Let's check in

Just wondered if anyone would want to write a little peice about how you are doing today. What you been up to. How your family is doing. Any concerns or questions you may have. Where you are in your treatment. What helps you to push on.
I will start. I am just coming into my 3rd week from treatment and on thursday I will be getting my last one. The knowledge of it being my last one makes me happy but then I know I will have 3 weeks of yuck right after not so much. I know I will cry when I get to ring the bell. It will be a good one though.
I have delt with my father being sick this past week (heart) and that scared me. I lost one parent and I am not ready to lose the other. This has also helped me to fight harder and get myself up adn going to get better. They say it takes year to get back to the close to how you were before. Due to my other health issues, it may take me longer, but I am sick of feeling sick and I am determined to be back on top again.
I feel like I owe that to my family and most of all to myself to try to be the best of me. I learned off the lymphodemia site that swimming, dry brushing, yoga, and walking are good for the lymphatic system. So I think I will go visit the Y and see what they have to offer.
I would appriciate any helpful tips on how to regain your strength back.
Hi Annie,
You are almost near the end of this treatment! I have no helpful tips or advice, because I am just starting this journey. I hope your Dad recovers and that you are able to enjoy his company despite the yucky side effects ! I like your idea of joining a gym after you ring that bell! You are on your way to wellness and healing!!!
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Trying to move on...
Hi All- I finished all of my treatments three weeks ago, and I am so happy to be home from Arizona!! I didn't ring the bell, I just ran for the exit thinking that I was returning to my life as it was before. I had my yearly physical today and my PC went over my blood work. It turns out that I am now anemic. It started during my radiation treatments, and is worse now. She gave me a perscription for iron pills and said that I need to have my blood checked in six weeks. She also recommends endometrial ablation to end my monthly cycles because she is unsure if radiation caused my anemia, or if my return to heavy monthly cycles is causing the anemia (I took BC pills to control the heavy bleeding before my diagnosis). Also still dealing with nerve pain whenever I accidently brush up against anything. Breast cancer is the gift that keeps on giving....I will schedule the procedure tomorrow.
As far as exercise, I joined a gym for the first time in my life. I have worked up to walking three miles in an hour on the treadmill daily in spite of my continued fatigue. I have decided that I would rather exercise and eat a vegetarian diet than take Tomaxifin. It seems as though the benifit is statistically about the same without all of the side effects. I hope that I have made the right decision, it scares me, but I also want to be the best that I can be. I also hope that I can will myself to stay with it...
I continue to pray for all of you. Although we have never met, we are sisters. There are things that only other breast cancer survivors can really understand.
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Thanks Annie for starting this. I don't post often, but come on the board almost daily to check on how everyone is doing.
I'm almost 17 years out from my first diagnosis and 10 years for my second (in October for both). My first was DCIS/IDC w/right side only mastectomy and Tramflap reconstruction, followed w/Tamoxifen. Second was IDC in the reconstructed breast, lumpectomy, radiation, Arimidex. I was fortunate both times to have caught the cancers early and had little side affects with all my treatments.
I of course worry about recurrance and become frustrated when I think I feel something and the drs say "it's nothing" by touch alone. They don't do any blood work or testing of any kind. I've grown tired of pushing for at least an ultrasound. I've switched oncologists, found a good one who at least talks to me and will order an ultrasound if warrented, then when I go in for the next annual appointment, in walks a PA instead, who rushes in and out. So, I live life and do my best to enjoy it, with prayers that I don't ever have to go through cancer again.
I have two sons, two-step daughters and three grandkids. My step-son passed away 10 months ago at age 28. My parents are both 83 and I'm watching them and my 87 year old mother-in-law become weaker. Wow, is that hard! I am fortunate to still have them all though.
As time goes on, I think less of having had cancer and all that I and my family went through with treatments. It does become easier. It's helped me be more compassionate toward others and I've been able to help others through the process. Out of four brothers, one has had liver cancer. He's doing well too.
I appreciate everyone here and wish everyone well.
Barb A in WI
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Meschmeschellejensen said:Trying to move on...
