Pancreatic Cancer - NET

lhalstead Member Posts: 6
edited May 28 in Senior Survivors #1

I'm searching for pancreatic cancer survivors.  After NET pancreatic cancer diagnosis in November 2015, and Whipple procedure surgery on January 4, 2016, all my ct scans have come back clear and negative, so far.  Next scan is a month away.

I have not had any chemo or radiation; my doctor said I didn't need it.

I have spent the last 18 months searching for other survivors.  I have found one, but have not had the opportunity to speak with her yet.  I am maintaining the positive attitude that I AM a survivor, even though it's only been 18 months.

If you want to ask me questions I can try to answer them.  If you have been around the block a couple times and have a few more answers I would like to discuss what to expect in the future.

I found that pancreatic cancer is not even a selection for Discussion boards.  So, if you are a survivor and you found my post then our tenacity could be what makes us survivors.


  • Survivor

    Hi there - my dad was diagnosed in Dec 2016 and had his Whipple in June of this year at Duke.  It went well and he had clear margins and nodes and a good recovery so far.  He is currently having radiation and taking a chemo pill "to be on the safe side".  Let me know if you would like me to put you in touch with him.


  • sissynana
    sissynana Member Posts: 1

    To lhalstead,

    I had a distal pancreatectomy (splenectomy, cholecystectomy and more) August, 2017 for PNET at tail of pancreas with metastasis to single liver lesion.  Diagnosis came after Gallium scan.  I am not on any chemo or other medicine at this time, awainting post-op scan.   I still hope I am NED ( no evidence of disease).   Thanks for your tenacity!  

  • bobsjourney
    bobsjourney Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am a PNET metastatic to liver on second shot of monthly Lanteotide. Stage IV with no symptoms after diagnosis several weeks ago. Just want to speak with someone going through same diagnosis