New. Waiting. Worried

Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member

I just received ultrasound results that show a 3.3cm mass on my left kidney.  I go in for a CT soon (it's trying to be scheduled now).  Of course, I'm anxious.  I know that my mass (as of now) appears to be one of the smaller ones.  Does that mean it's less likely to have spread?  Do they look ALL over your organs in a CT scan or just focus on the kidneys?

I've been researching and reading all I can about the surgery.  Thank you all for sharing your stories and making me feel somewhat better.  The thought of surgery really scares me more than the thought of the cancer.  

I've had off-and-on back pain for a while now .  I'd always assumed that a cancer pain would be sharp and defined, but mine isn't like that.  Silly question, but after the surgery recovery, that pain will go away for good, right?

I'm sure I'll have millions of questions for you all...thanks in advance for any advice, encouragement, etc. that you offer.





  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    Welcome Jim

    Most people in your situation have a very good outcome. Without more information there's not much more to be said.

    Waiting for information, scans, reviews, procedures etc. is hard, but you will get used to it.

    Asking those millions of questions here is a great way to pass the time.  Joining this forum was the best thing I did.

    I had no pain at all, by the way. Even the aftermath of surgery was OK.  The only pain I had was the removal of some very sticky protective tape from a long stapled incision.  One of the nurses said 'you've basically just had a wax.'. Ouch!! Ouch!! Ouch!!


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Welcome to Nephland



    At 3.3 cm you should be fine. Stay away from Kidney Pie during the holidays.



  • randyradiohill
    randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member

    It's good if they've found it early.  Mine was found totally by accident (2.7 cm) on the lower pole of the left kidney.  Unfortunately, it had broken containment which puts me at a higher risk and means I have to have to be in a higher scan protocol.  My surgeon was very optimitstic though, and shared a study which indicated I have about an 8% chance of reoccurance. You will have lots of questions, anxiety, and dark feelings you've probaby never experienced before.  This is a great place to share and ask questions.

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    CT scans

    The scans I had have been roughly from the sternum to the hips. They'll check everything there.

    I had a scan two weeks ago. I looked at the report online and saw 'cholecystectomy noted'. I had to look that up. Apparently they removed my gall bladder at the same time they took my kidney, but nobody told me that.


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    Welcome, Jim

    Anxiety?  That's part of the "fun" with this journey.  The true test is figuring out how to deal with it.  Once you do, this journey isn't as bumpy.  Like others have said, with a 3.3 mass the outlook for you is very bright.  Soon you'll get a surgery date then things really start to move along.  Kee us updated on how things are going and with any questions you have.  We'll do our best to help.

    Take care,


  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    An incidental find

    I had severe back pain that led to an x ray, then an m r I because image showed mass on kidney. I had no pain or symptoms from the kidney mass and it was 11 c m. The cat scan images all the organs and are evaluated. Prepare now before the surgery. There's a lot of recent newbies like us here. Go through some posts.ask questions and they should get answered. The surgery isn't fun but not half as bad as your mind will make it. Positive thoughts your way.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    My CT scans have pretty much

    My CT scans have pretty much looked at everything from my aorta down to my tailbone.  And that's one of the reasons why I have not balked at having an annual CT.  There's a history in my father's family of aortal problems and I have had a few stomach issues that required surgery to correct, so getting some professional eyes on my innards on a regular basis is something I don't mind.

  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    I guess one of my big fears

    I guess one of my big fears is that the cancer started somewhere else and spread to the kidneys instead of vice versa.  Now every pain I have, I wonder if that's a new cancer spot....


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Tapman63 said:

    I guess one of my big fears

    I guess one of my big fears is that the cancer started somewhere else and spread to the kidneys instead of vice versa.  Now every pain I have, I wonder if that's a new cancer spot....


    For what its worth.


    From what I have read Kidney Cancer spreads from the Kidney rather than other cancers spreading to the Kidney. At 3.3 cm it is unlikely to spread.



