The time has come

Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

So today is the last day of my self imposed break from plexing on my
Thursday I will finally be headed down to Seattle for an MRI, bloodwork and a biopsy followed by a CT GUIDED cyroablation. 
Now as most of you know this has been a bit of a circus act trying to get this done so here's hoping there is no hitch in the giddy up this time!
As usual I find myself being fine with the procedure but nervous about the scans. I realize my journey started only 6 months ago but between kidney cancer/surgery, skin cancer/surgery, wisdom teeth removal, questionable mammogram, **** show first attempt at this ablation thing..... I ready for some breathing room.
I know it could be so much worse and I am so thankful for this site and the never ending advice, support and encouragement you all consistently give me.
I hope everyone of you had a wonderful long weekend and that you are doing well

Fingers crossed 




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    You've gone through a lot and

    You've gone through a lot and deserve a break. Hope all goes smoothly and you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. All the best with the scans and the procedure!

  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    Finally! I'm sure it'll be a

    Finally! I'm sure it'll be a huge relief to have all this behind you after this week. HOPE for only good news and great results! Sure will be thinking of you!!

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    I hope you have a boring,

    I hope you have a boring, uninvolved scan and procedure followed by a rapid recovery.

    As for the scans, my two year scan comes up in mid-July and I'm already starting to wonder about it.  I guess it's the nature of the beast.

  • Nanaof10
    Nanaof10 Member Posts: 57 Member
    Sending prayers

    And hope all goes well.

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Good luck on your upcoming

    Good luck on your upcoming procedure. Prayers for you.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Lets hope



    ----this is the final hick up on your journey and its all  only routine scans to follow.






  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Lets hope



    ----this is the final hick up on your journey and its all  only routine scans to follow.






    Fingers crossed

    Iceman, thanks for the vote of confidence! I can always count on you!! I hope your right.


  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    Nanaof10 said:

    Sending prayers

    And hope all goes well.

    Both of us

    Nana, you and me both!

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

    I hope you have a boring,

    I hope you have a boring, uninvolved scan and procedure followed by a rapid recovery.

    As for the scans, my two year scan comes up in mid-July and I'm already starting to wonder about it.  I guess it's the nature of the beast.

    Boring is good

    Boring is good! I hope I'm bored out of mind.


  • msjax
    msjax Member Posts: 20
    Best of luck

    Best of luck for a benign kind of day along with a speedy recovery ~ you got this!


  • Gtngbtr58
    Gtngbtr58 Member Posts: 206 Member
    Wishing you

    A safe trip to Seattle and back with only good news in between.  Your long awaited procedure is here-lots of good luck and prayers for you. June

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    All the best

    Fingers crossed here too, Cin.

    By the way, 'plexing' is a new word to me.


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member
    Wishing you and easy

    Wishing you and easy procedure!


  • Steph85
    Steph85 Member Posts: 166 Member
    Wishing you

    Wishing you an easy day. I'm glad today is the day and finally get this over with! Gonna have to treat yourself after all of this!

    Take care Cin,


  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    msjax said:

    Best of luck

    Best of luck for a benign kind of day along with a speedy recovery ~ you got this!


    Fingers crossed

    I hope so. I'm feeling ok with it all!

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

    Wishing you

    A safe trip to Seattle and back with only good news in between.  Your long awaited procedure is here-lots of good luck and prayers for you. June

    I'll take all the luck and

    I'll take all the luck and prayers I can

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

    All the best

    Fingers crossed here too, Cin.

    By the way, 'plexing' is a new word to me.


    Steve, I'm not sure where

    Steve, I'm not sure where that word came from but I picked it up from I use it a lot.

    Now I can't even bring myself to look it up just because I have 4 kids and it probably has some horrible urban dictionary meaning!! Lol


  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    Allochka said:

    Wishing you and easy

    Wishing you and easy procedure!


    Thanks Alla, I'll keep you

    Thanks Alla, I'll keep you posted!

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    Steph85 said:

    Wishing you

    Wishing you an easy day. I'm glad today is the day and finally get this over with! Gonna have to treat yourself after all of this!

    Take care Cin,


    Your right maybe once it

    Your right maybe once it everything settles down a nice vacay might be in order!

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,045 Member
    Night owls and Early Birds....

    Looking at the times you posted, some off you are on the compuer late at night and early in the morning.

    My dear Cinnamongirl,  All best wishes for successful and totally uneventful tests and procedures.  You are very deserving.  When all goes well, then enjoy the pampering you may indulge in while recovering.

    Take care and Hugs,


    You're not too far away on PDT, I'm on the Oregon coast.