Need Help Reading PET Scan

JHarrin Member Posts: 1

I received my mothers PET Scan results and I need it explained in terms that a non-doctor can understand...My mother had a 7lb sarcoma tumor taken out of her intensinal area on April 1, 2018 and it burst in her system...They did not take any procaution after the surgery just in case it came back. She was not feeling well a week ago and went for another PET Scan. If you can please help me in any way to explain what it reads in words I can understand.

Nonspecific physiologic activity seen in the tonsils / base of 
tongue. Subcentimeter left thyroid nodule is again noted without 
associated FDG activity.

Imaging of the visualized portion of the head and neck is 
unremarkable and shows no discrete abnormal FDG activity to suggest 
FDG-avid malignant process. 


Pulmonary nodules less than 10 mm in maximum dimension are often 
below PET resolution.

No bulky or FDG avid adenopathy. The trachea and mainstem bronchi are 
patent. Bibasilar subsegmental atelectasis. No sizable pleural 

Biapical pleural thickening. No FDG avid pulmonary nodules or masses.


Nonspecific heterogeneous uptake throughout the liver and spleen. 
Physiologic radiotracer activity is present within the 
gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

Beam hardening artifact partially limits evaluation. Renal cortical 
cysts are again noted. Small amount of pelvic ascites. Colonic 

Interval marked decrease in size in the previously noted 
hypermetabolic left pelvic mass seen on PET/CT of March 2018. 
Persistent ill-defined soft tissue density adjacent to the sigmoid 
colon demonstrates focal FDG activity measuring SUV max 6.0.

Nonspecific periincisional FDG activity along the midline anterior 
abdominal wall has increased since the prior study measuring SUV max 

Multiple mesenteric soft tissue masses are seen to better advantage 
on the contrast enhanced CT abdomen/pelvis of 6/8/2018. Reference 
soft tissue nodule within the left upper quadrant measures up to 23 
mm and demonstrates peripheral FDG activity measuring SUV max 2.6. 
Multiple additional soft tissue nodules are identified with low-level 
FDG activity. Reference right para-aortic 31 mm soft tissue mass 
measures SUV max 2.0.


Review of bone window imaging, in conjunction with PET imaging, shows 
no evidence of FDG-avid osseous metastasis. 


1. Since prior PET/CT of March 2018, interval marked decrease in size 
in the previously noted hypermetabolic left pelvic mass. Persistent 
ill-defined soft tissue density adjacent to the sigmoid colon 
demonstrates focal FDG activity measuring SUV max 6.0.

2. Multiple mesenteric soft tissue masses are seen to better 
advantage on the contrast enhanced CT abdomen/pelvis of 6/8/2018. 
Reference soft tissue nodule within the left upper quadrant measures 
up to 23 mm and demonstrates peripheral FDG activity measuring SUV 
max 2.6. Multiple additional mesenteric are identified with low-level 
FDG activity as referenced above.

3. Small amount of pelvic ascites.

4. Nonspecific periincisional FDG activity along the midline anterior 
abdominal wall has increased since the prior study measuring SUV max 