Has anyone heard from Debra Jo??

EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

I see she hasn't logged in since last February.  I emailed her but didn't get an answer.  Does anyone else have contact with her.




  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I’ve been wondering the same

    I’ve been wondering the same thing....

  • nancibee
    nancibee Member Posts: 59 Member
    I am sorry to say  that She

    I am sorry to say  that She passed away on March 9.



  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Oh, I’m so sorry to hear

    Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about Debra Jo passing:(

  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited November 2017 #5
    Ohhh Ladies I know you don't

    Ohhh Ladies I know you don't know me well as I don't visit often anymore, but Debra Jo was very active when I joined this group in late 2012. She had that Southern hospitality way about her in how she expressed herself making everyone feel so welcome and comfortable. She provided great comfort to me when I was new and very scared by my diagnosis. She had been thru so much with her cancer and was also caring for her parents and had the heart issue.

    Reading that she passed brought tears to my eyes. Funny how close you can become to 'virtual' strangers! Although that is a poor description of us on these boards...we may not know each other fave to face, but like Debra Jo our hearts are open to helping our sisters in any way we can.

    May Debra Jo be resting in peace!


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this.  I

    I'm so sorry to hear this.  I talked to her about a year ago and she was having a lot of issues with her heart. She was also struggling with other personal issues as well. I hope Debra Jo found peace and is dancing in Heaven watching over all of us! She was a comfort to many.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Red Corvette
    Red Corvette Member Posts: 114 Member
    Sad News

    Sad to hear of Debra Jo’s passing. She was kind and supportive when Mrs. Red was going through frontline treatment. Another great woman gone too soon. May her memory be a blessing.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Sad to learn of this

    Debrajo was one of the first to respond when I initially posted on this board almost 2 1/2 years ago.  Every morning, I still repeat to myself something she wrote then :  You are not going to die today.

    She will not be forgotten.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    nancibee, thank you for

    nancibee, thank you for letting us know.  I think Kathy G said it all so nicely.  For all of us that new her, JazzyJan, Ro, Alexandra, Seatown, and there are sadly others from a few years ago, it simply gets to be too much sometime.  

    DebraJo was such a mother to all the ladies and always was checking on all of us.  So sad....

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    So sad to hear

    I was wondering why I hadn't seen her post anything on here lately.  So sad to hear.  As Kathy G said she really had a way of making you feel comfortable.

    Just don't know what to say......

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I am so sad. She was one of

    I am so sad. She was one of the first ladies to welcome me here. Rest in peace, sweet Debra.



  • cheerful
    cheerful Member Posts: 261 Member


      Thanks for letting us ladies know of Debra Jo's passing.  I did see a number of her posts on the board.  I know she had stage 1 of UPSC which is what I had. I was aware that she did have heart issues.  I am so sorry to hear of her Debra Jo's passing.  I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.


    a/k/a Jane

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    So sorry

      I was just thinking about her the other day.  She was indeed active on this board and I wondered when she would return from her "break".  such sad news.


  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I had hoped to meet her one

    I had hoped to meet her one day as she lived in a town in Texas nearby to where my daughter lives and I fact in the same town as her in laws. Again so sad:( we must cherish everyday we have.

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    I thought that she may have been too ill

    to post or had passed on. She reached out to me privately and I was impressed by her big, loving and giving Texan heart. Ladies, it has been difficult to handle the loss of so many fine women who we got to know on this site. Alexandra, Ro10, moli moli just to name a few. I miss them and wish that they were still here with us. Now Debra Jo who I wanted to meet in person.

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    edited February 2018 #16
    So sorry to hear!

    Debra Jo was such a fine person. When I joined this board in late 2012 she was so supportive. She reached out to me privately several times and offered such loving support. I have not been on this board in quite some time and was so sorry to see this post. Debra Jo faced so many personal and health issues and never complained. She will be missed!