New Member

stevez Member Posts: 51

Hey all; I was just diagnosed with Kidney Cancer last Friday; however, the CAT scan wasn't conclusive as to whether or not it was Renal Cell or the more dreaded Transitional.  My tumor is 5 cm and is protruding (appears to be) into the Ureter.  It has been a whirlwind weekend to say the least and my emotions have been all over the place.  I'm a 60 year old male, married with one child.  I'm scared and of course my family is scared.  I'm having a Ureteroscopy tomorrow and they may or may not do a biopsy.  Surgery scheduled for the 12th of December.  I have told my boss I'll be out and of course he is supportive, but I don't recall the Urologist telling me how long I'll have to be off work.  I keep hearing 3-6 weeks and I know if it turns out transitional, it will be a tougher recovery and I'll be out longer.  I've been reading here a bit today and must say it's helpful to know what to kind of expect.  I see that I should expect some fairly long-term fatigue.  Thanks and I look forward to learning more.  Steve



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    I was your age


    I had just turned 59 when I was nephed 15 years ag0. Play it by ear for when you go back to work. A lot has to do with yorr health and the type of work you do. I was back to a slow normal at about 6 weeks.




  • Rockspin
    Rockspin Member Posts: 77
    I was lucky I had no fatigue

    I was lucky I had no fatigue after 2 weeks just don't overdo. Good luck to you and keep us informed. I know it's scary but we have all been through it. Keep checking in.

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Hi there. Sorry you joined us

    Hi there. Sorry you joined us, but welcome. My tumor was found in Aug and I was 38. I am now 39 and just had my kidney removed 4 weeks ago. I was written off work for 6 weeks, but I will see how I feel at that point. Everyone is different, but we all should take our time!! I was warned about that and now I know why. My fatigue was dreadful from this past June until my surgery. Since the tumor has been out that has pretty much disappeared. I do take several rests during the day. Not necessarily sleeping, but I start to feel weak and then sit or lay down for a bit. I have that and nausea still from the surgery. I haven't tried to do anything ridiculous except walk and clean a bit. I still have to pace myself. The biggest thing that  affects me is if I don't drink enough water. I get shaky and my legs turn to jello lol. I wish you all the best!!!!!!!! Glad to hear your surgery is booked. It will be here and gone in no time.


  • stevez
    stevez Member Posts: 51
    Thank you

    Thank you all for the comments, thoughts and well wishes.  It has helped me reading others experiences and I'll certainly share mine.  Appreciate it.  Steve

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Welcome, Steve

    I'm glad you found us.  I hope we can support you and answer your questions as you travel this journey.  I, too, had a tumor a little over 5 cm.  It was removed in August 2016.  I was back to work (part time) a week later and full time two weeks after surgery.  I'm an elementary school principal, so I was able to dictate my schedule a little.  But I was ready to get back to work and felt  good, so I'd rather be around my kids than look at the walls.  Like others have said, its different for everybody.

    My advice is to try and trust your medical team and find comfort in your family and friends (I found comfort in prayer).  Soon this will be out of you and you will be on the road to recovery.  I wish you well!



  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    edited December 2017 #7
    Welcome Steve. Wish we coulda

    Welcome Steve. Wish we coulda all met under different circumstances but such is not the case. I come at all this from a different angle because my wife was the one that had the diagnosis.

    all of the above posts are full of good advice because they are the ones that have been there and done that.

    Lean on your family when u need to. Believe me, they will be your rock......and of cours, all of us here.

    Good vibes and well wishes to you my friend.

  • BeBlessed
    BeBlessed Member Posts: 16
    Perfect Question

    Steve, I was diagnosed with a 6cm tumor last month and my surgery is scheduled on 12/12 also.  This forum has been a true blessing..I had the same question as you regarding the recovery and the shared comments from others who have been through this process has helped relieve some of my anxiety. I wish you the best with your surgery & know you're not alone on 12/12..Wishing us both a speedy recovery. Be Blessed


  • stevez
    stevez Member Posts: 51
    BeBlessed said:

    Perfect Question

    Steve, I was diagnosed with a 6cm tumor last month and my surgery is scheduled on 12/12 also.  This forum has been a true blessing..I had the same question as you regarding the recovery and the shared comments from others who have been through this process has helped relieve some of my anxiety. I wish you the best with your surgery & know you're not alone on 12/12..Wishing us both a speedy recovery. Be Blessed


    I agree that this site has

    I agree that this site has helped relieve some of my anxiety and I appreciate everyone's comments.  Good luck to you on your journey on the 12th as well.  God Bless. 

