Whoo boy do I need help

58. 7 years post menopause.  Started bleeding, light colored.  Stopped.  Started again with what I can only describe as pieces of tissue.  Stopped.  Gyne appointment yesterday.  Never had children so she could not get speculum open enough to get past cervix.  Next up, transvaginal ultrasound then appointment to discuss those results.  Now everything is freaking me out.  I am overweight with hypertension.  She mentioned the c word.  Now my bowels have been off for about two weeks.  (green, not my usual routine)  now I went to the bathroom and it is dark!  I am really freaking out here.  Anyone out there have the same symptoms before diagnosis?  I know from reading you all are not doctors but I need some like experiences if there are any.


Thank you!





  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member

    There is a pill called Cytotec.  This is known as "the abortion pill" but it's for women who never had children and have a closed cervix.  She should make you take one of these pills the night before the exam.  That will open the cervix.  I've had to do this 3 times.  I never had kids either.  The pill causes cramps and nausau but it's worth it.

  • clederman
    clederman Member Posts: 10


    There is a pill called Cytotec.  This is known as "the abortion pill" but it's for women who never had children and have a closed cervix.  She should make you take one of these pills the night before the exam.  That will open the cervix.  I've had to do this 3 times.  I never had kids either.  The pill causes cramps and nausau but it's worth it.

    Thank you for this.  I will

    Thank you for this.  I will ask her about it

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Im glad you are getting this

    Im glad you are getting this stuff checked out. Its important. It might not turn out to be cancer. This testing is a hard time. It was for me. I tried to stay busy doing other things. I too never got pregnant. I hope the best for you as you go forward with this testing.  I did end up with cancer and was able to do what i neede to. Eberything seems to work out.  Let us know how things go.  This is a great group for support and information. I hope others com along soon also.


  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    edited January 2018 #5

    Hi, welcome to the group! Take a breath and take this one step at a time. Iron can make your stools green or dark, so think about what you have been eating (some processed foods are iron fortified) or maybe ask to have your level checked. 

  • SF73
    SF73 Member Posts: 317 Member
    So glad that you immediately

    So glad that you immediately made an appointment to understand what is going on with your body. So often life gets in the way. It is nerve racking to wait for the test results but going to the doctor when you have something abnormal is the best thing you can do for your health. Please don't forget to share all your symptoms with your doctor at your appointment. I am hoping that it is nothing. But if it turns out to be the scary C word, you can follow the leads of many warriors here on this forum. Best of luck! 

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    Help from a few “sisters”

    So glad you found us in your time of need. We have all had this period of anxiety and fear. You will get through this uncertainty about your symptoms and unknown diagnosis. 

    Personally I don’t have faith in ultrasounds. My ultrasound was normal but my biopsy confirmed endometrial cancer. I too never was pregnant- that being said my mother bore 4 children and she was diagnosed with uterine cancer 4 yrs before me at age 72. I was 52 years old when diagnosed. I just thought my vaginal bleeding was symptom of going through menopause. Please talk with your doctor about getting vaginal biopsy. If diagnosed with uterine cancer find a board certified Gynocologist-Oncologist. Come back to this discussion board and we will help you based on our collective experiences. There are a lot of intelligent, well read and knowledgeable women who frequent this site. We will help you! Please know that most all of us remember how freaked out we were when we had symptoms that may or may not be cancer.  It will get better once you know a definitive diagnosis, have an appointment with Gyn-Oncologist (IF you have cancer) and have your first appointment with a physician in a clinic that is focused on a treatment plan that is based on your individualized and personal needs and values. Hang in there! For what it is worth I am a registered nurse and it was such a helpless time in my life until I learned and understood my diagnosis and treatment plan and decisions I needed to make about my treatment. Once I had a treatment plan then I regained a sense of control and stopped freaking out. It is a roller coaster of emotions not knowing what is going on....

  • Cass83
    Cass83 Member Posts: 151 Member
    Same bleeding issue

    I had the bleeding issue, and was 51, so we chalked it up to being peri menapausal. (I too never had kids) After a few Dr's just put me on medicine, one finally did a biopsy after the blood was bright red. It ended up cancer. Do as the others have suggested and get a biopsy and then take it from there with your Dr. . As was stated, your food can make your poop change colors (don't you love how we can be blunt lol) so it might be what you are eating too. Relax and take one day at a time. We are here to help however we can!

  • HorseLvr
    HorseLvr Member Posts: 102
    I am 55 and have been having

    I am 55 and have been having occasional bleeding and/or spotting since a couple years after menopause (at 45). I didn't do anything about it untill last Oct. when I had a gyn appointment for something else, and had a 3 days bleed a couple weeks prior, which I told my GP about and she said to tell the gyn. I'm waiting for an u/s date (long story about why I didn't have one sooneer), so we're at a similar stage in the process of investigating. My gyn told me yesterday that all cases of post menopausal bleeding are considered cancer until proven otherwise. He has also told me that 19 out of 20 cases of PMB are *not* cancer. It's easy to forget that when you are worried and anxious. I totally get the anxiety, I'm a horrid one for being anxious, then cancelling everything to retreat into denial land. Ask the ladies  here lol. 

    Good luck with it. I hope all goes well for you. Will watch for updates.

  • clederman
    clederman Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2018 #10
    Thank you Ladies

    Thank you all so much for your helpful advice.  It is almost getting to the point where I don't want to go to the bathroom because I never know what surprise I have waiting for me! LOL!  I will let you all know what my test results are.

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    edited January 2018 #11
    Color of stool

    Not only iron-rich foods and iron pills can turn your BM's dark, but so can Pepto Bismol if you've taken any of that lately.  I'm another one who never had kids.  I had an ultrasound which found a polyp, then had a D&C which determined that the polyp was cancer after the tissue was biopsied.  Probably almost everyone on this site had about the same reaction as you did when facing this problem.  Nobody wants to hear that news. 


