recurrence after 1 year - new thread



  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    Last rad today

    Had my last internal rad today! Finished the 25 external 2 weeks ago and 4 brachy today. My radonc doc is amazing and he has been so careful to not over radiate as that can cause problems and he knows I prefer quality to quanity. I will be followed every 3 mos. for a year. Have been down this road 2 times before so know the drill. Have accepted that this may get to be a well rutted road but am good for it. I finished this time with only side effect being that Imodium and I are very good friends. I am not too worse for wear - have lost 10 pounds but not a big deal as I had some to lose. Very tired of bland food and look forward to a good steak.  For now going to get the innards settled down, get back to some exercise and some slow walks on a gentle horse. 

    Again, I am so thankful for this site. Our sisterhood is not one of our choosing but we are here not only for ourselves but for those who follow after us.  Hugs !!!

  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member

    Congratulations, Donna Faye! I know you had great trepidation about this course of action but you've come through it like a champ. Have a big ole steak and celebrate!

  • Jairoldi
    Jairoldi Member Posts: 221 Member

    Way to get 'er done! 

  • Violet123
    Violet123 Member Posts: 28 Member
    edited April 2018 #25
    Congratulations!  Thanks for

    Congratulations!  Thanks for sharing your journey.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm so glad to hear your

    I'm so glad to hear your treatment is done.  Now, time to rest and heal. (((Donna)))



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Donna Faye - congrats on

    Donna Faye - congrats on finishing again!!!!! So glad that is behind you and that you have plans to ride again soon. I hope you heal quickly and can enjoy that steak!

    Love and Hugs,


  • ethibault1
    ethibault1 Member Posts: 2
    Newbie - Relapse Low Grade Serous Ovarian

    Hi everyone- all your stories are inspiring, and I remain hopeful. Hard to do sometimes, so I come here to find commonality. I am stage IIIc, recurring in the omentum, bladder and peritineum. City of Hope for further treatment. Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    Newbie - Relapse Low Grade Serous Ovarian

    Hi everyone- all your stories are inspiring, and I remain hopeful. Hard to do sometimes, so I come here to find commonality. I am stage IIIc, recurring in the omentum, bladder and peritineum. City of Hope for further treatment. Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories.


    I'm glad that you've found the information on this site helpful so far, but very sorry that you've had to find your way here as a result of your recurrence.

    We'd like to hear more about what is planned for your treatment or other concerns. However, sometimes starting a new topic that is specific to your situation will result in more responses than adding onto an existing, longer thread like this one.

  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    4 weeks post external

    Well, have finally gone several days without Imodium - yippee!!! I am still very slowly adding foods but most still rather bland. I started probiotics last week and do think it helped a lot. My doc did not suggest but read where many of you did and it helped with the bowel issues. Am feeling good and lookig forward to a summer of short trips and just having some good times.  Hugs to all of you and best to all for our future. Will check back in a few weeks!

  • Jairoldi
    Jairoldi Member Posts: 221 Member

    4 weeks post external

    Well, have finally gone several days without Imodium - yippee!!! I am still very slowly adding foods but most still rather bland. I started probiotics last week and do think it helped a lot. My doc did not suggest but read where many of you did and it helped with the bowel issues. Am feeling good and lookig forward to a summer of short trips and just having some good times.  Hugs to all of you and best to all for our future. Will check back in a few weeks!


    Glad you got through your treatments and on to mending and resting up for those short trips this summer. 

  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    hurry up and wait

    Today was my 3 mo. check from finding recurrence; 6 weeks from last rad! Gyn/onc found a small bump that she did not like but called rad doc to see if she should biopsy or not. I learned that rad beams keep working 3 mos. after last one, so they and I decided to wait for 6 weeks and see if it is gone or not! Option if not is surgery. Location is very near rectum so would have to be very careful. At this point, I am okay with waiting and hoping the bump is gone. If not, will cross that bridge when I get there. So, ladies, will get back with you in six weeks. Enjoy the summer - I plan to!