Did I Cause This?

AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
edited April 2018 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hi all! Quick question... Almost 6 mths post radical and my creatinine keeps going up and my eGFR down. I have had 3 blood tests. Things were improving on the 2nd one, but now are worse as of yesterday. Here are the results:

Dec 21 - Creatinine 130 gfr 45

Feb 15 - Creatinine 127 gfr 46

Apr 27 - Creatinine 139 gfr 41

Is it my diet maybe or is this normal? Thanks xoxo


  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    Sounds like me..

    I'm not as far along as you, but my eGFR levels went up then back down.  I'm beginning to wonder about other CKD, which concerns the hell out of me with only one kidney.



  • Optimisticgirl
    Optimisticgirl Member Posts: 82 Member

    Do you see a nephrologist? My husbands gfr is down to 30. Stage 3 ckd. Apparently the kidney with cancer was the better one. The one he is left with has had many kidney stones and lithotripsy over the years. Nephrologist keeping close eye, says he will be OK.  One day at a time. No special diet yet, but I try to keep eye on sodium, potassium and protein in our meals. I don’t think you cause this unless your diet is poor, just the function remaining in your kidney. The Dr. warned of the possibility of dialysis somewhere along the line before he had nephrectomy. 



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    I second seeing a Nephrologist



    I would also see a Nephrologist with those numbers.




  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member


  • Justinb40y
    Justinb40y Member Posts: 22



    Drink at least 3 liters of water every day

    Watch calcium  and high protein content in food everyday

    This should bring down creatinine


  • CRashster
    CRashster Member Posts: 241 Member
    My eGFR

    My eGFR is never good, usaully 40s. Mine before surgery was only 45, after surgery 22. It now seems to stay between 35 and 45. I wish I had the answer. I know it can change day to day. Stay hydrated, watch your BP.

  • Mighty Frog
    Mighty Frog Member Posts: 152 Member
    What kind of diet?

    Hi! AnnissaP!

    What kind of diet are you going through ? As the general rules are limit on sodium and protein intake. There are some researches on fish oil ( Omega 3) might can help.




  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    EGFR is not very accurate

    Hi Annissa,

    eGFR is estimated and not very accurate. I googled eGFR error range and learned that the eGFR can be +/- 30% of the properly measured GFR.

    So your kidney function might not have changed at all between those tests.

    My three eGFR results so far are 66, 56 and 61.

    I had an MRI the other day and they checked my eGFR while I waited, though I think it was a less accurate test. The result was 77 which seems too high but it still made me feel good.

    I don't think kidney damage is reversible though Todd said his eGFR improved when he lost weight.

    One big kidney killer is high blood sugar. Kidney damage is a very common complication of diabetes. This knowledge might influence our dietary decisions.


  • ImNotDeadYet
    ImNotDeadYet Member Posts: 244
    Those don't look terrible


    My creatinine is usually in the 1.31 - 1.39 range, though it has been much higher at times. eGFR will go up as creatinine go down. I beieve the post-neph normal range high point is 1.30, with below that being normal until you hit the bottom number - not sure what that is, as I've been lucky to keep it in the 1.3s. The better you hydrate, the more likely the creatinine will lower.
