Successful removal of a 6cm tumor - Partial Nephrectomy



  • BeBlessed
    BeBlessed Member Posts: 16
    Thanks Annissa for your

    Thanks Annissa for your

    advice ..."live life" &  Should I have to lose the whole kidney there is the silver lining, that the tumor will be gone and is better than the alternative.  Congrats on your path report! Sounds like you're on your way..wishing you the best!

  • KrisG
    KrisG Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2017 #23
    14 days Post Op 2.5cm RCC


    I had a Laproscopic Robotic Partial Nephrectomy on 11/20/17 for a 2.5cm RCC and am basically about 14 or 15 days post op now. Doing quite well. I've taken it very easy during these 2 weeks where I was basically confined to the house (no driving allowed). Up out of bed daily, granted I only got dressed into regular clothing twice during this time...soft PJ's & Loungewear are the best for the recoperative stage. I have to be off work for a total of 6 weeks. Weight lifting restriction of 10# or less for 6 weeks. I think I really surprised my Surgeon and his they initially didn't think surgical removal was the option for me given my age & weight. Since this all started back at the end of March...I've lost 45#. I proved them wrong...Surgeon was ever so pleased with how well I'm doing at my post op check yesterday. (Surgeon supported my decision for the surgery 100% once I made it. Never again pushed for the Cryoablation Treatment.) 

    As others have stated...take care & be diligent with your breathing. The first 5-6 days, I was lucky to get that Inspirometer to 1000ml. But after that I was hitting 2000ml & beyond. Coughing that first 1 1/2 wks was a B*tch, let me tell you...but cough if you need too, don't avoid it. It's a very necessary thing to do to help keep the lungs clear. Now I can cough without holding my incisions and no pain.

    And yes, constipation can be a problem if you let things get out of hand. Your bowels basically go to sleep during the surgery process and they usually are slow to wake back up. Add in the use of narcotic analgesics and things caan get backed up quickly. Prune Juice, Prunes, Apricots are all natural laxatives. Stool Softeners (Colace), Miralax, Senekot, Milk of Magnesia, etc are all OTC medications that can add in getting things moving again. My Dr gave me Stool Softeners & Milk of Mag while I was in the hospital (I refused the suppository). Your Dr would know best which ones you might need to take.

    I do not need any Chemo nor Radiation...Surgery was the cure/treament. I was told yesterday that I won't see my Cancer return in my lifetime. (I'm 62)

    Good luck to you with your surgery. Keep your thoughts positive.

  • BeBlessed
    BeBlessed Member Posts: 16
    I had my pre op today and was

    I had my pre op today and was told that when released from the hospital I may still require a drain tube..I'm not feeling real comfortable With the idea...has anyone gone home after surgery with a drainage tube? If so, any insight into that experience would be greatly appreciated..

  • BeBlessed
    BeBlessed Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2017 #25

    An adjunct to my previous addition to possibly having a drainage tube upon release from the hospital, I was also told the surgical procedure may require the partail or complete removal of a rib... has anyone experienced either? If so, any insight is appreciated.

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Hi. I did not have either,

    Hi. I did not have either, but I know people on here have. I hope they can answer your questions for you. They gave me a lot of diff possible scenarios as well. It depends on how the actual surgery goes bc things can and do change once they are in there. Good luck!!

  • BeBlessed
    BeBlessed Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2017 #27

    There are so many variables & unknowns with this! I guess the Drs. have to give you all possible scenarios..but it sure does not help in giving you peace of faith is being put to the test...hoping & praying for the best results. I just wondered if the drainage and rib removal were the norm or exception..I'm concluding exception as no one has indicated they have experienced either, which is good!

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Hi, Blessed

    Let me say first and foremost, I know where you are coming from.  In my original CT and US my tumor was measured at about 6 cm.  When they took it out and measured it pathology came back as 5.3 cm at greatest dimension.  From the get go, my surgeon told me his intention was to do a partial, BUT he did say that if he ran into some trouble or wasn't pleased with how the tumor looked when he was taking it out, he would go with a full.  I was fortunate that everything worked out well and I had a partial.

    Surgery was on a Friday and I was discharged Saturday afternoon.  Saturday morning I remember my drain tube stll draining fluid.  Doctor asked if I was okay with going home with the tube still in--my wife and I looked at each other and said "no" at the same time.  Doctor got a kick out of that.  He was prepared to keep me another day just to keep the tube in if needed.  Luckily I didn't need another day and they removed the tube; I went home a couple hours later.

    Good luck on Tuesday.  Update us when you feel up to it.


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    I went home with a drain and

    I went home with a drain and it was in for a week. After a while you don't even know it's there. I would have preferred not to have it but I'm glad I did because I woudln't have wanted all that junk draining into my abdomen.

  • BeBlessed
    BeBlessed Member Posts: 16
    Thank You All...

