phylsmith Member Posts: 1
edited August 2017 in Emotional Support #1

kia Ora (Hello)


My name is Phyllis but please call me Phyl.I am Maori.I am a christian (LDS). I am from Hamilton New Zealand. My husband is my caregiver.We have been married 38 years and have six sons. I was diagnosed with SNUC two months ago and am currently undergoing treatment.

Is there any one here I can talk with about this rare cancer. The questions I want answered are any dietry helps, any natural remedies, any practical help . My  family history is of the woman in my family from my grandmother, mother and  three sisters who had been diagnosed with cancer and have since passed away years ago. I did not talked with them about  their sufferings or treatments or different cancers . I had no idea of the hurts and struggles they went through. I had not met my grand mother and I was five when my mum died. My older sister struggled with breat canceer for ten years but never had chemo. my younger sister when diagnosed laasted several weeks after she was diagnosed.  One of my living older siblings is trying to find their medical records to send me to help .Today my younger sister has finished her treatment for breast cancer and now I have been diagnosed and am going through chemo.

My younger sister does not talk much about her self ,she deflects the conversation to me. The advise she offers is mostly based on her treatment. Because our belief systems are different she questions my reasons for the way I do things. Her cynicism is not helpful .So I am looking to your HELP. I have read somewhat so I don't need any more information about SNUC. I am confidant with my consultant and trust his knowledge and expertise.

I  want a personal up to date chat with some one of like mind. I understand everyone is different and every story is personal so I will take each piece of information with care and thank you in advance.

arohanui (with all mine and my God's and my families love) 

Phyl Smith


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Hi, Phyl

    Sorry to hear you've got a reason to be here, but glad you found this forum. There are good supportive people here. 

    Wow. Your family, especially the women, have had a difficult journey with the cancer. I'm with you - there are so many things we don't notice when we're kids, things we don't think to ask, because we're kids. Then we get older and we can't ask our loved ones those questions because they're gone. 

    Have you asked your primary care physician or your oncologist about a special diet? I would think it's a good idea to eat a varied diet as you're able, of whole (unprocessed) foods. I try to eat a lot of different veggies. Chopping veggies has become a calming part of my day. Who knew?

    Also, have you asked at your stake if there is someone who's been through or is going through cancer would be willing to walk through this with you? That's been very helpful. 

    All the best in making these connections. Let us know how it's going. Hugs...

  • Susie918
    Susie918 Member Posts: 1

    Hi Phyl,

    My brother passed away from SNUC in February, 2017.  I am willing to answer any questions you may have about SNUC, what he did or didn't do, etc. in hopes that this crazy, ridiculous cancer can be eliminated.  I'm just not sure where to start, etc. so if you want to message me, that is fine.  

    What has been happening since your August 17 post?