  • love_of_my_life
    love_of_my_life Member Posts: 77
    Welcome Stevez

    Steve, we started this journey in 2012.  You are not alone.  You will be in our daily prayers.

    Keep us up to date on future procedures.

    Tom and Holly

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,053 Member
    Only pathology can tell you the type of cancer

    There are 5 main kinds and various sub types, and until there is a sample to examine, you won't be told the "brand."

    and FYI, mine was already Stage IV (had metasasized) at Dx in 2006.

    Hang in there.


  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    edited December 2017 #12
    Good luck on procedure

    We are close in age. Full Neph for me. Doctor restricted me for six weeks to only walking for exercise and to lift no more than gallon of milk. It was pretty much right on. After 6 weeks I was pretty much back to myself, but listen to your body. It lets you know real quick if you over do it. 

  • stevez
    stevez Member Posts: 51

    Thanks again to all for the welcome and the comments.  I had the scope procedure yesterday (utereoscopy) to really determine if I needed to have the kidney and the uterer removed (renal cell versus transitional) and I am so very thankful that I only need the kidney removed.  My 5cm tumor is protruding into the uterer but isn't a part of it (sorry for my poor descriptions).  My doctor said it was the best possible scenerio.  I'm scheduled for December 12th.  I didn't know that they were going to be putting a stent in my uterer until yesterday and that thing is painful.  Not complaining as I'm very thankful and blessed that my tumor was detected early and I only need the less invasive surgery.   The cramps from the stent are pretty intense at times and thankfully I only have to have this for a week.  Have some pain killers but they don't really do much to relieve the cramps.  Also have me taking AZO to help.  Thanks again to all and I am praying for everyone else on this journey.  I know that many others have tougher journeys and I pray for them.  Thanks again.  Steve

  • DreamOnDeb
    DreamOnDeb Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2017 #14
    Hi Steve,

    Hi Steve,

    My husband was in the same boat as you.....he had to have a biopsy because it couldn't be confirmed from the CT whether or not he had renal cell or transitional cell carcinoma.  His, too, turned out to be renal cell and he only needed his kidney removed.  He had robotic, laparoscopic surgery and he healed pretty quickly.  He was just told not to lift anything more than 10 pounds for a week.  He stayed out of work for 6 weeks, but probably could have gone back after 4 weeks.  His job is pretty strenuous at times, so it would really depend on what kind of job you have.  Good luck to you!  You will get through this and it will all be behind you soon.

  • stevez
    stevez Member Posts: 51

    Hi Steve,

    Hi Steve,

    My husband was in the same boat as you.....he had to have a biopsy because it couldn't be confirmed from the CT whether or not he had renal cell or transitional cell carcinoma.  His, too, turned out to be renal cell and he only needed his kidney removed.  He had robotic, laparoscopic surgery and he healed pretty quickly.  He was just told not to lift anything more than 10 pounds for a week.  He stayed out of work for 6 weeks, but probably could have gone back after 4 weeks.  His job is pretty strenuous at times, so it would really depend on what kind of job you have.  Good luck to you!  You will get through this and it will all be behind you soon.

    Thank you!  Hope your husband

    Thank you!  Hope your husband is doing well!  Steve

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Welcome Stevez

    Best wishes for your upcoming procedure.  I'll keep you in my prayers.


  • stevez
    stevez Member Posts: 51
    hardo718 said:

    Welcome Stevez

    Best wishes for your upcoming procedure.  I'll keep you in my prayers.


    Thank you Donna.

    Thank you Donna.


  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member

    Hi Steve,

    I'm glad you found the site before your surgery.  It was at least a year post-surgery before I discovered it, and a bit longer before I got the courage to join.  I was lucky to have the whole six weeks to recover, and then some.  I probably could have done work, but was glad not to have to.  Seems like a number of people will have surgery December 12th.  That's a special day in my faith tradition, so lots of extra prayers go out to all of you.

  • stevez
    stevez Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2017 #19
    Thank you all

    Surgery tomorrow and working extremely hard to try and stay positive, but there are times I can't.  I go down a dark hole and think the worst.  My wife is great and helpful, but I'm struggling.  My son is scared to death and I'm trying to be strong for him.  Lord this is hard and I pray for all here.  I keep praying for the strenght to accept whatever His plan is for me.  God Bless.  

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    I know (we all know) how you are feeling and what you are going through.  Those emotions you describe are completely normal.  Take this process one step at a time.  Stay strong--soon this part of your journey will be over.

    Update us when you feel up to it.


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Thinking about you today!!!!

    Thinking about you today!!!!