Hi All- I finished all of my treatments three weeks ago, and I am so happy to be home from Arizona!! I didn't ring the bell, I just ran for the exit thinking that I was returning to my life as it was before. I had my yearly physical today and my PC went over my blood work. It turns out that I am now anemic. It started during my radiation treatments, and is worse now. She gave me a perscription for iron pills and said that I need to have my blood checked in six weeks. She also recommends endometrial ablation to end my monthly cycles because she is unsure if radiation caused my anemia, or if my return to heavy monthly cycles is causing the anemia (I took BC pills to control the heavy bleeding before my diagnosis). Also still dealing with nerve pain whenever I accidently brush up against anything. Breast cancer is the gift that keeps on giving....I will schedule the procedure tomorrow.
As far as exercise, I joined a gym for the first time in my life. I have worked up to walking three miles in an hour on the treadmill daily in spite of my continued fatigue. I have decided that I would rather exercise and eat a vegetarian diet than take Tomaxifin. It seems as though the benifit is statistically about the same without all of the side effects. I hope that I have made the right decision, it scares me, but I also want to be the best that I can be. I also hope that I can will myself to stay with it...
I continue to pray for all of you. Although we have never met, we are sisters. There are things that only other breast cancer survivors can really understand.
It is great to hear that you are finished with treatment and getting back to life! I know what you mean about making the tough decisions about which treatments to accept. I hope that you cqn enjoy the rest of your summer and feel healthier each day! Life goes on!
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Feeling Great!
I am going back to work the day after tomorrow. I feel grateful because I found out I had breast cancer just days after I started my job. They have been very understanding. I worked a couple of months then had to take several weeks off after a double mastectomy. The plan was for immediate DIEP flap reconstruction unless I had lymph node involvement. My left, sentinel node was affected so reconstruction was put on hold. What I have learned is that I can get through anything, one day at a time, with God's help.
The struggle isn't over yet. I will start radiation in a couple of weeks. When I am healed from radiation I will have DIEP flap reconstruction followed by another two-month recovery. I am not afraid of that. I am grateful to be alive!
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One year post treatment
Great idea, Annie.
I am 1year post treatment. I went back to teaching in September 2016, and it has been a whirlwind year!
Family First: husband began a new job in December, 2016. A lot less stress, and he gets to work from home sometimes with flexible hours which really helps me at times. Oldest daughter got engaged New Years' Eve and we are getting ready to celebrate her wedding this October. Second daughter got engaged in May, 2017 after she got her Masters degree. Third daughter graduated from 8 th grade in June. Nephew who is like our son got married in June as well. All wonderful events, and I am blessed to be here to celebrate with them!
Medical takes second place in my life right now, but I am still cautious and anxious. It took me 3 months to convince my team that Armidex was causing my severe sore throat. Now on Femara and doing better. Never sure if my joint and hip pain is drug or arthritis related. Fatigue still plagues me at least 3 days a week, but onco does not think it is due to treatment 12 months out.
Latest testing shows a 3cm mass in the affected breast, but radiologist and surgeon feel it is scar tissue. Will recheck in December and check Dexascan, too. I am putting it out of my head for now. Busy summer getting ready for school again and the wedding. I have a lot of living to do right now, and timing is in my favor right now.
Thanks to all for sharing their updates, too! May each of us find something to smile about and feel encouraged by others! Peace and prayers for all.
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Doing good
i was diagnosed April 2009 the first time right side I had a mastectomy chemo and radiation and diagnosed the second time left side again April 2010 I had another mastectomy and Jan 2013 I had the lattismus dorsi reconstruction on both sides and started tamoxifen in 2009 for was to be 5 years then went to 10 years I will be done with it in 2019 I have looked forward and doing good have been Ned since my second time in 2010 I don't post here often but do pop in once in a while , I recently lost my maltipoo dog grant may 8 2017 to cushings disease he was with me almost 11 years threw my cancers but otherwise I try not to dwell on the cancers the longer I am out the better it has gotten I found my new normal for me and I am doing good !
I wish everyone well !
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Any scans done?Elaine_wi said:Feeling Great!
I am going back to work the day after tomorrow. I feel grateful because I found out I had breast cancer just days after I started my job. They have been very understanding. I worked a couple of months then had to take several weeks off after a double mastectomy. The plan was for immediate DIEP flap reconstruction unless I had lymph node involvement. My left, sentinel node was affected so reconstruction was put on hold. What I have learned is that I can get through anything, one day at a time, with God's help.
