It's time for a's been close to a year

Pamcakes Member Posts: 112 Member

DH will have a coly early this week. This will technically be his first since the one that discovered the tumor didn't allow the first one to actually be completed. There have been scans, he is really worried since the last coly totally changed our world. He went into the test just Turning 38 and woke up to emergency stage 4 surgery And then liver ablation a month later.Last 2 Ct scans were clear. PET is scheduled next month. he completed 12 cycles of folfox & Avastin, 5 FU pump. DH is starting maintenance chemo for another 6 months of 4000 mg Xeloda and Avastin every other week. How do you decide which doctors to go with when they have different recommendation? is DH technically NED and he is doing some extra chemo as a step down to help ensure any filters are zapped? Also any tips to deal with the Xelod? We have the hand:feet issue prepared for and DH has started about 1.5 months ago getting used to putting the lotion: ointment on his hands and feet twice per day. I have even managed to buy a nice size bag of mary Jane ( did this soon after diagnosises) any other tips? DH is ready to stop all treatment, when/ if he gets to this point, I will give him my thoughts, but I will not guilt him, beg him etc to keep taking treatment. I love and respect him as he would me if the situation was reverse. However, if I can do anything to make this more tolerable I will try! Any suggestions tips advice are very welcomed! DH has local dr. Dr at MDA, patient advocate at MDA and ability to email the advocate and dr. And an oncologist care manager with our insuranc...we are utilizing all of them and very greatful for all of their help! However, this forum is the most helpful and I greatly appreciate any info you may have.



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited March 2018 #2

    Good for him on the two scans clear.  It's a good thing for followup on the colonoscopy just to make sure of nothing else there especially after any type of surgery.  As far as the Xeloda it's hard to say how one responds but it's good that you are prepared for the hand and feet symptoms that are attributed to that.  You are right about it being his decision on treatment, but it sounds like you are a very supportive wife that will give him sound advice when his head might be whirling with thoughts.  Wishing him the best outcome and let us know how he does.


  • Pamcakes
    Pamcakes Member Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you Kim for the kind

    Thank you Kim for the kind words and well wishes! DH had his colonoscopy today and the colon is clear! We were worried as DH has had some blood on occasions and he was getting really worried that something else was going on or the colon was no longer connected from the surgery. If nothing else it gave us a little peace of mind. The new chemo starts in the morning. I think after today DH feels ready for this next stage of his treatment. now praying for a clean PET scan next month. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    That is wonderful news.  This is just a process you go through now to make sure that things continue to do well.  The chemo can be hard on him and you as well, but make sure he drinks lots of liquids as this will help flush it through his system.  Please let us know how everything is going especially with him tolerating the treatment and the results of the scan.  Once again, this is a great hurdle that he has gotten over today.  If you have any further questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask the board.  Wishing him luck tomorrow.
