Three months post partial...

Brock1969 Member Posts: 80

Hello friends. So, I had the partial nephrectomy Feb 26 and I was the one who may have overdid it on elliptical and swinging a golf club a few weeks after surgery. :(( My lesion was cancerous but small, margins great, cancer free, etc. I guess my question to the wonderful people on this forum involves the soreness that still exists and a little nausea every now and then.  It comes and goes. The stupidity of getting on elliptical aside and the need to swing a golf club when I "thought" all was good after two weeks, anyone find general soreness after three months the norm? I am the anxious type and often thing I feel something small and my mind makes it worse. By no means is my pain harsh, it's just off. 

I fear that maybe I have pulled something which will set me back a little. I have heard of hernia stuff, etc. I take a few weeks off and just walk, but when I try to do elliptical again it seems I have days of soreness in my mid section. Still also not quite back to my energy level. 

I hear so many stories of partial neph patients essentially running the Boston Marathon at week 3, and I cannot sit still, so was just looking for any words of advice. Hope everyone is well. 




  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    I waited almost 11 months after beimg nephed

    ----to go water skiing.  Takee it easy for a few months.




  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    Brock, I am 12 weeks out from

    Brock, I am 12 weeks out from a radical open nephrectomy and am sore as heck still. Incision still healing. Of course I am older, at 64. Just take it easy. If it really bugs you, I'd say get it checked out. At 3 months out for you, are you due for a CT scan anyway? Good luck!

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    Sounds like we had pretty

    Sounds like we had pretty much the same thing.....small lesion.....robotic partial.....mine was just about exactly two years ago.  I didn't have much post-op pain, but having had a couple of abdominal surgeries under my belt (so to speak), I knew to take it easy for about two months.  I did a lot of walking and the only golf club I picked up was a putter.  I got back on the treadmill (not an elliptical kind of guy) at about two months out, but waited until the three month mark passed before starting back in on light weight work.

    I recall there was some soreness when I first started the weights, but it was intermittent and the scans at six months and a year were both normal.  Plus the doctor was amazed at how well the incisions had healed.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    Hi Brock

    Yep, this was me almost two years ago.  Soon after surgery, I started to pound the pavement with running.  I learned my lesson and put my shoes back on the shelf for awhile.  It took some time, but everthing was soon back to normal.  You'll hear people on here say that it takes almost a full year to get back to where you were prior to surgery--I'd agree with that.  I ran a half marathon a year after my surgery and just about matched my PR.  

    Try to take it easy and if you are experiencing ongoing pain, I'd check with your doctor.


  • Phillyd274
    Phillyd274 Member Posts: 8
    Partial Nephrectomy

    Hello all. I was just diagnosed with a 2.4cm mass on my left kidney a couple of weeks ago. I will be scheduled for surgery in a few weeks. I am 41 and this is my first surgery. Of course I'm nervous about the whole process and it's mostly about what happens after surgery. Is the pain level extremely bad after surgery and how can I expect to fill after they wake me up in the recovery room? Glad to have finally found this group which seems to very informed and helpful.

  • Brock1969
    Brock1969 Member Posts: 80
    stub1969 said:

    Hi Brock

    Yep, this was me almost two years ago.  Soon after surgery, I started to pound the pavement with running.  I learned my lesson and put my shoes back on the shelf for awhile.  It took some time, but everthing was soon back to normal.  You'll hear people on here say that it takes almost a full year to get back to where you were prior to surgery--I'd agree with that.  I ran a half marathon a year after my surgery and just about matched my PR.  

    Try to take it easy and if you are experiencing ongoing pain, I'd check with your doctor.


    Thank you to all....

    always appreciate the time you take to respond. 

  • Brock1969
    Brock1969 Member Posts: 80

    Partial Nephrectomy

    Hello all. I was just diagnosed with a 2.4cm mass on my left kidney a couple of weeks ago. I will be scheduled for surgery in a few weeks. I am 41 and this is my first surgery. Of course I'm nervous about the whole process and it's mostly about what happens after surgery. Is the pain level extremely bad after surgery and how can I expect to fill after they wake me up in the recovery room? Glad to have finally found this group which seems to very informed and helpful.

    Hi PhillyD...

    I would first recommend maybe you take this exact post and start a new thread by going to the top of the home page. That way, people can see it as a unique question and you won't get buried and lost under mine. I would be happy to share some suggestions and advice here though. 


    First of all, your mass is small. I assume you will have robot surgery. My surgeon made me feel great at the consult by telling me that he would feel comfortable with me donating that same kidney after surgery because it would be mkore than fine. I still remember that. You are going to be fine as I am sure urologists have told you during early consults. 

    The wakeup is a groggy one :). They ask that you try and walk as quickly as you can. My recommendation for that is to utlize the electric bed and try not to sit up using ANY stomach muscles. Keep those babies happy. As for the walk, don't be a hero (Iceman helps me with this) and truly take mini walks but with regularity. Also, be a bulldog in the hospital. Need something? ask. Not comfortable with what you see? Let them know. I wouldn't say that the pain is all that severe, just unusual and not something you are accustomed to. Maybe a 4-5 on 10 scale. 

    Catherter coming out was 3 seconds of discomfort. The drain tube was worse so brace for that. 

    I stayed a total of 3 1/2 days in the hospital because of slight fevering. Better to be safe and go home when absolutely ready. Ignore the Rambo things you see on the internet of people havin a partial and then going home and splitting wood in 2 days. There is no rush...wish I heeded this advice more. 

    I would say you will be groggy and sore for a good first week. Bowel movements are slow to happen as well. 

    The second week is a little bit of a ruse. You are excited to be feeling better, but probably aren't feeling as great as you think. This is when I pushed things too much. Just understand that even with a partial, it's still major surgery of cutting through muscles and toying with nerves. Be patient. 


    These are all personal experiences combined with the many words of advice found in this forum. Always ask this group. They are gold. 


    Good luck and keep us posted. 

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    It can take way longer than

    It can take way longer than some people say and think. Every one is diffferent and your body will let you know when to back off. Mine certainly did lol. Actually, the area around my largest incision was sore yesterday and I am 7 months post op!!

  • Brock1969
    Brock1969 Member Posts: 80
    AnnissaP said:

    It can take way longer than

    It can take way longer than some people say and think. Every one is diffferent and your body will let you know when to back off. Mine certainly did lol. Actually, the area around my largest incision was sore yesterday and I am 7 months post op!!

    Thanks Annissa

    appreciate it