Just Diagnosed

Tech70 Member Posts: 70 Member

Received my diagnosis 4 days ago

Current stage T1c

PSA 3.7

Biopsy 12 cores, 1 core positive, 10% of the core

Gleason 6, 3+3

Next up, I will be having an MRI next week, plus the positive biopsy will be sent for Oncotype DX genomic testing.

I'm currently 69 years old in good health.  No major illnesses in my lifetime, have only spent 1 night in a hospital in 69 years.

Unless the genomic testing comes back with something truly scary, I'm strongly considering AS for the time being.  Having read numerous posts on this forum, I'm very glad I found it and look forward to regular participation.


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,158 Member
    Good luck on your journey

    Hi Tech,

    Sorry you had to become a member of our group but the best of luck in the future.  There a lot of good people with many varied experiences on this form.

    Dave 3+4

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member

    Good luck on your journey

    Hi Tech,

    Sorry you had to become a member of our group but the best of luck in the future.  There a lot of good people with many varied experiences on this form.

    Dave 3+4



    Your thinking toward A/S seems very reasonable, given your specifics and age.

    We have a couple of real lay experts here who I am sure will give you some guidance regarding A/S generally.  I have one friend, now 74, who has been on A/S/ over 10 years now. His case was always very mild from Day 1.   He had a PSA draw about 2 months ago, and it is now lower than it was when diagnosed !   He has never received an "active" treatment.  

    While his type of results are not typical or guaranteed, they are wonderful when they happen,



  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    Active Surveilance for delayed treatment is a very viable treatment decision for low risk prostate cancer, since 97 percent of men with LRPC are likely to die of something other than prostate cancer. The pathologic stage of patients who are closely monitored, is similar to initally treated patients with LRPC, so the treatment decisions will be very similar. I selected Active Surveilance as my treatment decision in March, 09 . I plan to continue with this treatment option for the rest of my life if I can. If not I feel that I will still be able to seek any necessary treatment. 

    I was diagnosed with low aggressive, low volume prostate cancer, as you diagnosed, in March 09. I have been monitored in an Active Surveillance program since then. During this time I have studied, and you are welcome to ask any questions that you wish, and I will try to answer if I can,

    You mention that you will get an MRI which may determine if there is extracapsular extension. I strongly suggest that you ask for a 3T MRI that uses the most powerful magnet in clinical use.

    If you click my name to the left, you will be able to see what I have done, some comments and presentations by experts in active surveillance that i strongly recommend that you view for your edification.

    Read books, research, attend support group(s), ask questions here

    We are here for you.

  • JJO
    JJO Member Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to the difficult but

    Welcome to the difficult but hopeful area of low-grade prostate cancer.  It's difficult because, at least for me, the doctors never recommended a course, they just gave me options.  It's hopeful because with your diagnosis, all the options are very hopeful.  

    I've been on active surveillance for two years.  I just had my second follow-up biopsy and there was one core positive (7%) and it was gleason 6.   

    Psychologically, I assume I'll need treatment one day.  I'm only 62 and it's hard to imagine that something won't happen in the next 10 years or so that will trigger the need for treatment.  But I consider every year without treatment a victory!  

  • Tech70
    Tech70 Member Posts: 70 Member
    Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers

    Based on seeing this book recommended in this forum, got it and just finished it.  Very informative, would recommend it to anyone diagnosed with PC.   The NCCN also has a very comprehensive downloadable pamphlet that is extremely useful

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Tech70 said:

    Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers

    Based on seeing this book recommended in this forum, got it and just finished it.  Very informative, would recommend it to anyone diagnosed with PC.   The NCCN also has a very comprehensive downloadable pamphlet that is extremely useful


    Great that you are starting your research. I remember when I read the book, the first 6 or 8 chapters was my story. Scholtz's practice is in So CA., my geopgraphic area. He told me that the patient finally had radiation. By the waythe book is somewhat dated now, and there are better diagnostic and treatment methods now available.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    In the right direction

    Hi Tech,

    Welcome to the board. So far you are stepping in the right direction. Researching and avoiding anything drastic without proper investigation. AS may be your best choice if your above clinical stage and results are proper.

    Best wishes,


  • 1005tanner
    1005tanner Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2017 #9
    How did your test come out?

    How did your test come out? Ive been in same boat with a gleason 6 t2a just found out. Dont know to go with active survellance or surgery.

    Any input would be appreciated. Hope you are doing well.

  • Tech70
    Tech70 Member Posts: 70 Member
    edited December 2017 #10

    How did your test come out?

    How did your test come out? Ive been in same boat with a gleason 6 t2a just found out. Dont know to go with active survellance or surgery.

    Any input would be appreciated. Hope you are doing well.

    Good news

    I got the results of my Oncotype DX genomic test of my biopsy sample today via phone and the GPS score was 19 which indicates a very low risk for adverse progress of the disease.  My urologist's office is going to email the actual report to me with all the details but I feel like I got the best number in my life since my 314 in the draft lottery 50 years ago.