The struggle isn't over yet. I will start radiation in a couple of weeks. When I am healed from radiation I will have DIEP flap reconstruction followed by another two-month recovery. I am not afraid of that. I am grateful to be alive!
Hi Elaine,
I'm happy to hear about the good news of you going back to work. That's an upper.
I was wondering if you had any pre-surgery scans, like a bone or CT scan done before your mastectomies? Seeing as you had one sentinel node affected, it's important to have a close look at your whole body to make sure that there is no metastisis. Having those tests done and getting a clean report is probably more important before getting reconstruction surgery at this point. If all is well according to the tests and scans, then by all means, proceed with your reconstruction plans.
I didn't have a mastectomy but had a lumpectomy where 7 sentinel nodes were removed and 1 was positive for cancer. No testing was done after that discovery. I had 33 rounds of radiation followed by 1 1/2 years of Arimidex. No bloodwork or scans were done on me in that whole time. After the Arimidex for the 1 1/2 years, extensive bone mets were found in my spine, ribs, and pelvis. ( Awful pain led me to my a Primary doctor who finally did the proper scans and tests.) My Oncologist and I parted ways after that. He was NOT thorough and now I'm dealing with a whole new breast cancer issue, namely Stage 4.
My current Oncologist believes that I had mets from the very beginning. A bone scan, CT scan, would've shown this as well as bloodwork to look at my tumor markers.
I don't want to scare you, or put a damper on your positivity, but I want you to get thorough testing before you have surgery done to reconstruct your breasts. In my case, my surgeon was recommending that I have breast reduction and a breast lift after radiation. I did go to a plastic surgeon he recommended, but decided against the procedures at that point. Good thing I did!
I'm speaking from my experience. I hope you've received all screening tests to make sure that the rest of your body is cancer-free. That is SO important!
Hoping to hear from you on this matter. Wishing you the best! Kats2
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I will be thinking about you tomorrow as you go for that last treatment!
Hugs to you!
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Congratulations on your last treatment
What a great surprise. I bet you feel so happy that you can put that chapter of your life in the review mirror. Here are my stats for checking in I was diagnosed in 2009 with stage III her2+ breast cancer in my left breast. I did 18 months of chemo plus I was a participant on a clinical trial for Lapatanib (sp?) also known as Tykerb , during that time I had surgery and that was followed by 6 weeks of rads . Everything was going fine until April of this year when I was diagnosed with a new primary in my right breast. As for this new demon, I am doing good. I had surgery in June, with interoperative radiation and I am healing well. I just got back from the oncologist where she went over the oncotype test with me. The good news is that I have a low oncotype score so I will be on Letrazole generic for Femara ( I think) for the next ten years. To be honest I'm kind of scared of the side effects and I want to hold off until I get home from a vacation. Anyone who is on a anti hormonal advice would be aprreciated. I'm grateful that my first course of treatment allowed me more time with my kids, my oldest son was a Freshman in high school and my youngest son was in fourth grade in 2009. Now I'm getting ready to send my baby off to college and my oldest will be starting his second year of law school. I still can't understand why it happened to me twice, but I just try to accept it and move on. Wishing you all love, peace, and strength. Love surf
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Letrozole club1surfermom said:Congratulations on your last treatment
What a great surprise. I bet you feel so happy that you can put that chapter of your life in the review mirror. Here are my stats for checking in I was diagnosed in 2009 with stage III her2+ breast cancer in my left breast. I did 18 months of chemo plus I was a participant on a clinical trial for Lapatanib (sp?) also known as Tykerb , during that time I had surgery and that was followed by 6 weeks of rads . Everything was going fine until April of this year when I was diagnosed with a new primary in my right breast. As for this new demon, I am doing good. I had surgery in June, with interoperative radiation and I am healing well. I just got back from the oncologist where she went over the oncotype test with me. The good news is that I have a low oncotype score so I will be on Letrazole generic for Femara ( I think) for the next ten years. To be honest I'm kind of scared of the side effects and I want to hold off until I get home from a vacation. Anyone who is on a anti hormonal advice would be aprreciated. I'm grateful that my first course of treatment allowed me more time with my kids, my oldest son was a Freshman in high school and my youngest son was in fourth grade in 2009. Now I'm getting ready to send my baby off to college and my oldest will be starting his second year of law school. I still can't understand why it happened to me twice, but I just try to accept it and move on. Wishing you all love, peace, and strength. Love surf
Hi, Surf
I am currently in my 1st year of Letrozole. Aside from some minor aches ( doable with Tylenol Arthritis), I have not experienced any other SE from the Letrozole. Onco said the biggest issue is to watch bones (annual Dexascan). I take CVS Calcium minis 2x/day. Includes 600mg of calcium each pill plus some additional vitamins. I did not like the size of the regular calcium - I find these much easier to swallow.
