Just got here, I need emotional support

Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum. My mother has cancer since 2010. A neuroendocrine tumor that has spread to the liver.


English isn't my native language, so bear with me here, please. I have nowhere else to turn. I will post the complete story soon enough, but for now, just let me say it here, I am completely devastated at the idea that I might lose here. It was always a distant fear, something that I thought would never come. But she's in a complicated situation right now. 2 out of 4 of my grandparents died of cancer, and the others also had painful deaths, all of which I was there to see and suffer.

My father had to care for my grandfather for most of my early childhood and was a little distant. My mother is the closest person that I have, she's the one who maintains a balance in my daily life I'm afraid I just can't live without.

I'm so worried, afraid, please help me.


  • Sharmaineice
    Sharmaineice Member Posts: 2
    Stay strong.

    I had the same experience with my mom. I lost her on mother's day last year. We were extremely close. I was her caregiver. I miss her so much that it hurts. Hold your mom every chance you get. Let her know that you love her. Comfort her and enjoy being with her. I'm sure your mom loves and adores you. I am here whenever you want to talk.

  • CynCyti
    CynCyti Member Posts: 2
    Every Little Things Gonna Be Alright

    What I'm going to share isn't to scare you, it's to show you how strong the human soul is.  I am a cancer survivor, Acute Myloid Leukemia...a tough one to survive, especially after getting Sepsis (which progressed immediately to septic shock), and spending a month in an induced coma, multiple organ failure on full life support.  A woman much younger than I lost her arm and leg after a much shorter battle with Sepsis...50% don't survive.  I relapsed last year, and had a stem cell transplant in May.  I know the only reason I survived the first episode, and the last, was because of the encouragement of those two beautiful human beings.  I apparently told my son (before they intubated me) I couldn't do it anymore, and he said "You have to, that's all there is to it".  My daughter was at university, lives 1,000 miles away.  My son (disabled) has been with me through every second of this, and stayed with me the entire time of the coma... his constant encouragement, support - and, yes, nagging, is why I'm here today.  Given the relationship you have with your Mother, I have no doubt if you give her the same love you have already, she will heal (if humanly possible)...but your presence through all of this is what will give her the strength she needs to survive.  I don't know where you live, but research everything you can related to her cancer and see what studies have shown to be effective insofar as alternative options, and keep asking questions.  One other thing, infection is a huge issue, so make sure she is showered every day while in or out of the hospital, it's protocol with a transplant, and I didn't have one issue with infection (they use antiseptic, very particular soap), as well as as as much excercise as she can manage...just walking anywhere is a huge help.  Love and blessings to you both!

  • StubbornSurvivor
    StubbornSurvivor Member Posts: 3
    News from me

    Hello again everyone. Thank you for the support so far. As promised I bring more news. The doctors let me and my father take her home earlier this week. They gave me some insight into what's going on and it's worrying. The exams show her liver is nearly entirely taken by the cancer. It grew so much in the last 3 months, compared to the previously stable slow growth. They will try some iodine treatment used for treating thyroid cancer hoping it works and lets her live a bit longer.


    The last few days have been hard on me. Just a month ago she ate normally, could go out with me, it saddens me more and more everytime this sickness takes something more away from her, now she can barely walk around the house due to the swelling...