemo. However, if the cancer comes back, I think that making radical lifestyle changes can make an enormous difference. I once saw a documentary on CNN that had a big impact on my thought process. This guy with terminal cancer basically left for a Greek island to end his life in peace, but somehow the tumors shrunk and and body magically healed itself from cancer. It basically came down to him making the change to a super low stress lifestyle, eating lots of vegetables, exercise, fish, laughter with friends and family, and sunshine.
I personally was told flat out five months ago by several oncologists I had less then three months to live unless I left for a big research hospital and enrolled in an experimental trial. I chose not to and moved to Hawaii, and so far have lived past five months on no chemo-- and I feel better then ever. I'm definitely not cured, but my pain is down quite a bit and I'm much more active then I was six months ago. I actually feel like it is possible to beat this disease without chemo. My biggest suggestion for anyone is to not underestimate stress-- in my opinion it has a very toxic effect on cancer patients. Things like yogo and breathing exercises are much more powerful then most realize. I think the hardest problem many of us have is financial, and it just isn't easy to make radical life style moves, even when faced with terminal cancer-- but it is essential to get in an environment that makes you happy. Stay positive, and I'm thinking of you.
I agree and I also are sure holistic way can work.! I did 2 surgery and 4 rounds of chemo over 2,5 year. But I still not start any holistic treatment but I change my diet this year after I study this.
What I want is find pepole that tried the holistic approach. I think its very important to try to proove what approach do work and what approach not work by find the people that try it.
The so called "western" diet we all are a victim under its a joke!! The cronical sicness problem have just explode under the last 30-40 year.
See this Interview Dr. Michael Greger :
And this "how to win the war on cancer" : Claim that chemo is really bad in terms of 5 year survival rate.
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CT scansOlle said:Very interesting! can you
Very interesting! can you give more details? Do you frequently pet scan to follow the development ?
I get CT scans every 3 months and determine my treatment based on these scans. I fell and broke my hip bone so can't do any chemo until the bone heals. Will be interesting to see what happens.
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Higul1976 said:Hi
(42, 4 st. CC) is 42 years old, Stage 4 colon cancer. I just wrote it shortly. The same here, I didn't find real people just stories from internet. Some stories when people tell that holistic and alternative methods combined with traditional medicine give results and they keep the cancer under control.
I have also Stage 4 colon cancer whith metastases in my lung.I am just turn 50 and was diagnosed 2015.
I have done surgery in colon and my lungs + 4 rounds of chemo, but it did not kill the metastases, and chemo is a HELL for me + I suffer of bieffects of the chemo , sooooo tired of the chemo!!So I start doubt if chemo will help me so last 6 month I study holistic option many hours everyday. I have change my diet, I think most people will benefit whith better food(I am sure that is the couse to cancer) but I still not know what "cure" method I should choose.
This is the top potent based on my stydy : (method backed by clinical studies )
-Mistle toe Helixor (IV)
-Cannabis oil
-Laetrile(B17 or Amygdalin) / apricot kernel (IV)
-Beta Glucan Interview: it hard to find real people to contact and talk,discuss whith!! To get real eveidence and the real story from people that choose the holisitc way.
I have listen,watch at least hundred interview here:
I beleive the best traditonal treat is a stam cell "operation" should be the best , but very new tech and very hard to find...
Best Olle
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We combined daily, oral 5FU
We combined daily, oral 5FU based chemo with various heavy duty supplements, often based on extensive, continued test results along the way, along with cimetidine and/or celecoxib. We did not achieve full control of cells (lab tests) or in vivo marker rises with either chemo alone or alternatives alone.
Our therapeutic trial series were based on various medical papers, doctors and Life Extension Foundation recommendations. Specific nutrients can help various aspects of cancer or cancer treatment.
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Advances in modern medicine
Advances in modern medicine have forever changed the shape of cures for disease, human health and well-being. Consider that less than a century ago, the average person in a developed country usually didn’t live to see their 60th birthday. Now, it’s common for people to live longer than 80 years old.
But we’re facing a big problem: the over-prescribing of possibly dangerous and addictive medications. Additionally, the United States healthcare system encourages doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies to order more tests (e.g., CAT scans, blood count tests, etc.). For this reason, many people undergo procedures that they often do not need.