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Annie!!!Apaugh said:Last treatment done
I got home and my family was there to surprise me with a last day of treatment party. Balloons, streamers, cupcakes. Today is a great day.
Hugs and prayers to all,
I am so happy for you!!!! You endured and you finished!!!!!! Congratulations!
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SurferMom1surfermom said:Congratulations on your last treatment
What a great surprise. I bet you feel so happy that you can put that chapter of your life in the review mirror. Here are my stats for checking in I was diagnosed in 2009 with stage III her2+ breast cancer in my left breast. I did 18 months of chemo plus I was a participant on a clinical trial for Lapatanib (sp?) also known as Tykerb , during that time I had surgery and that was followed by 6 weeks of rads . Everything was going fine until April of this year when I was diagnosed with a new primary in my right breast. As for this new demon, I am doing good. I had surgery in June, with interoperative radiation and I am healing well. I just got back from the oncologist where she went over the oncotype test with me. The good news is that I have a low oncotype score so I will be on Letrazole generic for Femara ( I think) for the next ten years. To be honest I'm kind of scared of the side effects and I want to hold off until I get home from a vacation. Anyone who is on a anti hormonal advice would be aprreciated. I'm grateful that my first course of treatment allowed me more time with my kids, my oldest son was a Freshman in high school and my youngest son was in fourth grade in 2009. Now I'm getting ready to send my baby off to college and my oldest will be starting his second year of law school. I still can't understand why it happened to me twice, but I just try to accept it and move on. Wishing you all love, peace, and strength. Love surf
I am sorry you have to go through this again, but glad you can be treated. Congratulations on sending your baby off to college! Before you know it, you will be at another graduation! I am about to go on an AI, but I don't know which one yet. Hang in there!!
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I could not of done it without the love and guidence of all
You ladies have helped me in so many ways and so appriciate it.
So now it will be seeing the doc every 3 mo. and the port rinse every six weeks because he wants to leave it in there a year. I dont mind. I am use to in now. Better safe than sorry he thinks. They will take blood out of it for the labs as well. And I have to continue taking the Anastrozole for the 5 years.
Now it is on to pain mngt. for the long term side effects and to build my core muscles and build up my immune system the best I can. I keep telling myself, this will be good for me to do. I dealt with all that for last 15 months, I can do some stretches and core building with no problem. Another challenge but a postive one.
Hugs to all.
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Just got fourth round a/c
Just got fourth round a/c with neulasta and as terrible as it sounds I just felt like asking myself if the juice is worth the squeeze. This much pain is too much. I could barely move, couldn't talk. Couldn't move without help. Too exhausted to cry. Frankly crying would have hurt anyway. i know I'm supposed to stay positive. That is the key everyone says. I feel like if I complain it's a slap to everyone who suffers through this while staying positive.
Today is little better. The muscles in my throat have eased up and I can talk and move easier. But body feels battered and bruised. Still better than yesterday. I still hurt to touch pretty much anywhere on my body.
i do like coming and reading how others have gotten through this and it does give me hope. Even when I just want to curl up and feel sorry for myself. I havent cried yet. Once when first diagnosed my husband was upset and I was upset for him. I cried a little that night because I felt bad for him. But I realized I haven't cried over this whole nightmare at all.
sometimes I want to cry, but then I think it will just upset others And I don't want them to worry or be upset more than they might already be.
ughhh...even typing this makes me feel like a ninny.
Also, Mesch, I also am anemic. Have had problems with it long before breast cancer. Mostly due to extremely heavy periods. I had ablation and it helped a lot. While I hoped it would get rid of periods all together, it at least slowed them down to a more normal monthly cycle.
congrats to all of you who are getting through this mess and keeping your head above water!
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Congratulations Annie!!
Congrats Annie on finishing chemo!! I am so happy for you! Now the healing begins!!
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