Lymphedema and other side effects

Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member

Ladies, if you've gotten lymphedema, how long after surgery/treatment did it develop?  For other side effects of surgery/treatment, how long did it take for your symptoms to appear?


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    For me, I had surgery April

    For me, I had surgery April 27 and in September 10 that same year I saw my leg swelling some and thought I had a blood clot as my leg.  I had an ultrasound to see if it was a bloodclot, and when it wasn't, and they figured it was lymphedema, I had physical therapy.  She fitted me for a compression garmet.  I needed to update this post:  I had completed my first 3 chemo only.  I had not started my external/brach radiotherapy.

    So almost 5 months for me??

  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member
    I had 37 lymph nodes removed

    I had 37 lymph nodes removed in November 2016 and, mercifully, have had no lymphadema. I hope there aren't any late-breaking issues ahead. External radiation was completed in August 2017 and, except for bladder irritation and a shrunken/sensitive hoo ha, I haven't had any untoward symptoms. Chemo was finished in April 2017; while in treatment I lost feeling in the outer 3 toes on my left foot and they have continued to be numb almost a year out, so I suspect that's a permanent condition. Compared to what others have had to deal with, I feel very fortunate that none of these have been worse. Of course I also had a recurrence while doing chemo, so I guess it all balances out...