New -- just discharged from hysterectomy

Hi Everyone,

I stumbled on this board several weeks ago and have been so moved and inspired by everyone's story. I was DX'd 10/23 with "malignant neoplasm" in the endometrium. I am 10 years post menopausal and the only symptom I had was some spotting; not even enough to call a period. My PCP sent me to a gyno who did a hysteroscopy with d&c; that's how I got diagnosed. Just had hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and sentinel lymph node dissection on 12/27, discharged late yesterday but with a Foley catheter cuz I could not pass urine. Catheter was removed today in the office. Still no BM but just took colace; hope it works soon! My abdomen is very painful and one of the steristrips is not holding. Ugh

I wont have stage or grade until afterp 1/10. Trying to be patient. Thanks for letting me vent!



  • Jairoldi
    Jairoldi Member Posts: 221 Member
    edited December 2017 #2

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery from surgery. Do all that they suggest to get those bowels moving. Take it easy during recovery and you will be glad you did. Someone, on this board I think, advised that you have this one good opportunity to recover from surgery so make the best of it.

  • saltycandy13
    saltycandy13 Member Posts: 167 Member

    Hi, I'm Karen.  Glad you found us.  I'm going for a complete hysterectomy next month.  I've read about the constipation.  There is this stuff called "Lactulose."  sp?  I am going to drink that.  It works very well.  Maybe you could ask about it?  BM's should not be painful then.

    Hopes for a speedy recovery!!!

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    edited December 2017 #4
    JinVa, welcome. I remember

    JinVa, welcome. I remember being so swollen after my surgery I never thought it would go down - and it took quite a long time.  

    A lot of us took Miralax along with our chemo (chemo is constipating) so maybe you want to try that.  I hope there is someone around who can help get you things you need and that you don't live in Erie, Pa!  (That is a joke. I am originally from Pittsburgh, but that snow they got - 65"?  Crazy!) 

    Keep in mind pain meds can also constipate.  I am glad they got the foley out. I almost didn't get released after my surgery because I couldn't get my bladder to work - but it finally did.  "Ugh" is right.  

  • JinVa
    JinVa Member Posts: 29

    JinVa, welcome. I remember

    JinVa, welcome. I remember being so swollen after my surgery I never thought it would go down - and it took quite a long time.  

    A lot of us took Miralax along with our chemo (chemo is constipating) so maybe you want to try that.  I hope there is someone around who can help get you things you need and that you don't live in Erie, Pa!  (That is a joke. I am originally from Pittsburgh, but that snow they got - 65"?  Crazy!) 

    Keep in mind pain meds can also constipate.  I am glad they got the foley out. I almost didn't get released after my surgery because I couldn't get my bladder to work - but it finally did.  "Ugh" is right.  

    Thanks so much,

    Thanks so much, NoTimeForCancer! My husband is from Beaver Falls so we are huge Piitsburgh sports fans. We live in Northern Virginia now. I am going to try all of the suggestions given. i never knew gas could hurt this much! 

  • JinVa
    JinVa Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2017 #6


    Hi, I'm Karen.  Glad you found us.  I'm going for a complete hysterectomy next month.  I've read about the constipation.  There is this stuff called "Lactulose."  sp?  I am going to drink that.  It works very well.  Maybe you could ask about it?  BM's should not be painful then.

    Hopes for a speedy recovery!!!

    Thank you so much Sally Candy

    Thank you so much Sally Candy, for taking the time to write. I wish you all the best with your procedure next month.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Hi JinVa:

    Glad that youre home from the hospital.  I too came home with a Foley after my hysterectomy.   The main thing for the constipation (which is caused by the anesthesia and the pain medication) is drinking water and walking.  Try to walk when you can.   I took the colace too.    With my hysterectomy, I had to stay in the hospital until I had a first bowel movement or at least pass gas.  I also had the constipation after another surgery I had.   When you have surgery, sometimes you get what they call "Sleepy Bowels".   

    With the painful abdomin and steristrip, just watch for infection.   Yes, I had that too after my hysterectomy.   I was just released and on the way home my stomach hurt whenever my husband hit a bump in the road.  The next day I noticed one of my steri strips coming off.   I went to take a shower and this watery stuff came out of my incision.   We went back to the hospital and they took out my stitches and packed my wound with gauze and then sent me home with antibiotics.   I was fine.  So just watch for infection.

    I wish you the best in your recovery.   


