And it's back...

abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member

New, related tumor.  Found in my scans this week.  No treatment at this time - watch and wait, hopefully for a very long time.  We now assume lots of new tumors will be sprouting from the way my cancer seeded in my abdomen.




  • Mikenh
    Mikenh Member Posts: 777
    I looked at your history and

    I looked at your history and it seems like you have had a tough time over the years. There are multiple approaches being worked on for vaccines and cures but they're in trial phases right now. Too late for my stuff but they do hold promise for the future.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I liked the way you worded that. 

    I am terribly sorry to hear this. I know that its not totally unexpected, after this last run in earlier this year (it was this year, rigth? Time flies, I lose track).  No matter how much you know it could happen, nothing prepares you for the gut punch when it does. 

    Here's hoping for some real slow growing tumours, if they have to be there. 


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Sorry to hear this a rub. You

    Sorry to hear this a rub. You have done really well with all your setbacks.....keep on doing the same.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm so sorry to hear this as you did so well for so long and now all the setbacks.  I'm praying that your "wait and see" approach is a long time.  Remember Phil, he was a wait and see for years.  I've not seen him lately but he was out doing kayaking and many activities during his wait and see.  Wishing you the best going forward.  You are in my prayers.

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Lily Flower
    Lily Flower Member Posts: 260 Member
    I also read your history. I'm

    I also read your history. I'm so sorry that you have another setback. I agree with Kim. While wait and watch, keep living life to the fullest. 

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    Ah C--p

    You too?  

    Same for me. I am inoperable, found last month

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    NewHere said:

    Ah C--p

    You too?  

    Same for me. I am inoperable, found last month

    C--p back atcha

    I'm not inoperable yet (though any surgery would take many, many hours because of all my adhesions.)  My surgeon at MSK wants to watch, hoping the growth will be slow, and also under the assumption that more spots will start to grow.  He'd rather go in as few times as possible (and this new growth is separate from the tumor he removed last year, even tho they all originated with the same cancer.)  Ugh and damn.

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member

    I hope they can come up with some meaningfull treatment, Wishing you well, Ron.

  • darcher
    darcher Member Posts: 304 Member
    It stinks to high heaven

    As Trubrit said, the thought of it is always there but nothing can prepare you enough to hear those God awful words again.   Well wishes!

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    abrub said:

    C--p back atcha

    I'm not inoperable yet (though any surgery would take many, many hours because of all my adhesions.)  My surgeon at MSK wants to watch, hoping the growth will be slow, and also under the assumption that more spots will start to grow.  He'd rather go in as few times as possible (and this new growth is separate from the tumor he removed last year, even tho they all originated with the same cancer.)  Ugh and damn.

    Almost On Same Time Frame

    Just missed you by a day or two our last rounds of surgery in September 2016. 

    I will probably do my chemo in Westchester when the time comes, easier to get to. 

  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    So sorry to hear about recurrence

    Hopefully it is a slow growing cancer as you said, and they can get it with surgery.  Sounds like your doctor is pretty confidant about surgery helping your case.  That is definitely in your favor for a possible cure or long term survival.  It gets scary when they tell you they can't operate, but even then many people are surviving for years with just chemo.   Guess we are all lucky for the medical advances in cancer treatments. 

    Keep fighting and enjoy the time you have! 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Wishing you the best outcome,

    Wishing you the best outcome, and hoping these immunological treatments we keep hearing about, become available for CRC patients soon................................Dave

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Hi, I just popped on to see

    Hi, I just popped on to see how everyone is doing and I'm really sad to read this post.  Man, give me a break!!!!  I double those profanities! Helen