


  • Mighty Frog
    Mighty Frog Member Posts: 152 Member
    edited October 2017 #22
    Iron Deficiency

    I started to urine blood (alot) 2 weeks after my surgical. From that day onwards, i was very fatigued and sleep almost whole day. My doctor just give a me iron supplement to boost up my iron and to increase my red bloood cell....... Things get better after one week plus.... I now feel alot better and active again.....

  • Kainin
    Kainin Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2017 #23
    Vitamin B shots

    My father is on Pazopanib for his kidney cancer, his biggest complaint is fatigue. My sister asked the oncologist if he could have a Vitamin B shot, he goes for one every two weeks and has a lot more energy. Hope this helps.

  • Rockspin
    Rockspin Member Posts: 77
    I also had extreme fatigue

    I also had extreme fatigue before my diagnoses but I had Hashimotos (thyroid disease) so I assumed it was from that boy was I wrong!

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited November 2017 #25
    Great idea with the B12!

    Great idea with the B12!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited November 2017 #26
    Did you consult with your

    Did you consult with your Primary doc? 5 is not good at all! 

    And yes, it could be other things too. Most good docs run a battery of blood tests to get to the bottom of this.

    Have you started Slow FE? Its sold at any drug store.

    Let me know!


    Hugs, Jan

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    I have not talked with him

    I have not talked with him about it yet. I was taking iron pills but have zero patience lol. I will talk with someone for sure.

  • kiwi68
    kiwi68 Member Posts: 110
    edited November 2017 #28
    A couple of days

    I have been really tired. For no good reason. The kind of tired I got when I was first pregnant and the baby was a mere speck, where you came home and laid down on the bed at 5pm and went to sleep.  I wonder if that was "Kev" growing?    The weird thing i have had is hot flushes at night and somtimes in the daytime.   I am a woman of the right age to be starting to get hot flushes but I have also read it might be related to the kidney tumour.  Something to do with Kindeys regulating body temp.  Will be interesting to see if it goes away after the 9th. 

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Kev ahahaha. Mine is Timmy!

    Kev ahahaha. Mine is Timmy! Been dead tired since June/July. Oncologist said it def can be the tumor throwing out strange hormones. He said I will obviously know for sure once the tumor is out. Three days to go then surgery time!!!!!!!

  • Uncle John
    Uncle John Member Posts: 2

    Today marks my one month surgery anniversary.  8cm tumor, RCC stage 3 with sinus involvement.  Initial post surgical pain was from largest incision but more so from the CO2 they pumped into me to distend my stomach cavity.  The CO2 took a week to completely void itself from my system.  At it's highest pain level it was causing razor sharp stabs in my shoulders and the pain was a solid 9 on the richter scale. That's all behind me.  So is the oxycodone. 

    My present post-operative concern is fatigue.  Even modest movement, say a slow walk around the block, wipes me out and I have to take a nap.  That's okay as I'm home recovering.  But in a couple more weeks I need to return to work.  I'm concerned that I won't be over the fatigue hump and will nod out at work.  I never expected laparoscopic surgery to result in fatigue whenever I expend energy.  Has anyone out there had a similar experience from a laparoscopic radical nephrectomy?


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited December 2017 #31
    From what I have read, many

    From what I have read, many people on here struggle(d) with fatigue.  I get tired more easily and find myself going to bed quite early most nights. I too will be returning to work the 1st week of January. I guess over time energy comes back. For some it took 8mths to 1 yr!!!!

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    I briefly read through your

    I briefly read through your posts and I saw that you had an iron level of 5.  That would certainly explain the fatigue.  Back in 2010, I had an abdominal condition called a sigmoid volvulous.  Essentaiily, a portion of my intestines twistd 540 degrees and shut themselves down.  Long story short, I had to have major emergency surgery to take out about 18 inches of my sigmoid colon and had the lovely experience of having to wear an ostomy bag for about 2-1/2 months.  My hemoglobin level during this fiasco went down to about 7 or 8 and my surgeon told me she wouldn't dare have me go through the "reconnection" surgery unless my hemoglobin went up substantially.  I was also severely underweight, so I had the enviable task of eating myself back up to a reasonable weight and a decent iron level.  I ended up eating a lot of meats of various kinds, having cream of wheat (very high in iron) a couple of times a day, and I drank three bottles of Ensure each day.  Yeah, I'm crazy, but I actually enjoyed the taste of the vanilla flavored Ensure that Costco sells.  Anyway, immediately after the initial operation, as I said, I had a hemoglobin reading in the mid-7's and my weight was about 140 (I'm 6'2" tall, so at 140 pounds, I disappeared when I turned in profile).  In about 8 weeks, given the diet I undertook, I got back to 180 pounds and a hemoglobin reading in the mid-12's.  After getting reconnected, I stablized at about 170-175 pounds and my hemoglobin is in the 13's now.

