What do I do now?


I. just found out that I have an elevated CEA level of 12.  I am already chronically ill with unrelated illness and am alone and without funs.  Now, in addition to this, it looks like I will die soon.  My symptoms that led to the test being done included a 30lb weight loss after a lifetime of being somewht overweight.


I don't know what to do.  i went home fo rChristmas and stayed with my sister who told me that nobody was going to help me.  I would have to save myself.  This was before the CEA test. My other two sisters aren't the slightest bit interested in me.  My father died qabout 3 years ago.  My stepmother changed his will so that I did not get the $100,000 life insuran e policy that he had bought for me and she changed the actual will itself so that none of us ot anything.  My father was well-to-do.  My mother died years ago when I was 18.


I asked my best friend for help once, about two years ago.  He go mad and never spoke to me again. 


I am alone in the city where I went to get treatment for my unitial illness, whih is not fatal but is disabling. 


I don't know what to do.


  • jorola
    jorola Member Posts: 243 Member
    This does not confirm you have cancer

    only a biopsy can do that.

    Non-malignant conditions which may have elevated CEA include:

    • Non-malignant liver disease, including cirrhosis, chronic active hepatitis, viral hepatitis and obstructive jaundice.
    • Chronic kidney disease.
    • Pancreatitis.
    • Inflammatory bowel disease.
    • Irritable bowel syndrome.
    • Diverticulitis.
    • Respiratory diseases - eg, pleural inflammation, pneumonia.
    • Smoking.

    You need to follow up with your drs and they will find the reasons why the higher level for sure and then just take it from there. You can speak to the social worker at the hospital who can get you in touch with community resources and supports.