    I had my surgery on 12/12 with the best possible outcome!! The 6cm tumor was successfully removed with an Open Partial Neph. (Yippie!!!) ... My story got better yesterday when I received my path report which indicated the tumor was an Oncocytoma which is a rare benign kidney tumor!! Needless to say my prayers were answered.  Per my surgeon no further treatment is necessary with exception of a surgical follow up & a CT Scan in 6 months to check the health of my remaining partial kidney. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for helping me through this journey. This has truly been a life changing experience..One thing I would like to share with any newbies joining this forum would be to ALWAYS explore all of your options & get a second medical opinion on your medical treatment. My first medical/surgical Urologist consult I was told that due the size of my tumor a full neph was recommended and that the tumor was cancer (which I'm told is the standard). I am the ultimate optimist & a very Spiritual person so fortunately I found a surgeon who Believed as I did. Everyone on this Forum who shared their experience, please know you provided me with comfort of knowing I wasn't alone and the encouragement of knowing I would be okay, whatever the outcome was. You are all a blessing!  I am in recovery mode and so far so good. I am following the advice of you all and taking it slow...I would like to know how long recovery took for others who had an open partial neph, to heal internally & resume normal activities.. I realize each person is different, but I would like to have realistic expectations. Thanks again to all, Happy Holidays & Be Blessed!!

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    BeBlessed said:

    Thank You All...

    I had my surgery on 12/12 with the best possible outcome!! The 6cm tumor was successfully removed with an Open Partial Neph. (Yippie!!!) ... My story got better yesterday when I received my path report which indicated the tumor was an Oncocytoma which is a rare benign kidney tumor!! Needless to say my prayers were answered.  Per my surgeon no further treatment is necessary with exception of a surgical follow up & a CT Scan in 6 months to check the health of my remaining partial kidney. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for helping me through this journey. This has truly been a life changing experience..One thing I would like to share with any newbies joining this forum would be to ALWAYS explore all of your options & get a second medical opinion on your medical treatment. My first medical/surgical Urologist consult I was told that due the size of my tumor a full neph was recommended and that the tumor was cancer (which I'm told is the standard). I am the ultimate optimist & a very Spiritual person so fortunately I found a surgeon who Believed as I did. Everyone on this Forum who shared their experience, please know you provided me with comfort of knowing I wasn't alone and the encouragement of knowing I would be okay, whatever the outcome was. You are all a blessing!  I am in recovery mode and so far so good. I am following the advice of you all and taking it slow...I would like to know how long recovery took for others who had an open partial neph, to heal internally & resume normal activities.. I realize each person is different, but I would like to have realistic expectations. Thanks again to all, Happy Holidays & Be Blessed!!


    WOW!! Congratulations are in order!!! Whew. You are very fortunate that it was not cancer. I had a radical nephrectomy and am 6 wks out now. I will return to work next week. I think 6 to 8 weeks is the gold standard, but I am sure you will hear all diff timelines!!! I am very happy for you! Have a wonderful Christmas!!! Oh and great advice you gave (def saved me too).... If you are unsure, get a 2nd opinion.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Wow, so thrilled for you.

    Wow, so thrilled for you. That is truly wonderful news. Congratulation and now you can relax and enjoy the holidays :)

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Wow wee

    well done you

    everybodu wishes  could happen to them 

    but you were the lucky one


    five to six weeks but you may bounce back quicker as your system was not fighting cancer before hand

    happy holidays to you


  • Angiebby75
    Angiebby75 Member Posts: 208 Member
    Wow what a true blessing. You

    Wow what a true blessing. You will give hope to many. Congratulations

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    BeBlessed said:

    Thank You All...

    I had my surgery on 12/12 with the best possible outcome!! The 6cm tumor was successfully removed with an Open Partial Neph. (Yippie!!!) ... My story got better yesterday when I received my path report which indicated the tumor was an Oncocytoma which is a rare benign kidney tumor!! Needless to say my prayers were answered.  Per my surgeon no further treatment is necessary with exception of a surgical follow up & a CT Scan in 6 months to check the health of my remaining partial kidney. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for helping me through this journey. This has truly been a life changing experience..One thing I would like to share with any newbies joining this forum would be to ALWAYS explore all of your options & get a second medical opinion on your medical treatment. My first medical/surgical Urologist consult I was told that due the size of my tumor a full neph was recommended and that the tumor was cancer (which I'm told is the standard). I am the ultimate optimist & a very Spiritual person so fortunately I found a surgeon who Believed as I did. Everyone on this Forum who shared their experience, please know you provided me with comfort of knowing I wasn't alone and the encouragement of knowing I would be okay, whatever the outcome was. You are all a blessing!  I am in recovery mode and so far so good. I am following the advice of you all and taking it slow...I would like to know how long recovery took for others who had an open partial neph, to heal internally & resume normal activities.. I realize each person is different, but I would like to have realistic expectations. Thanks again to all, Happy Holidays & Be Blessed!!

    That result is absolutely far

    That result is absolutely far out.  Congratulations!

  • kiwi68
    kiwi68 Member Posts: 110

    Glad to see you posting with such positivity and happiness.  I can't speak to the open part of the surgery but re the partial nephrectomy, my surgeon said 10 - 20 days to take it easy there is a risk of a clot, kind of like a scab coming loose and some bleeding - which they can fix with ablation if needed. Since your kidney has been sutured you want to ensure you take it easy no risk of falls or major injury.  So no climbing ladders to decorate with lights.   At 4 week check up he said I was good to do all my normal activities and today 6 weeks out I was happily lugging around 20kg fuel cannisters to pour into boats and cooking Christmas breakfast and lunch.  Abdominal swelling seems to have dissapeared between week 4 and 5 this week seems just normal old tummy, swelling was definately present for 3 week with all the rummaging around and moving and shoving other organs out of the way and normal clothes were tight and uncomfortable. 

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    A Christmas Miracle!

    Lucky you!

    Now get out there and celebrate life.
