A little lost

Amyb-36 Member Posts: 1
edited January 2018 in Ovarian Cancer #1


I have read this board and everyone seems very informed. I am looking for a few honest pointers. I am not the best at explaining myself so I will try to be quick and clear.

I am trying to decide if looking into OC is a logical step for me. I havent Felt well for several months.

I experience upset stomach and constipation daily (always changing between these two never normal) general abdoman discomfort 

I have lost about 10lbs without trying in a month and half. I also feel as if I have a lump in my throat at all times and belch.

My period became very heavy about two years ago, I also experience clots and tissues.

inalso leak urin almost daily. I tried pelvic floor pt but it didn’t do much.

 I made and appointment with my doc. Because I thought I had a silent acid reflux And I couldn’t stand the lump in my throat.

At my appointment my doc prescribed me acid reflux meds. She wants me to try it for two weeks and see if the neck fullness goes away. It isn’t working, 

My doc also mentioned I fit the bill for IBS, OC and Thyroid cancer.....I had an ultra sound on my neck. There found two cyst and enlarged lymph nodes. None of it is cancer, if they get larger we will remove them. But these cyst do not explain most of my problems.


Which has left us trying to decide whats next. I do not want to go on a witch hunt.

My doc said I fit a lot of the warnings for OV but I am 36 and had a CT about 5 months ago for intense abdominal pain, which makes ov unlikely. The CT showed irregular shapes cystic lesions about 27 mm they said it was likely a collapsing corpus Luteum. I feel they would have been to see OC 5 months ago.

If you were in my shoes would you look into OC or move onto intestinal and cycle issues.


Thank you for any direction you can offer.



  • SF73
    SF73 Member Posts: 317 Member
    It wouldn't hurt to get

    It wouldn't hurt to get another ultrasound. 5 month old CT scan is not very informative of what you are experiencing now. CT Scans expose you to unnecessary radiation and transvaginal ultrasounds are sometimes as informative. My solid cyst on my ovary was caught with an ultrasound and then confirmed with a CT scan. 

    Please please follow up on this. Weight loss especially is concerning. Do you have any night sweats? Or fever?

    Best of luck! I hope it is nothing. But please continue being a good advocate for yourself. 

  • Betsy L
    Betsy L Member Posts: 8

    Are you willing to push for a CA-125? I know a lot of doctors aren't willing to do this test,but I am so tired of hearing from women who were constipated and then found out they had ovarian cancer! I know the test isn't the perfect diagnostic tool, but you seem to have a lot of the symptoms and aren't getting any answers from your other tests.

    Good Luck!
