Swollen Lips and ear aches

Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member

Today was rad number 11. My mouth already a war zone. I thought rinsing with salt water and baking soda would help. I rinse about 20-30 times a day

Inside my lips have swelled and can't drink anything hot..,. Canker sores under the tongue. Makes it difficult to eat and tongue exercise. Any other recommendations on 

battling the sores... I have an ear ache and have lost hearing due to the infections. Radiation rash has appeared at base of neck.. This is just the emd of week two.. lol

What next....I still have plentry of saliva. I do experience dry mouth at night when im in bed.. When I sit upright I don't have a problem.. 

Hell week has officially begun


  • DanceSkater
    DanceSkater Member Posts: 62

    So sorry to learn that the side effects have begun.   Do you have a "magic" mouthwash in your arsenal ?   If not, you might ask your care team about a prescription for it.

    If you haven't read through the following, you might find some tips that will help.  There's a lot I didn't know until I got the sores. 


    I'd start using something on the rad burns ASAP.  Mine never got very bad but I know they can.  My nurse and doc got on my case as soon as my skin turned a slight pink.  I used  Aquaphor.   It's greasy but it worked for me.  It has to be ALL off for a rad treatment.   I'm sure others will give you tips on this too.  

    I will be thinking of you.

  • Dean54
    Dean54 Member Posts: 160 Member
    Sorry to hear all the trouble so soon

    I didn't really have much in the way of most the stuff you are talking about execpt a little mouth discomfort and the magic mouthwash took care of that. That and the liquid pain meds. I'm over 4 months from the radiation and still have hardly any saliva.Hope it gets better for you darkdancer.

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    Today was rad #30 out of 33

    Today was rad #30 out of 33 for my husband.  He'd been using Aquaphor with great success until last week, when doc prescribed silver sulfadiazine cream due to extent of redness on neck.  This cream has wound healing properties, rather than just being preventative.  "Lubricity" is an OTC spray that works best for his dry mouth, and the magic mouthwash is there when he needs it (by prescription).  He developed "textbook case" of a mucosal outbreak on tongue around rad #11  (a bad number for him too) and had to miss one chemo as a result.  He's upped his pain medication, and is vigilant about keeping mouth clean.  I've got you in my thoughts every day, and sending best positive wishes your way.  Make sure the team constantly monitors your mouth/tongue.  In my husband's case, that week around #11 was actually the worst so far, and his last rad will be next week.    

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    If you have any sense of hearing loss and are doing any chemo, please report that ASAP. Permanent hearing loss can occur; the chemo can be adjusted.

  • Darkdancer333
    Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member
    donfoo said:


    If you have any sense of hearing loss and are doing any chemo, please report that ASAP. Permanent hearing loss can occur; the chemo can be adjusted.

    the hearing lossis s because

    the hearing lossis s because of rads. Its why we didn't do the cistulin.. chemo. Carbo/Taxol didnt have that side effect. They gave me some nasal spray to clear the passage. The problem is my ears are plugged and i cant pop them it hurts to do it lol. 

    Since i have the infection like a sore throat it always settles in  the ears

    I got some miaderm today I hope it gets rid of the red blotchy spots on my neck

    The musucs only come about when im up. When I lay on my back its ok. This is the end of week three.. 13 rads and 3 chemos. Doctor said next week will get worse.. 

    I am still eating ... He didnt like i lost 2 pounds.. I have no PEG...And he is concerned about that

    Last 2 days i ate 3 combo burritios two tacos, rice and minced ham, pasta and minced beef, 4 boost, banan drink, lots of licorice lol and plenty water, ginger ale

    I don't know what more i can eat I eat until no londger hungry