Colon cancer mets to liver

lorieblue Member Posts: 1

My MIL was diagnosed in April with colon cancer that spread to the liver. She has chosen not to have chemo. Can anyone tell me what to excpect? Scared/ Worried/ Shocked i dont even know how to describe me and my family right now. We would like to know what may be coming our way as she seems to be going down hill fast. She sleeps alot and eats very little. I see this in alot of the comments on this site. I am guessing that is with any cancer? Has anyone got any information? Advice? 

Thanks and God Bless Each and Everyone of You



  • OzarkGal
    OzarkGal Member Posts: 41
    Very Sorry

    Experiences can vary.  Some go downhill fast and for others it can be a prolonged struggle.  It is important that your Mom be comfortable and not in pain.  If hospice is available where you are, it is something to consider.  Hospice can provide help with the  physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of your Mom and family.  This is generally provided in home.  You typically need a referral from her doctor.  If she gets better or you decide hospice is not right for your Mom, you can end hospice services at any time.   

    If in the U.S., here is the link to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization for more information:

    Sending warmest thoughts and prayers your way!

  • fuckthisdisease
    fuckthisdisease Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018 #3
    Question about MIL not doing chemo

    I'm just wondering...why won't your MIL pursue chemo treatment?

  • luke220
    luke220 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2018 #4
    My friend was diagnosed with

    My friend was diagnosed with primary liver in April and she died this morning. Respect your MIL's wishes. My friend chose radiation and chemo. After her surgery she was proclaimed "cancer free!"

    Her sickest days seemed to be reactions to chemo. She had a very rapid decline in the past week. I'm glad that she had some quality of life in the past five months. Enjoy every day with your MIL.


  • Butt
    Butt Member Posts: 352 Member

    Well, if this is her choice we need to respect it. In reality she may need to see a liver surgeon who will determine if she is respectable. Chemo may bring to resection too. Cut the part of the liver. It grows back clean. I had it. Not a big deal. I have colon cancer too. Butt.