  • Jacjac2
    Jacjac2 Member Posts: 44
    With any unusual sign ------

    Please don't put it off.  I had several signs, and just told myself it was something minor.  It wasn't.  Not everyone gets the bad news, it can be minor but to be same please just get it done.  I am not on here often, I guess I try not to think about it.  While I dont respond to everyone, the ladies that do have some really sincere, open, honest, and loving replies that say a lot.  If noting more, it helps me realize, I am not alone.  Thank you ladies who are faithful with us all.  I keep the group in my mind and hope to be here more often.


  • clederman
    clederman Member Posts: 10
    So here are my test results. 

    So here are my test results.  Have doc appt on Wednesday and....... my mammo showed a 1cm small focal asymmetry so I have to have a second look and ultrasound.  My trans vag showed a 3cm mass and thickened wall so I am not sure what she is going to say.  All in all I am hoping for good news.  If the fibroid is benign I hope she has it all taken out so I don't go through this again.  Will update after doc appt on Wednesday.

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    Test results

    Wednesday can’t come soon enough I am sure. Praying for good news. 

  • clederman
    clederman Member Posts: 10
    Well after many extra

    Well after many extra pictures and a 3D splice view, my mammogram was given an all clear :).  I have to have a D & C and the pathology from that will determine where we go from there but she assured me that 1% is cancerous so I am very hopeful.  The mass is outside of my uterus and she is 100% confident that it is a fibroid.  Good news all around.  Will come back and give pathology update.  Thank you again ladies for all of your wisdom and encouragement.

  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member
    good luck

    Great news about the mammogram.  Now you need to get through the D/C   I had 3 in 5 years so they are not all that bad.  You'll be out of the hospital the same day, probably bleeding a bit though.  Keep us posted.  We pray for good news!



  • MugsBugs
    MugsBugs Member Posts: 111 Member
    edited January 2018 #17
    clederman said:

    Well after many extra

    Well after many extra pictures and a 3D splice view, my mammogram was given an all clear :).  I have to have a D & C and the pathology from that will determine where we go from there but she assured me that 1% is cancerous so I am very hopeful.  The mass is outside of my uterus and she is 100% confident that it is a fibroid.  Good news all around.  Will come back and give pathology update.  Thank you again ladies for all of your wisdom and encouragement.

    Don't stress the D&C

    clederman - the D&C is a piece of cake.  You will take a nice little nap and wake up feeling pretty good.  There was only slight cramping (not even as bad as having your period) for about an hour or so afterwards.  Good luck - hopefully it is just Fibroids!


    Good luck! 

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    clederman said:

    Well after many extra

    Well after many extra pictures and a 3D splice view, my mammogram was given an all clear :).  I have to have a D & C and the pathology from that will determine where we go from there but she assured me that 1% is cancerous so I am very hopeful.  The mass is outside of my uterus and she is 100% confident that it is a fibroid.  Good news all around.  Will come back and give pathology update.  Thank you again ladies for all of your wisdom and encouragement.

    Great news!  Just a bit of my

    Great news!  Just a bit of my history I had a D&C in 2004.  All clear.  Post menapasual 2011 started bleening went to gyn dr said let's another d&c.  This time there were more polyps and a tumor in my uterus.  Cancer.  If I knew what was to be, I would have had a hystorectomy back in 2004.  Might think about it.  Now that I am 6 1/2 years from the cancer I have a much better ability to look back on it.  I now wear any color I want, even white pants, no worries.  One of my co-workers, in her 40s had a partial hystorecomy, left the ovaries, everything else removed.  She loves it.   Good Luck with your meeting and health.  trish

  • clederman
    clederman Member Posts: 10
    Can you all tell me what type

    Can you all tell me what type of anesthesia you used?  I am being given a choice of twlight or general anesthesia.  Both carry worries from my end.  Twlight I am afraid it will hurt (me and medical procedures do not get along)  GA and I am concerned about my heart palpatations and my obesity.  Let me know what your experiences were

  • MugsBugs
    MugsBugs Member Posts: 111 Member
    clederman said:

    Can you all tell me what type

    Can you all tell me what type of anesthesia you used?  I am being given a choice of twlight or general anesthesia.  Both carry worries from my end.  Twlight I am afraid it will hurt (me and medical procedures do not get along)  GA and I am concerned about my heart palpatations and my obesity.  Let me know what your experiences were

    General Anesthesia

    I had general anesthsia for the D&C and it was a piece of cake.  I had to have a colonscopy as well because they thought they saw a mass in my colon (thank God it was anything except diverticulosis - I don't know if I could have dealth with both uterine and colon cancer - but I digress).  They gave me the twilight anesthesia for the Colonscopy.  I was asleep for part of it but was awake for part of it as well.  Personally I prefer the general anesthesia because I didn't have any reaction and what I don't know won't hurt me - I was kind of freaking out when I saw the diverticulosis because i thought it was a mass.  The D&C and hysterscopy (which I assume they are going to do as well) takes less than 1/2 an hour.  Within an hour you will be ready to go home.

  • MrsBerry
    MrsBerry Member Posts: 102 Member
    If by “twilight,” they mean

    If by “twilight,” they mean sedation, that is how I had my d & c/ hysteroscopy. It was fine. I remember the lovely anesthesiologist putting on some music, I sang along for about 3 measures and then it was Lights Out For me! Next thing I know, I am in recovery, everything done and I was unconscious the entire time. 

    Best of luck to you, you have had quite a worrying time, but I am so glad you are getting things taken care of. Hugs!