Social Security Disability Insurance

I have Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer which was diagnosed in late August, 2017. I applied for SS disabilty insurance right away, and received approval within 2 weeks. The notice that I received says that although my disability has been approved, I will not start to receive benefits until 5 months after my diagnosis. This means that my first check will come in March of 2018 for the month of February. I saw a few posts from some time ago that seemed to indicate that people have started to receive benefits right away. I've checked the SS website and have spoken to SS representatives and have found nothing that might speed up when benefits start... does anyone have info that I was unable to find?

Thanks muchly for your help 


  • Jhd2u
    Jhd2u Member Posts: 12
    SS Disability

    Hi Simplysam,

    I have not heard about getting payments sooner, but will tell you that you do not have to report your income UNTIL the payments start, and you there have a 9? Month grace period before you are subject to the $1170 limitation. The reason for this is that SS says they encourage people to work if they can. Once you start receiving payments, you must send them pay stubs monthly.  After the "work trial" period, you have to pay some money back if over the $1170 amount. I know because my former employers were so kind in letting me take a laptop home and work when I could.  I did not have to supply pay stubs until payments started, and as my hourly rate was high (I was senior staff back in the day) I exceeded that cap for a few months working just part time until I was unable to continue the to stress and illness.  


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