Portal vein tumor

TaylorS Member Posts: 1

My dad has been recently diagnosed with two masses in his liver and it has spread to the main portal vein. He is being seen at MD Anderson for treatment (which I haven’t been very pleased with, but I’ll save that for another time.) he has recently started nexavar and I’m just wondering if there is anybody that has a loved one that was still able to beat this with portal vein invasion and also where they were seen and what types of treatment were recommended. I’d also love to hear any recommendations for keeping them positive and fighting. My dad has always been happy go lucky and loves to laugh. It seems like since he’s been diagnosed, its hard for him to even smile (understandably) but I need help keeping him positive so that he can get rid of this ugly, horrifying disease. Any recommendations or help is greatly appreciated. He was told he is not a candidate for resection because of the portal vein invasion. He is my whole entire world and I don’t know what I’ll do if something happens to him. Thanks in advance.


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  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    find the silver lining

    Easier said then done.  My son's onc said, find something ea. day to be grateful for.  Laugh as much as you can everyday.  and he also said, talk about your feelings no matter how hard that is. 

    Hugs and prayers,


  • hmay11
    hmay11 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2018 #3
    Curious for an update

    2018-03-17 My husband was just diagnosed with the same as your father, HCC with his largest tumor in his portal vein. We just saw his oncologist for the first time and they are putting him on Nexavar. I was wondering if you could share with me any treatments that worked & didn’t work for your dad? We are considering switching to MDA for treatment. May I ask why you were unhappy?

    My heart ached reading your post. I could feel the love your your dad in every word. 

  • Showells
    Showells Member Posts: 1
    Liver cancer associated with portal vein thrombosis.

    my dad was just diagnosed with Liver Cancer and Protal vein thrombosis. I am here hoping to for Positive reenforcment. My dad is a fairly healthy guy but throughout all of this he was diagnosed with Hep C. 1 in 30 baby boomers are infected and he is one of the lucky ones. His liver isn’t great but is functioning well. He is not a canidate for transplant or resection. his onocology team is starting him on External Radiation. Praying his cancer is responsive to it. He means the world to me and we have a lot left to share. I want to keep him around for a long time!  does Anyone have liver health recommendations?  Treatment plans that worked or didn’t work?  


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