Foods and supplements that reduce fibrosis


Hi Everybody,

Well, after radiation and chemo to my throat, and four surgeries, all in the last year, needless to say that I have developed a severe case of soft tissue fibrosis in my throat. I have great difficulty turning my head in any direction and cannot swallow at all even though the last two surgeries were supposed to fix that. It seems that every time they cut me to make it better, it actually gets worse. I have about come to the conclusion that surgery is not going to give good results. So... I have turned the page so to speak and I am now researching foods and/or supplements that may help reduce the fibrosis. There are literally TONS of sites that suggest this or that to reduce the fibrosis but how do I know which ones are legit? My question is this, Does anyone know of any food or supplement that reduces fibrosis. And I don't mean that you heard a story about a guy that did or someone said that this works, I mean first hand experience with something that actually works. I am desparate to find something that works. I feel as if somebody has grabbed me around my throat and is literally trying to choke me. I massage on it sometimes so hard that I'm afraid I may poke a hole in it but so far it has not helped much at all. If it were not for my trach tube, I'm afraid I would be long gone. Please, if you know of anything that may help, please let me know. 




  • dalaitom
    dalaitom Member Posts: 27 Member
    Since you seem pretty open to

    Since you seem pretty open to trying anything... have you considered using a TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation) electronic pulse massager? I know those units are available and inexpensive nowadays.

  • Twostepr
    Twostepr Member Posts: 16
    dalaitom said:

    Since you seem pretty open to

    Since you seem pretty open to trying anything... have you considered using a TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation) electronic pulse massager? I know those units are available and inexpensive nowadays.

    Not sure

    Hi dalaitom. I'm not sure at this point if a TENS unit would help. My understasnding is that they are designed to help with muscle pain and regrowth of the muscle. My problem seems to be excess scar tissue so I'm not sure it would help. I'll ask my doctors the next time I see them which is coming up on the 26th. Thank you for the suggestion.

  • Jbrooks
    Jbrooks Member Posts: 43
    Twostepr said:

    Not sure

    Hi dalaitom. I'm not sure at this point if a TENS unit would help. My understasnding is that they are designed to help with muscle pain and regrowth of the muscle. My problem seems to be excess scar tissue so I'm not sure it would help. I'll ask my doctors the next time I see them which is coming up on the 26th. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Hi Twostepr...just wondered

    Hi Twostepr...just wondered what ideas ,thoughts, suggestions on the fibrosis your doctor's had... I have severe fibrosis so am interested.

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 383 Member
    In terms of food, most tissue

    In terms of food, most tissue repair requires extra protein.  But my suspicion is that your biggest success is going to come with physical therapy.  If the tissue damage wasn't healing then diet would help.  But fibrosis is healed tissue, it just didn't heal the way one would hope.  Mine was stubborn, but increasing activity outdoors with the better weather is finally seeing major changes.   I tried lots of things over the last 17 months, sailing, swimming, skiing, tai chi, geology field work, improvement was minimal.  Last month  I was doing a lot of walking, at least ten miles a day, and was on what was a very high protein diet, lots of eggs, cheese, and dry sausage, plus red wine with many meals.   Suddenly my lymphedema shrank to practically noting, and with it my stiff tissue.   I'm not sure what to attribute that to, other than time and moving on with life.

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570

    Hey James,

    I'm sorry to hear about the severe fibrosis that you are coping with, and I wish that there was a supplement that would rectify it.  I seriously doubt that there is a supplement that will do the trick. I have some fibrosis due to the oh so ever popular radiation treatment, the gift that keeps on ..., but it is not as bad as yours, not even way back right after my treatments.  I was at least able to turn my head enough to drive, and over time I have attained a bit greater turning mobility radius.  Hopefully, as your recovery continues your fibrosis severity will diminish.  You might, if you haven't already, chat with your docs about which, if any, physical and massage therapies might help to loosen up some of the damaged tissues.  I hope that you are able to find some solutions to help your neck to loosen up.
