Mantle Cell Lymphoma prognosis without treatment

My dad was diagnosed 2 months ago with MCL. He also has advanced Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease so we opted not to pursue treatment. All information about prognosis addresses treatment. Does anyone have any idea about prognosis without treatment?


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Many variables involved

    I think each case would be unique and different depending upon the specific situation. I suggest you ask the oncologist.

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    edited June 2018 #3
      So sorry

      I am so sorry that you are facing this and I can pretty much understand, however my situation is a little different.   My husband has MCL and my father died a month and a half ago of advanced Alzheimer’s, so I understand both very much, just not together.  To answer your question, MCL without treatment has a very poor prognosis, however  some MCL patients have been put on what is called watch and wait, which means their symptoms are not really pointing to treatment  at the moment so they are being  monitored and tested regularly. Many of them have gone many years without treatment.  Having said that, in your  fathers situation, I too would have chosen not to pursue treatment. I am not suggesting one way or the other, I am only  telling you what I would do.  I know how sad and difficult this is for you, so please know that my thoughts are with you and I hope that you are at peace. I am sorry also that it has taken me a few days to write but now we are dealing with my 91-year-old mother who is facing health and memory problems herself. We are never prepared for this are we?

    Thinking of you,