  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    icemantoo said:

    For what its worth.


    From what I have read Kidney Cancer spreads from the Kidney rather than other cancers spreading to the Kidney. At 3.3 cm it is unlikely to spread.




    That makes me feel better.  Now, if I can get past the feeling that every ache and pain I have is a different kind of cancer I'll be good!

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Hi. Mine was thought to be 3

    Hi. Mine was thought to be 3.6cm but was actually smaller when they took it out. Yours is small so sounds like they caught it early which is great!! For the past year I always felt like someone punched me in the kidney/back. It was a weird pinching feeling at times too. I had surgery 7 weeks ago and that feeling is completely gone!!! I do believe the CT scan shows other organs because it is an abdominal scan. Along with the tumor I was told I had cysts on my spleen and pancreas. So ,yep, I guess it does catch it all. Please know you are free to ask anything on here. Everyone is very helpful!!

  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    edited December 2017 #13
    AnnissaP said:

    Hi. Mine was thought to be 3

    Hi. Mine was thought to be 3.6cm but was actually smaller when they took it out. Yours is small so sounds like they caught it early which is great!! For the past year I always felt like someone punched me in the kidney/back. It was a weird pinching feeling at times too. I had surgery 7 weeks ago and that feeling is completely gone!!! I do believe the CT scan shows other organs because it is an abdominal scan. Along with the tumor I was told I had cysts on my spleen and pancreas. So ,yep, I guess it does catch it all. Please know you are free to ask anything on here. Everyone is very helpful!!


    My left side used to always hurt...a dull ache mainly.  During my normal yearly exams it was noted that my kidney function looked to be decreasing, so I was referred to a Nephrologist.  Mucho blood work - levels have gotten much better, but the ultrasound showed the mass.  Blood work showed a vitamin D deficiency, so I'm on suppliments for that.  I was also on a GERD medication that could affect the kidneys, so i'm on a different one (that's not working so well, btw).  As soon as I started the suppliment an quit the meds, that particular pain went away.  I still feel things on my left side...there's still a little pain...but it's not hard to get out of bed anymore.  Waiting for the CT scan to be scheduled.  Now every ache and pain I've had (like one under my left shoulder blade when I'm sleeping on that side) makes me wonder if there's more of the big C out there.

    As an aside...I've had microscopic blood in my urine since I was in my early 20's.  I'm now 54.  In my 20's I had a bladder xray and nothing showed.  Doctor said some people "just have that"...and that's what I took to be true.  I can't imagine I've had cancer for 30 plus years.  I do have a very little hope that maybe it's some kind of scar tissue on my kidney instead of cancer.  I know there's only like a 20% or less chance of that...but I'm hoping.  

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Well recently there have been

    Well recently there have been 2 ppl on here whose tumors ended up not being cancer. I hope that is the caae for you!

  • JimHarrison36502
    JimHarrison36502 Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2017 #15
    Mine was found at 2.2cm ..

    Mine was found at 2.2cm .. Already had scans of my lungs downward and I'm scheduled for surgery on January 16th. My dad passed away from renal cell in 2013 . His wasn't found early. Stage four at the time of diagnosis. My doctor's gave me a pretty good prognosis but I'm still worried sick. The anxiety is crucial. But I'm dealing!! Got a great support cast and trying to be positive.. Glad I found this group! 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    Sorry you had to join. All of us felt like sh-- when we herd the diagnosis. Harder that you had a famoly history. For what its worth at 2.2cm it is very unlikely that the prognosis is not just good, but excellent. The anxiety will wear off. We have all been there and done that. That was me 15 1/2 years ago.



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hi Jim! Glad you found us. We

    Hi Jim! Glad you found us. We're to support, inform and encouage you best we can, as you already see!

    I too have a pain in my back which the Urologist/surgeon and his PA stated its not related to my diagnosis. 

    My Neurologist, for another disorder, said it WAS related to tumor.

