arm muscle pain after chemo

sumomo Member Posts: 1

I have a pain in my arm muscle (bicep) especially when I stretch. It started after completing the 6 months of chemo (AC + T). The lymph nodes were removed from the armpit and my arm mobility was limited after the surgery 8 months ago but it was fully recovered in a few months, therefore I was able to move my arm fully without any problem during the chemo. Now I cannot move my arm well so it's like getting back the post-surgery condition. The arm is not swelled so it doesn't seem to be lymphedema. Not sure if it is a chemo side effect, but it never happened during the chemo. Has anyone had a same or similar experience?



  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member

    Many side effects can linger or pop up way after the intial treatments.  Ask your docs to send you to a physical therapist that is specially trained to deal with women who have had breast cancer.  They can give you a good assessment and get to the bottom of it.  Might be the beginning of lymphodema or might be scar tissue build up or a damaged nerve, but they can find out.  Dont give up seeking the answer because you are worth it.

