Pancreatic cancer

Why isn't there a listing for pancreatic cancer? It's one of the most deadly.  How do I get to those discussions?


Thank you in advance


  • Oneshot
    Oneshot Member Posts: 153 Member

    Unfortunately, It is listed under Rare and Other Cancers.  From time to time when I get on here. I bump them up to the top of Rare and other..

    If you don't see threads on pancreatic cancer on the 1'st page in Rare and Other Cancers. Scroll down to the page numbers at the bottom. A lot of people post in Rare and Other. So, sometimes they end up on the following pages. 

    Also, There is a site for just pancreatic cancer. at

    Hope that helps



  • Cass83
    Cass83 Member Posts: 151 Member
    Made suggestion

    I sent a message to see about Pancreatic cancer getting it's own thread instead of being hidden in the "rare and other" since it is no longer rare. Another person also sent a suggestion, so perhaps you could click on the "contaact csn" and suggest it as well.  I have been looking for into for a friend that was just diagnosed and it was hard to find hidden where it is.

  • Oneshot
    Oneshot Member Posts: 153 Member
    Done deal!

    I am glad you were able to find pancreatic cancer .  And did contact CSN. 

    Also for your friend. Look up PanCan. org 

    Take Care and Prayers to your friend,
