Salk Institute - Circadian Rhythm and Health

peterz54 Member Posts: 341
edited July 2018 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Here is a presentation by Prof. Satchin Panda of Salk on how maintiaining a good circadian rhythm can have profound benefits to overall health.   This would include health of the immune system which has implications for cancer.

Some simple actions: 

Get morning light - natural sunlight to help regulate circadian rhythms 

Avoid blue and bright light in the evening.    myLUX app might help

Consume caloric foods and drink within a 12 hour window.  Independent research with breast cancer patients demonstrated the effectiveness of over overnight fasting of at least 13 hours

Avoid caloric food or drink within 2 or 3 hours of bedtime








  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    Interesting, thanks.  I have always been a fan of a good night's sleep.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    You know what they say

    'Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'

    I've always been an early riser and early to bed; but I'm a woman, so I guess thats why I'm not healthy, wealthy or wise. 


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    healthy,wealthy, or wise

    Tru, You may not be wealthy, but you are healthy enough, and wiser than most!!!