It wasn’t always this way. In many places around the world, it is still an unacceptable practice. Today, we’re going to discuss 25 ancient medical cures that most people have forgotten, including procedures and also herbs/spices. You may find it surprising that people still use many of these cures today, especially those in the “herbs and spices” section of this article.
Modern research is starting to – albeit reluctantly – attest to the effectiveness of acupuncture. The ancient science of acupuncture has roots in China, beginning as far back as 6000 BCE!
“The Chinese were the first to recognize that changing the bacterial flora of the colon could be a beneficial treatment,” says Dr. Bret Lasner, a gastroenterologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Gross? Yes. Effective? Absolutely.
Records show that leech therapy dates back over 3,500 years to the ancient Egyptians. Today, leeches serve as an anticoagulant (blood thinner). They also boost blood circulation.
The use of maggots to heal wounds has been around for centuries. Military surgeons during the Civil War observed that soldiers treated with maggots for injuries sustained in combat had a lower mortality rate. Today, the therapy primarily treats soft tissue and skin trauma.
Certainly, this one’s a bit freaky. Back in the days o’ yore, “doctors” drilled a hole in the skull with the purpose of … get this … releasing evil spirits. Well, thankfully, trepanation now involves state-of-the-art surgical tools – and only to relieve pressure in the skull.
Catheterization involves a tube inserted into the urethra, traditionally done to allow an immobile person to urinate. Back in medieval times, catheterization was used much more often due to the widespread occurrence of bladder and kidney stones, syphilis, and other diseases. And they used metal! Uh, no thanks!
The oft-practiced Cesarian section (or “C-section”) originated way back in around 320 B.C. Of course, the procedure has evolved – and for the better. Today, nearly one-third of all babies are delivered via c-section. The mortality rate of the delivering mother has also plummeted.
Many of the herbs and spices you will find on this list were first used by Native Americans and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Many of these natural remedies have since been proven by medical research as effective alternative treatments. One example? This little-known cure, aspirin, which is contained within walnut crust!
Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, alfalfa helps reduce symptoms of asthma, arthritis, bleeding disorders, high cholesterol, and an upset stomach.
Among the oldest medicinal plants in recorded history, Aloe Vera contains a myriad of amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. It aids and promotes digestion, nutrient absorption, and skin health.
Packed with just about every healthy mineral in existence, pollen serves as a potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. It can also help lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and protect cellular bodies.
Oft-used as an ingredient to make tea, blackberries aid in the treatment of diarrhea and inflammation.
Some tea drinkers swear by it, and for a good reason. Chamomile does a bit of everything, including treat the common cold, reduce stress, and fight the aging process.
More and more research points to curcumin (found in turmeric) as an effective treatment for gut-related disorders. Curcumin also demonstrates BDNF growth properties, which researchers say may help delay or prevent the onset of dementia.
Another tea ingredient, Native Americans first discovered the benefits of echinacea. Some evidence suggests that it may be elemental in strengthening the immune system.
Now manufactured mostly as a tincture, elderberry chiefly helps to treat respiratory illnesses. Studies show that the chemicals within elderberry effectively relieve nasal congestion. They also have potent antioxidant properties, which serve to protect our trillions of cells.
Besides making for one killer cup of tea, ginger has some Grade-A benefits. It contains anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It also sharpens cognition and oosts metabolism!
Gingko is probably the oldest item on this list, dating all the way back to when dinosaurs (yes, dinosaurs!) roamed the earth. A star in Chinese medicine, gingko biloba promotes healthy blood circulation. Additionally, it is touted for its brain benefits.
Another favorite tea ingredient, its proponents believe ginseng boosts energy, reduces blood sugar, lowers cholesterol levels, fights stress, enhances brain function, and even treats erectile dysfunction.
Used for thousands of years in China, India, and Indonesia, Gotu kola is often paired with gingko biloba to sharpen mental clarity. Legend has it that a Chinese herbalist who took this combo on the regular lived for more than 200 years! (Uhm…)
Because of its use in various digestive and respiratory disorders, you can think of honeysuckle as a jack-of-all-trades. Additionally, it’s even used as an aromatherapy agent.
First of all, mint is fantastic as a reliever of intestinal discomfort. It also serves a double role in the gut by promoting digestion. Recent research suggest that mint may also have a positive impact on brain health and function.
