Hang In There

All, it's been almost a year since I've lost my Karen. I still hold her close to me and think of her often everyday. I know circumstances are different for everyone. The first couple of months of losing someone so close to you is devastating. The pain is indescribable. Everyone deals with pain in their own way. I hope all of you that have suffered loss have found some kind of peace. I feel for each and every one of you. I know how it feels and I've been down the road and I'm still traveling on it. I have found some peace but I still miss her everyday and I will for the remainder of my days. But we must live and move on and honor those in some way as we continue to live our lives. To those who have just recently experienced loss, my only advice to you is to hang in there and to seek help through grief counseling. There is no shame in grieving and there is no shame in trying to find help. There are so many great people and groups out there who are willing to help you. Seek them if you feel the need.  For those of you who are further down the road, I hope you are finding your way through with time. I know its a never ending process. The pain we feel from our loss is the feeling of love that we can't express to our now departed. But take solace in the fact that they know we love them and that they can feel our love. Believe it!! I wish you all peace in your process and your journey. May God be with you all.