Blood Tests

I had blood tests last week from my general practitioner.  Most of my values are in the normal range, some on edge of low and some on the edge of high... But I have a question about WBC.  Right after my surgery, my wbc was 12.6 day after surgery, then fell to 9.1 then to 9.4 by 4 days post op.  Last week my new test results say my value is 4.7 which is the lowest its ever been.  Why would it drop like that?  Should I be concerned? 


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    I'm not a physician but my

    I'm not a physician but my understanding is that you don't want a high WBC count because that indicates infection or inflamation. So it seems aas though after surgery due to inflamation and/or slight infection it rose, as it was fighting that. Now that you're recovered it's back to normal. I think 4.7 is within the normal range for women. But if you're concerned for sure ask your GP but I really do think it's fine.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member


    4.7 is whithin normal range, and if its whithin its ok, no matter what your count is.

    I‘m really sorry for returning to tjis subject again, but your worry about WBC, which are normal, just different,  could be a sign of uour health anxiety taking control again.

    Please fight it, the more you let it in the harder it becomes to shake it off.




  • Supersum
    Supersum Member Posts: 109 Member
    edited November 2017 #4
    Good question about WBC drop

    Nothing wrong with asking questions, if I had WBC drop from over 9 to 4.7 I wouldn't care if it was within the normal range I would want to know why the drop. APny's answer sounds reasonable to me, along with her suggestion to get advice from whoever delivered the blood test who I assume has noted the drop and is not concerned. Let us know if you find a possible reason for the drop thanks.