Denial or determined

NCMimi Member Posts: 3

I was diagnosed in October with stage 3c poorly differentiad high-grad  mullerian adenocarcinoma.  I had a complete hysterectomy and debulking and am about to take my 5th chemo treatment.  I am being treated by an gynecological oncologist that I like very much.  At first, I told her that I did not want a "prognosis" and went to work as soon as I recovered from the surgery.  Since then I have been reading about this particilar type of ovarian cancer and it does not sound good.  By no means am I giving up - my CA125 levels have dropped to 31 - yeah!  Lately though I have been thinking about retiring from work and spending more time with family and doing things I enjoy.  Is there anyone else that has this particular type of OC?  Would just like to hear what you have been going through.


  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    I can relate to your

    I can relate to your wondering if you should stop working and spend more time with your family. I did just that. I had uterine cancer (no evidence of disease for 9 yrs now). I made the decision to only do some consulting now and then. I spend more time enjoying each day.  An influence on me was the fact that my Mom died of the same type, stage and grade of uterine cancer as I was diagnosed with  just 4 yrs before my diagnosis. She  was 72 yrs old when she died. I was diagnosed at age 53.

    If you can get health insurance that is a big consideration for most of us that haven’ t reached Medicare age yet.

    So glad to hear your CA 125 is lower! I don’ t really think much about survival statistics only because we each are unique onto ourselves and it seems like we all fight the cancer the best we can but there are so many variables.

    You will make the right decision for you about how to spend each day of life you have.  

      This prayer is broadcast on a radio station (WNAX in Yankton SD) every morning at 4:59 am CST. 

    “This is MY DAY”

    “This is my day, God has given me this day to use as I will. 

    I can waste it....or use it for good. What I do today is very important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes , this day will be gone forever, leaving something in its place.

    May God , who gave me this day, also give me the wisdom to know how to live it, to be directed to add good to it...not evil. May the life which he also gave me be well spent for this day. “


  • NCMimi
    NCMimi Member Posts: 3

    I can relate to your

    I can relate to your wondering if you should stop working and spend more time with your family. I did just that. I had uterine cancer (no evidence of disease for 9 yrs now). I made the decision to only do some consulting now and then. I spend more time enjoying each day.  An influence on me was the fact that my Mom died of the same type, stage and grade of uterine cancer as I was diagnosed with  just 4 yrs before my diagnosis. She  was 72 yrs old when she died. I was diagnosed at age 53.

    If you can get health insurance that is a big consideration for most of us that haven’ t reached Medicare age yet.

    So glad to hear your CA 125 is lower! I don’ t really think much about survival statistics only because we each are unique onto ourselves and it seems like we all fight the cancer the best we can but there are so many variables.

    You will make the right decision for you about how to spend each day of life you have.  

      This prayer is broadcast on a radio station (WNAX in Yankton SD) every morning at 4:59 am CST. 

    “This is MY DAY”

    “This is my day, God has given me this day to use as I will. 

    I can waste it....or use it for good. What I do today is very important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes , this day will be gone forever, leaving something in its place.

    May God , who gave me this day, also give me the wisdom to know how to live it, to be directed to add good to it...not evil. May the life which he also gave me be well spent for this day. “


    Thanks Northwoodsgirl for

    Thanks Northwoodsgirl for your response.  My Mom died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 56 ( I will be 56 next month).  She was diagnosed and died in less than a year.  I have 2 more treatments before my scan so I think I will take this time to decide what I want to do.  Congratulations on your 9 year NED!