Granuloma after Chemo, Masectomy Radiation,Stge 3 ImmflamatoryBC

amking1954 Member Posts: 2

After a recewnt c-scan it was discovered I had smal nodels and granuloma in the left side of my long, which is the same side that I have my radiation, I was badly burned in the process, After the scan they did a biospy and a round of test on the sample for cancer, fungus , bacyeria and infections, it was all clear of any of the above and the doctors said they could not tell where or why it formed except in reaction to a foreign body or to fight off a cancer. Other than being tired all the time, short of breath and a little tenderness, a lot of headaches all the symptoms I had. They prescribed steriod to see if they can shrink this The Docs are doing another scan in August to see if the steriods worked, they have not said what other treatment would happen.  I do not want to do chemo if there are not signs of cancer or cancer cells. Could this have come from radation, what treatment do they usually do. Is this a normal reaction.  I can not seem to find much research.  What happens it is don't go away. Surgery?