Hard time with chemo!



  • Cherpear
    Cherpear Member Posts: 14 Member
    I screwed up!

    I meant doc said Emend is intravenous.

  • ckdgedmom
    ckdgedmom Member Posts: 166 Member

    It will make you sleepy (or it does for me)  but it definitely works!!!!! Hope it helps you!

  • Cherpear
    Cherpear Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2017 #24

    Hi! I just picked up my phenergan today!

  • ckdgedmom
    ckdgedmom Member Posts: 166 Member
    Cherpear said:


    Hi! I just picked up my phenergan today!

    hope it helps!

    hope it helps!  

    nothing is as miserable as nausea...

  • Cherpear
    Cherpear Member Posts: 14 Member
    ckdgedmom Hi!

    It's very helpful. And thank you, hon, for your advise. How are you? I'm doing much better. Next week I go for my second chemo. I'm more prepared this time. 

  • ckdgedmom
    ckdgedmom Member Posts: 166 Member
    glad to hear you are better

    glad the phenergan is helping...and yes you will be more prepared this next time...I learned more about what to do with each chemo session...even the things I packed in my bag...

    I'm doing great sweetie thanks for asking...in a holding pattern until I get my PET on Jan 11...did hear my CA125 that was done on Monday was 13 so I will take it!

    do you know if they are giving you a steroid (like decadron) when you get your chemo? They always gave me decadron (to help with symptoms) and zofran and pepcid before the chemo infusions...i think it helped a lot

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    Emend Only IV

    Emend comes in both pill form and IV.  I was going to have to pay an over $200 co-pay for 3 Emend treatments for the pills, so that's why I went with the IV which was free to me.  I later found out that if I had talked to a certain facilitator person downstairs in my Cancer Center where the chemo is given, rather than upstairs where I see the oncologist and other nurses, this person could've probably gotten my Emend pills given to me for free. If you get the IV form, it should be charged to Medicare under part B, assuming you're on Medicare.

  • Cherpear
    Cherpear Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2017 #29

    Glad to hear you're doing so well. I believe I get steroids. I will ask about immunotherapy. Thanks, my friend.

  • Cherpear
    Cherpear Member Posts: 14 Member

    Doc flat out said IV only. I beieve I've gotten my nausea under control (not gone). Thank you.

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    edited December 2017 #31
    I had trouble the first week

    I had trouble the first week with the nausea after my second treatment. Pepcid helped and so snacking on things like saltines or pretzels. For some reason I found that what really helped was something greasy like sausage or bacon. Just a piece really helped. I go for my third treatment on Wednesday and I will talk to the nurse about other ideas. But I'm on doxorubicon after having reactions to Taxol and nausea is common with this chemo.

  • Cherpear
    Cherpear Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2017 #32
    Merry Christmas everyone!!!


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    New way of life

    Cherpear, be easy on yourself.   This is a new way of life.  You will go through many emotions.

    With the nausea, also try popsicles.  It will keep you hydrated too.  Also ask your doctor if they can "tweak" your treatment.  Maybe lower your dose.  Especially if you have lost weight in the meantime.

    My best to you.


  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    Nausea causes and medications

    I am sorry you are suffering. Something you may want  to consider as a contributing factor to your nausea is your anxiety level. Anxiety can cause nausea or make it more severe. 

    When I was having chemo I had IV Aloxi. At home I had prescription filled for Zofran sublingual ( dissolved under tongue) and oral Compazine. I also had a prescription for Lorazepam which is Valium for anxiety. I never did take any of the Valium but it was nice to have available. It would also help me sleep as our anxiety keeps us from a good nights sleep. Our brains affect how we perceive our physical well-being as we know. Lord knows if anyone has something to feel anxiety over it’s being told you have life threatening cancer! Anxiety also may cause us to respond to pain triggers differently as well. Anxiety affects our pain receptors differently.  I used guided imagery CDs to help ease the stressors both mental and physical during my treatments. Just some things to consider as you figure out what will work for you.  Nausea is misery! Take Care!  


  • evolo58
    evolo58 Member Posts: 293 Member
    Some yoga positions can help

    Some yoga positions can help as well, as well as deal with minor neuropathy symptoms.

  • gandolfannie
    gandolfannie Member Posts: 1 *

    I was just introduced to Enterade during my chemo treatment yesterday. I have had one 3 bottle. 1 yesterday, two today. And boy can I feel a difference. Stuff is so expensive it’s almost too bad our doctors couldn’t get us a prescription to help with the cost on it. I’m still looking for resources to see if there’s anything out there that will. Yeah Entérate is great

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    gandolfannie - hopefully you won't need it long and wont' have such a reaction with the next infusions.

    Hugs dear one

  • bwhiton
    bwhiton Member Posts: 1 Member

    Wow! Thank you for the timeline! I'm trying to figure that out for scheduling.