  • Kidneybeans
    Kidneybeans Member Posts: 39
    I'm tired more often than not

    I'm tired more often than not. I sleep much better at night than I did before my surgery on 10/12 but that doesn't seem to matter. 

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member

    I briefly read through your

    I briefly read through your posts and I saw that you had an iron level of 5.  That would certainly explain the fatigue.  Back in 2010, I had an abdominal condition called a sigmoid volvulous.  Essentaiily, a portion of my intestines twistd 540 degrees and shut themselves down.  Long story short, I had to have major emergency surgery to take out about 18 inches of my sigmoid colon and had the lovely experience of having to wear an ostomy bag for about 2-1/2 months.  My hemoglobin level during this fiasco went down to about 7 or 8 and my surgeon told me she wouldn't dare have me go through the "reconnection" surgery unless my hemoglobin went up substantially.  I was also severely underweight, so I had the enviable task of eating myself back up to a reasonable weight and a decent iron level.  I ended up eating a lot of meats of various kinds, having cream of wheat (very high in iron) a couple of times a day, and I drank three bottles of Ensure each day.  Yeah, I'm crazy, but I actually enjoyed the taste of the vanilla flavored Ensure that Costco sells.  Anyway, immediately after the initial operation, as I said, I had a hemoglobin reading in the mid-7's and my weight was about 140 (I'm 6'2" tall, so at 140 pounds, I disappeared when I turned in profile).  In about 8 weeks, given the diet I undertook, I got back to 180 pounds and a hemoglobin reading in the mid-12's.  After getting reconnected, I stablized at about 170-175 pounds and my hemoglobin is in the 13's now.

    Bay Are Guy

    I like Ensure too ahahahaha! I just had more bloodwork today so I will see where everything is at. Since the cancer has been removed my energy has come back! I do get tired more easily and when it hits....It is def bed time!! No question about it lol. I also like cream of wheat so that was a good idea too. Thanks!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Gosh this should not still be

    Gosh this should not still be going on, right? Has any doctor treated your low iron levels?

    And what few to no docs will tell you is that you can be deficient in NUTRIENTS~

    I was lucky to have a specialized nutritionist, not dietician) who could find EXACTLY 

    what I was deficient in, toxic in and how to correct it exactly just for me!

    Hope you find out and feel better soon!


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Gosh this should not still be

    Gosh this should not still be going on, right? Has any doctor treated your low iron levels?

    And what few to no docs will tell you is that you can be deficient in NUTRIENTS~

    I was lucky to have a specialized nutritionist, not dietician) who could find EXACTLY 

    what I was deficient in, toxic in and how to correct it exactly just for me!

    Hope you find out and feel better soon!


    The fatigue is gone, but

    The fatigue is gone, but nausea has been with me 24/7 for 6 weeks now. I just posted something about my blood test results today. Maybe you have some thoughts???

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

      or plavicid. Can be bought otc. It takes a week but it helped me a lot.

  • Angiebby75
    Angiebby75 Member Posts: 208 Member
    Annissa, my sister uses

    Annissa, my sister uses essential oils and she gave me some peppermint oil for my nausea and it has helped.

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Thanks all!!!

    Thanks all!!!

  • greenbriergirl
    greenbriergirl Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2017 #40
    My tumor was found in August

    My tumor was found in August after a raging bladder infection with a lot of blood sent me to the urologist. I had my surgery on November 8th. The plan was a partial but ended up having a total because of location of tumor and my kidney was slightly tilted. Anyway, for the last couple of years I always felt like a could lay down and go to sleep all the time. Now, even though I do get tired easily it seems to be a totally different kind of fatigue. It also seems as though I've had some changes (for the better) in my hair and nail growth. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member

    My tumor was found in August

    My tumor was found in August after a raging bladder infection with a lot of blood sent me to the urologist. I had my surgery on November 8th. The plan was a partial but ended up having a total because of location of tumor and my kidney was slightly tilted. Anyway, for the last couple of years I always felt like a could lay down and go to sleep all the time. Now, even though I do get tired easily it seems to be a totally different kind of fatigue. It also seems as though I've had some changes (for the better) in my hair and nail growth. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Same story and timeline as

    Same story and timeline as mine!! The horrible fatigue is gone, but at the end of the day I am almost exhausted. Once I am done...I am out like a light lol. I only noticed my hair breaking a bit more. It usually grows pretty fast so I cannot say it is any different.