    BUT my primary doc said, well we'll see if its there after surgery. It went away! It was referred pain from tumor/cancer.

    My surgery went very well, litle over 4cm tumor and nearly 4 years NED=No Evidence of Disease.

    So hang in there. TRUST your doctor. 

    BTW: they monitor you with this blood test that tells them if cancer cells are increasing or not. Plus you will have scans/chest xray and such as they monitor you for 5 years.

    Here for you all the way! Sending you healing hugs with HOPE!


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    BTW, Jim people forget to

    BTW, Jim people forget to tell you about the GAS that is used to raise your abdomen so the surgeon can SEE around your organs.Have you ever had any surgeries? Well, this gas gets trapped in weird areas, mostly around the shoulder. i have had 4 abdominal surgeries and the gas being trapped was my worst pain! Once I knew it was ONLY gas, I stopped worrying about the pain. Instead I moved my ar, around in circles to get the gas to move.

    Also, I used ice packs around the incision. I had to beg for it while inpatient. To me, it reduces the edema/swelling and helped reduce pain much more strategically than just using pain pills. 

    What was most helpful to me, besides the ice packs (do not use ice cubes.. too messy) was wearing my lumbar, velcro wrap. It holds and supports those aching, sore muscles. My surgeon said it was ok. It helped me get UP from sitting or laying down. I used it 24/7 for awhile. 

    Also helps to WALK. Cannot lift certain amt of weight (surgeon will tell you) or exercise for 30 days. 

    Just remember 1st week is a challenge and adjustment. But I started to feel so much better after 5 days, then after a couple of weeks, that I sent home my caretaker in less than a week. 

    Again, we're here for you.

    Ask any questions. I know it helped me to be so prepared before and after surgery.

    Good to know that bugger was OUT!

    Hugs, Jan

  • Thanks guys!! Really great to

    Thanks guys!! Really great to get positive information.. Yes,,I feel so so blessed to have been diagnosed early. My radiologist happens to be my best friend.. We went to middle School together and on thru high school and joined the Marine Corps together. We've remained friends all these years and by him knowing my dad and actually he read my dad's original scans. . When I was positive for blood in my urine on a recent round of yearly labs at my family doctor. . He immediately got me to UAB in Birmingham, Al for scans on my kidneys. He found my tumor and came out with tears in his eyes.. I knew immediately it was bad news.  He said... Bro... It isn't as bad as you think... We've found it very early... But I want to scan your lungs just to be sure. So my lung scans came back clear and we were able to come up with a plan for surgery and really good prognosis. I do have some pain and have had some for the past few months. I feel really hot... And this has been going on for about the same time frame. Other than that.. No symptoms. I will keep everyone informed as time moves forward as I'm sure to have plenty of questions. My dad's prognosis was much worse.. but thankfully his situation kept me alert to me possibly having to deal with this some day. I was told at 50 years of age to start having scans. I made it to 46. I want to thank each of you for your kind words of encouragement and if I can help anyone in the future I'd be more than happy. Tell your friends.. I've got everyone I know wanting to get scanned. This thing is a silent killer and getting scanned is a life saver!! Merry Christmas to everyone!!


  • icemantoo said:




    Sorry you had to join. All of us felt like sh-- when we herd the diagnosis. Harder that you had a famoly history. For what its worth at 2.2cm it is very unlikely that the prognosis is not just good, but excellent. The anxiety will wear off. We have all been there and done that. That was me 15 1/2 years ago.



    That makes me feel so much

    That makes me feel so much better!! 15 1/2 years is awesome!! I love reading the survivor stories. I'm 46 and in great shape.. Lifted weights my entire life always stayed in good shape.. But since Dad had renal cell... I'll admit... I've often worried!! 5 years have passed since Dad left us but he made it very clear that he wanted his boys to stay on top of this disease. I made sure I did all I could to catch it soon. 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    Very impressed with the Medical School at UAB which I visited in 1978 and 1979.