Mullein was a plant that found extensive use in Native American culture. The natives primarily used it to treat respiratory disorders and inflammation.
A favorite of aromatherapists, rosemary supposedly boosts metabolism, improves circulation, and also treats inflammation.
Besides acting as a natural insect repellent, sage also purportedly treats digestive disorders. Many also use it in the prevention and treatment of respiratory illnesses, including the common cold.
Valerian root is known for its ability to help relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. Aside from its positive effects on the nerves, Valerian may help alleviate muscle pain.
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Be Careful!Olle said:Hi
I agree and I also are sure holistic way can work.! I did 2 surgery and 4 rounds of chemo over 2,5 year. But I still not start any holistic treatment but I change my diet this year after I study this.
What I want is find pepole that tried the holistic approach. I think its very important to try to proove what approach do work and what approach not work by find the people that try it.
The so called "western" diet we all are a victim under its a joke!! The cronical sicness problem have just explode under the last 30-40 year.
See this Interview Dr. Michael Greger :
And this "how to win the war on cancer" : Claim that chemo is really bad in terms of 5 year survival rate.
I think you may be treading on thin ice. If there were a holistic cure then there would be no cancer victims as word of the cure would spread like wildfires. PLEASE be careful Olle this is your life you are playing with. Since it is your life, if you want to play hocus pocus then all your affairs best be in order and all your goodbyes been said because I am afarid that you will run out of time and will be too late for conventional medicine. Sorry to be so blunt but time is of the essence in treatment.
PLEASE don't look at the survival rate numbers they are old, included all ages and all other causes of death. Those statistics are wrong so so WRONG you have proof here on this site that many are not falling victim like the stastics read. Be careful Olle, please be very careful. You are in my prayers.
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John23 has some interesting suggestions on his blog0
Some evidence based options
I've made a few posts on metabolic therapies which have some level of evidence (tested in animals, small human studies, and biological explanations) to support their use.
You might use the "Search CSN Content" feature (upper right on page) and look for:
Dawn Lemanne
Colin Champ
Valter Longo
Tom Seyfried
Press Pulse
Brent Reynolds
Patricia Daly
Miriam kalamian
One overlap in the variations in dietary therpies which are being explored by several researchers is to limit or remove simple carbohydrates (and possibly starches) and excess protein from the diet as these increase growth factors which can aids tumor growth. Some level of fasting or modest calorie restriction might be layered over the dietary changes for a day or so prior to each chemo or radiation treatment. There are versions of the ketogenic diet which have been tailored for cancer patients to ensure the patient has a high quality diet which minimizes insulin stimulation.
A number of food substannces also have some level of evidence. Listed above. Should be links to the evidence in the posts.
Excerice and stress redcution are also important.
If you have not learned how to use PubMed (to search teh NIH library of medicine) or google scholar suggest to learn as they can help you avoid a lot of wasted time using normal google search feature.
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Hi Peterpeterz54 said:Some evidence based options
I've made a few posts on metabolic therapies which have some level of evidence (tested in animals, small human studies, and biological explanations) to support their use.
You might use the "Search CSN Content" feature (upper right on page) and look for:
Dawn Lemanne
Colin Champ
Valter Longo
Tom Seyfried
Press Pulse
Brent Reynolds
Patricia Daly
Miriam kalamian
One overlap in the variations in dietary therpies which are being explored by several researchers is to limit or remove simple carbohydrates (and possibly starches) and excess protein from the diet as these increase growth factors which can aids tumor growth. Some level of fasting or modest calorie restriction might be layered over the dietary changes for a day or so prior to each chemo or radiation treatment. There are versions of the ketogenic diet which have been tailored for cancer patients to ensure the patient has a high quality diet which minimizes insulin stimulation.
A number of food substannces also have some level of evidence. Listed above. Should be links to the evidence in the posts.
Excerice and stress redcution are also important.
If you have not learned how to use PubMed (to search teh NIH library of medicine) or google scholar suggest to learn as they can help you avoid a lot of wasted time using normal google search feature.
Big thanks for the info, I will explore this....
Sorry for your lost!!!
I hope that in near fututure it can be proven that holisitc way to heal is as effective as traditional treatments....if its the true its the biggest scandal in 50 year! Based on that most people use the traditonal way becouse they do not get the holisitic approach as an option......even its clear that the diet is the key reason to cancer.
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