Exposed to flu?

BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368
edited January 2018 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Well my lovely son visited from Friday to Saturday night. He just texted me this morning that he and his roommates have the flu something fierce, with profuse vomiting and dizziness. I have definitely been exposed, so I'll call my Dr. In the morning to see if he'd like to treat me with Tamiflu preventatively. Anyone here ever experience a nasty flu along with cancer?




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I hope you can get in with your Dr. first thing. 

    I have been wearing a surgical mask at work, where I mix with folks who think its just fine to go into public sick. I am skipping the main meeting at church today, because last week I sat and instead of listening to the speaker, I heard every wet cough in the room. One little lad was so sick, he was pale, and his eyes were drooping and his cough was definitely wet, which is not a good sign.

    We have to take every precaution we can, not to be exposed.

    I wish you the best.  


  • airborne72
    airborne72 Member Posts: 302 Member
    edited January 2018 #3

    Late yesterday afternoon I began feeling that tingle in my throat.  Then I developed a headache (something I rarely get).  My sleep last night was labored, which is symptomatic for me.  This morning I awoke with a very sore throat and a pulsing headache.

    However, the most unusual event has been the output in my ileostomy.  I was experiencing some pain in my stoma so I watched it to see what was happening.  To my surprise a rather large, solid object emerged.  It was the size and shape of a large peanut (dark green) even though the rest of the output was a yellow fluid. 

    I squeezed it to determine its consistency.  It was easy to mash and was not hard.  However, I then noticed that there were several more in my bag.  All of them smaller than the more that got my attention.  When it was all done I had a handful of them.  There looked just like rabbit pellets.

    My diet yesterday was orange juice, coffee, water with vitamin C, peanut butter crackers, some tortilla chips and three chicken quesadilla's from O'Charleys.  Most days that is all I eat.  Not that menu, but that volumn.

    Anybody with an ileostomy ever had green rabbit pellet type output?  Is this the result of a virus?  Am I possessed?


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member


    Late yesterday afternoon I began feeling that tingle in my throat.  Then I developed a headache (something I rarely get).  My sleep last night was labored, which is symptomatic for me.  This morning I awoke with a very sore throat and a pulsing headache.

    However, the most unusual event has been the output in my ileostomy.  I was experiencing some pain in my stoma so I watched it to see what was happening.  To my surprise a rather large, solid object emerged.  It was the size and shape of a large peanut (dark green) even though the rest of the output was a yellow fluid. 

    I squeezed it to determine its consistency.  It was easy to mash and was not hard.  However, I then noticed that there were several more in my bag.  All of them smaller than the more that got my attention.  When it was all done I had a handful of them.  There looked just like rabbit pellets.

    My diet yesterday was orange juice, coffee, water with vitamin C, peanut butter crackers, some tortilla chips and three chicken quesadilla's from O'Charleys.  Most days that is all I eat.  Not that menu, but that volumn.

    Anybody with an ileostomy ever had green rabbit pellet type output?  Is this the result of a virus?  Am I possessed?


    I swear, every step of this journey can be scary

    I would start a new thread, Jim, something with an eye catching subject line.  

    I myself only pop bumbles (Rabbit poo) from my bum, so can't be of any help.


  • Worriedchild
    Worriedchild Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2018 #5
    Trubrit said:


    I hope you can get in with your Dr. first thing. 

    I have been wearing a surgical mask at work, where I mix with folks who think its just fine to go into public sick. I am skipping the main meeting at church today, because last week I sat and instead of listening to the speaker, I heard every wet cough in the room. One little lad was so sick, he was pale, and his eyes were drooping and his cough was definitely wet, which is not a good sign.

    We have to take every precaution we can, not to be exposed.

    I wish you the best.  


    still on medicine?

    hi Tru 

    are you still on any medications that you are taking so many precautions for flu?

  • plsletitrain
    plsletitrain Member Posts: 252 Member
    edited January 2018 #6
    Some cough and runny nose here and there

    I usually experience that.  But thankfully, haven't had fever yet.  I would advise those in active treatment to be more cautious as when in treatment our immune system is down due to the chemo killing the cells so we're very vulnerable during that time.  I tried wearing a mask everywhere but I can't breathe.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    still on medicine?

    hi Tru 

    are you still on any medications that you are taking so many precautions for flu?


    Just two weeks ago I started taking a mulit vitamin and a vitamin C, because I have caught a cold once a month for the last three months. I NEVER catch colds, so I think my immune system has been compromised by the chemo and raditation. 

    I try to drink a glass of 1 fresh squeezed orange with half a fresh squeezed lemon. 


  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    edited January 2018 #8

    I am so sorry your son is so sick! Does he have coughing, and fever symptoms or is it the stomach bug? The profuse vomiting sounds more like a stomach bug (which is out there also) and not the influenza flu. Which is more fever, coughing, sore throat etc. i wouldn’t panic too much  maybe something they ate? Especially since all of them now have it only a day later. Tamiflu is only effective for the cough cold type flu. All of it is scary right now. I know my husband got a nasty cold about a month into chemo but his blood work was good and he fought it off himself. i hope your son is feeling better soon and you never catch what he had!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited January 2018 #9

    Bummer.  Hoping that you don't get it.  It seems like there are a lot of people getting it that usually don't get sick.  Good idea to contact doctor, just in case. 


  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    edited February 2018 #10
    enough chemistry to kill viruses...

    My wife is good when on her immunochemo and supplements including IV vitamin C, zinc, selenium, PSK, WGP, flavinoids, and large vit D3.  The rest of us were trashed with a really nasty virus and it just showed up as a disturbance of her bloodwork, whacked numbers but no symptoms.

  • BRHMichigan
    BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368
    Still no flu for me

    Thank you,  everyone, for your suggestions. Maybe my supplements have helped ward it off. I have a stuffy nose, but that's about it. My son, both his roommates, and a number of their friends all got the same bug. Took him 4 days to feel okay. Just glad me and my little granddaughter have avoided it so far!