Just been diagnosed

Ber18 Member Posts: 1


i was diagnosed just over a week ago with a 5cm on my left kidney. A ct scan confirmed it is cancer. Today I got a call from my cons to say he wants to do a biopsy and put a camera in to have a better look because he is not sure if it is in the tube or not. He mentioned that sometimes chemo is needed before surgery. I wasn’t expecting that at all. When I met with him last week he said treatment may not be needed and he would only know after the surgery did anyone have chemo before surgery and if so for how long ? 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    From my observations


    ---on  this board, chemo i rarely used before surgerry except for really large tumors which yours is not. Given that cancer rarely spreads unless the tumor  s over 4 cm. 5 cm still is likely ton have a very good prognosis.

    What kind of Doctor is a cons suggesting chemo before surgery for a realitively small tumor. I lost (it was taken out of me) my left kidney almost 16 years ago.



  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    I've read that chemo is

    I've read that chemo is almost never used on kidney cancer.  I've also read that there aren't very many biopsies done on kidney masses.  I would suggest getting a consult with a urologic oncologist as soon as possible.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    I agree

    Two of our statesmen have given you some good advice.  I'm not sure the reason to biopsy--at 5 cm it has to come out.  Once it is out then let pathology do their job.  I'd seek a second opionion right away and move to get that out of you.

    Good luck!


  • Brock1969
    Brock1969 Member Posts: 80
    stub1969 said:

    I agree

    Two of our statesmen have given you some good advice.  I'm not sure the reason to biopsy--at 5 cm it has to come out.  Once it is out then let pathology do their job.  I'd seek a second opionion right away and move to get that out of you.

    Good luck!



    Sounds like a second opinion is needed here. Your numbers seem to imply you are in good shape and going to be fine, but your advice appears to not mesh with that

  • MelBlessed
    MelBlessed Member Posts: 71 Member
    Agree with others

    Second opinion! Had same size mass, no biopsy, no chemo. Left Nephrectomy 10 months ago. Thoughts and prayers with you.