4 weeks post treatment today

4 weeks post treatment all signed back to my ENT consultant who will see me on 7th September for a follow up appointment. Energy levels returning well running every day, off to arrange a back to work medical with the company doctor back to work on Monday hopefully. Everything appears to be almost back to normal for me which feels kind of weird. Taste & saliva is about 80%, slight sore throat still right at the back when I swallow, tinnitus hardly there and hearing isn’t quite as good.  I have no concerns as to whether the treatment has worked or not if it has that’s good if it hasn’t I will cross that bridge when I come to it, my feelings are the same regarding future recurrence. Not sure why I have come through this with so few side effects after reading so many posts on here, long term I will have to see.

I had a great team of people looking after my treatment at  Galway University hospital, Ireland and Cancer care West lodge on the hospital grounds were I stayed for free Monday to Friday. 

This is a great network for support & information



  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    Great to hear. I read your

    Great to hear. I read your posts to remind myself that treatment can be completed without huge obstacles. Good luck to you.

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    So happy for you.

    So happy for you.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    4 weeks post


    You are a trooper and survived well.

    The best of luck moving forward, run a few miles for me.


  • Engelsa
    Engelsa Member Posts: 50
    Excellent News


    I am so encouraged to hear of your excellent progress. Your outlook on treatment efficacy is exceptional. Press on, I wish you the very best!


  • frokker68
    frokker68 Member Posts: 49 Member
    Good News!

    My 4 week post treatment is tomorrow.  Allthough I am not as far along as you are in recovery, I am doing a lot better.  I still can't eat due to sore throat.  I still get tired pretty easy.  Other than that, I feel great.  I am looking to return to work in 2 weeks.



  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    Double Yeah!!

    So glad to hear the news for both Andy and Keith!


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited July 2017 #8

    Great report Andy. Enjoy and keep smiling!