Five years today - 'You have Cancer'

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
edited November 2017 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Five years ago today, I heard those fateful words 'You have Cancer'. 

Five years ago today, my life changed for the better and for the worst. 

My trip started in the ER, with a jerk of a Doctor. It was my GP/PCP who started the ball rolling, and I ended up with a GI who did my very first colonoscopy, discovering the Cancer. 

Surgery followed immdietely, due to an almost complete blockage of the colon. I was spared 'the bag' by a sliver, to which I am thankful. 

Once I was healed, I got my port - so grateful for my port - and I was on my way. 

Treatment was FOLFOX and 48 hours of 5FU.  I had a 600 mile round trip to make every two weeks, and got unhooked at home. 

Side effects were many, and not pleasant. Here is my own personal list

I had nine treatments. 

Radiation and 24/7 hook up to 5FU came after my FOLFOX.  Radiation was HELL ON EARTH.  It was almost to the point of being unbearabe, and I'm no sissy when it comes to pain.  Enough said on that count. 

After the horrors of Radiation, it was decided 'no more chemo'. 

Nine months later they find one single met in my liver, which I promptly had ablated. That was 3 years, seven month ago. THREE YEARS SEVEN MONTH NED.  I think that deserves my little friend


I am so alive! I LIVE every day. I am so happy.  I am nobody's fool, and know the score. I know the stats. I also know there are people who beat the stats, and I don't see why I can't be one of them. 

So, I mark this day on my calendar, but I don't 'celebrate' it. I accept it as a day that changed my life, and move on.

I thank everyone in my life who has supported me, prayed for me. Sent healing thought, good vibes and swinging nekid chickens (you know who you are).

Onward and upward. 



  • Lily Flower
    Lily Flower Member Posts: 260 Member
    Woohoo congratulations Tru!

    Woohoo congratulations Tru! While no one likes to hear the word cancer but ironically it is cancer that brought us all together here for advice and support from one another. I admire you. You're an upbeat person with such a great attitude toward life. Cheers! BTW, love your little dancing man! Lol

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    You Rock Tru

    3 Years 7 Months.  





  • Tunadog
    Tunadog Member Posts: 235 Member

     I needed a little encouragement 

  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member
    edited November 2017 #5
    Hope for all of us

    Tru - So great to read this post.  Gives all of us hope.  You are such a great support for this group.  Everything we deal with (physically and emotionally) can really get one down, and your post reminds us and renews our hope.

  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member


    so very happy for you.  

    May you ever be NED, and may you always to provide us with your wisdom and knowledge. 

    I️ don’t know how to do those fancy dancing emojis.  But I’m sending you a BIG hug 

  • Cindy225
    Cindy225 Member Posts: 172 Member
    edited November 2017 #7
    Live Every Day!

    Words to live by!  Thank you for your pro-active attitude and approach to living.  So inspiring for us all.... Laughing

  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    So glad you are still NED!

    you are very inspiring!! I happy you are healthy!! 

  • SophDan2
    SophDan2 Member Posts: 150 Member
    What a ride!

    Great story of your ride to today! It amazing to me, the strength that exists in all of us, that we might now have been aware of had it not been for our diagnoses.

    My you live a long long long life Tru!

  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    I for one

    am extrememly thankful that you are still around, alive, and N.E.D.! And I hope you will continue to be so, encouraging and inspiring us all for years to come! Smile

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hugs Tru

    May you have a long and healthy life. Ron.

  • lhduffer
    lhduffer Member Posts: 90 Member
    edited November 2017 #12
    Very Inspiring

    Yay! 3 years 7 months NED!  So very happy for you.  May you continue to be NED forever! You have been a great source of information and positivity since I joined in 2015.  Thank you! 

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    The best

    news! Keep that streak going!

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Another great milestone on

    Another great milestone on your path, 5 years out, 3yrs 7mos NED. Sue, your both inspiration and comfort to an awful lot of us, so just keep on moving forward........................................Dave

  • SummerLight
    SummerLight Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2017 #15
    Great news, and thanks for

    Great news, and thanks for sharing!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Those are the scariest words.  So glad to hear that you've come so far and are doing so well.  You are truly an inspiration on the boards and a big help to many.  Praying that you continue to live life to the fullest.

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Congratulations on being Ned

    Congratulations on being Ned for so long! 

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    I love your attitude!

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    May you be NED forevermore!!!

  • SophDan2
    SophDan2 Member Posts: 150 Member
    Very big milestone!

    So happy for you Tru; I hope that I take the same path.