Double Expressor Lymphoma and Ibrutinib treatment



My mom 58 yrs old had been diagnosed with double expressor DLBCL. She received 6 cycles of RCHOP. The treatment worked great in all areas she had cancer. But then middle of the chemo we saw very high activity in her lumbar back bone following pet ct. Doc thought it could be fracture. After 2 months waiting we did pet ct and biopsy and turns out she has cancer in her bone!! My family is completely devastated. Mom starts RDHAP and Ibrutinib chemotherapy today with hope for transplant after 4 cycles. Does anyone have experience with this chemo regimen? Has anyone taken Ibrutinib before for this cancer type?  Also i see some double expressor patients recieve DA REPOCH as first line treatment. I am not sure why the doctor did not give that to my mom. He thought R Chop would work.