Organ donor

Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

Just something no one has ever talked to me about. In Indiana we note on our drivers license that we are organ donors in case of accidental death.

But, if PC survivors are having their blood tested for PSA every year... There is a chance the "bandit" has escaped and may lie dormant until detected by PSA rise.

Since there is that risk, then isn t there some risk in donating organs after accidental death? It may be small, but no smaller than PC recurrence.

And what about blood donation. I was a member of the gallon club before I quit donating at my first bout of prostatitis at age 50. Is there a risk factor in the bloodstream of a PC survivor?

Should I discontinue as an organ donor in light of my annual PSA tests?

Just something that has to be seriously considered, because the risk may be small, but the consequences severe. We would not want to unknowingly pass the bandit on as PC survivors.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member

    My family donates a lot of blood.  Blood cancers, like Lymphoma and Leukemia, ban the person for life from donating blood, but I am unsure about organ donation.  Hence, I can never donate blood, at least with current rules.

    After my wreck in 1986 I was in ICU 25 days.  Received 22 pints, almost 3 gallons. I believe all of it was withn the first 10 days.

    Donating is a great thing.


  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    Then according to the article, I should take a hiatus until a significant amount of time has passed to provide evidence that the cancer has not recurred. If PC is regarded in the same way as other forms of cancer, the risk is negligible if the cancer hasn't recurred after a number of years, which as we know, is tested through PSA levels, giving us an advantage in detection, and affording us a nearly foolproof way of determining our status as donors.

    Good to know.