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    edited December 2017 #8

    JinVa, welcome. I remember

    JinVa, welcome. I remember being so swollen after my surgery I never thought it would go down - and it took quite a long time.  

    A lot of us took Miralax along with our chemo (chemo is constipating) so maybe you want to try that.  I hope there is someone around who can help get you things you need and that you don't live in Erie, Pa!  (That is a joke. I am originally from Pittsburgh, but that snow they got - 65"?  Crazy!) 

    Keep in mind pain meds can also constipate.  I am glad they got the foley out. I almost didn't get released after my surgery because I couldn't get my bladder to work - but it finally did.  "Ugh" is right.  


    Hi No Time.

    I am from the Pittsburgh area and although Erie is only several hours away we only got 2 to 3 inches.   However, in 2010 when I was in Cleveland Clinic for a surgery, Cleveland only got 3 inches and my home got 2 feet!  Are you still in Pennsylvania?


  • MrsBerry
    MrsBerry Member Posts: 102 Member
    edited December 2017 #9
    Hello, JinVa! I am also close

    Hello, JinVa! I am also close behind you, Dx on 12/19; my surgery is scheduled for 1/11. I wish you a speedy recovery. And a good BM very soon, LOL! 

    p.s. Not looking forward to the bowel issues....ugh!

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    Welcome! Good to hear the

    Welcome! Good to hear the surgery is behind you. I had no problems with constipation since i have IBS with diarrhea. I made the mistake of using the Miralax like they told me to do,  LOL. I think I had to use an entire bottle of Imodium!! I should have stock in that company!!! Hopefully you'll be a low grade, early stage!!!



  • JinVa
    JinVa Member Posts: 29
    Kaleena said:


    Hi JinVa:

    Glad that youre home from the hospital.  I too came home with a Foley after my hysterectomy.   The main thing for the constipation (which is caused by the anesthesia and the pain medication) is drinking water and walking.  Try to walk when you can.   I took the colace too.    With my hysterectomy, I had to stay in the hospital until I had a first bowel movement or at least pass gas.  I also had the constipation after another surgery I had.   When you have surgery, sometimes you get what they call "Sleepy Bowels".   

    With the painful abdomin and steristrip, just watch for infection.   Yes, I had that too after my hysterectomy.   I was just released and on the way home my stomach hurt whenever my husband hit a bump in the road.  The next day I noticed one of my steri strips coming off.   I went to take a shower and this watery stuff came out of my incision.   We went back to the hospital and they took out my stitches and packed my wound with gauze and then sent me home with antibiotics.   I was fine.  So just watch for infection.

    I wish you the best in your recovery.   


    Hi Kathy, 

    Hi Kathy, 

    Thanks so much for your warm welcome and for sharing your story so candidly. I am definitely taking your advice! I think I was more than a little naive coming into this situation as I did not expect some of these after effects, which is odd because I have had hip replacement surgery on both sides. So you would think that I should know what to expect/do but somehow "minimally invasive" translated in my head to "no side effects" and "walk in the park". Ha! eishing you and everyone else a healthy and safe New Year.

  • JinVa
    JinVa Member Posts: 29
    MrsBerry said:

    Hello, JinVa! I am also close

    Hello, JinVa! I am also close behind you, Dx on 12/19; my surgery is scheduled for 1/11. I wish you a speedy recovery. And a good BM very soon, LOL! 

    p.s. Not looking forward to the bowel issues....ugh!

    Dear Mrs. Berry,

    Dear Mrs. Berry,

    Thanks for your kind note. I am so sorry that you have this DX'd and wish you smooth sailing with your surgery. I will be thinking about you and praying that all goes well on the 11th. Hang in there!

  • JinVa
    JinVa Member Posts: 29
    Dear EldrI,

    Dear EldrI,

    Thank you so much for your kind welcome! I love how upbeat you and so many others here are. May 2018 be good to you!

  • JinVa
    JinVa Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2018 #14
    Jairoldi said:


    Best wishes for a speedy recovery from surgery. Do all that they suggest to get those bowels moving. Take it easy during recovery and you will be glad you did. Someone, on this board I think, advised that you have this one good opportunity to recover from surgery so make the best of it.

    Dear Jairoldi, 

    Dear Jairoldi, 

    Thanks for the warm welcome and advice on recovery. My natural inclination is to rush back to work and a heavy travel schedule so it is good to have the cautionary voices of others. I hope 2018 brings you health and healing!