Repeat Offender - Different Organ

airborne72 Member Posts: 301 Member

I visited this site last week in my determined quest to self-educate regarding rectal cancer.  After reading some posts I decided that it would be beneficial for me to join the list.  When I attempted to do so it indicated that I was already a member.  Apparently I joined in 2012 when I was freaking out during my third year of PSA screening following my radical protectomy in June 2009.  I was blessed with total recovery from prostate cancer, except for impotence, so I guess I just wandered off from this forum and continued to live life., forgetting that I was a member.

Things changed.  In May of this year it was determined that I have a large, obstructive mass in my rectum.  Biopsy confirmed cancer.  Since then I have experienced the common emotional roller-coaster ride, processed forwards and backwards in the five stages of grief, undergone the typical analytical tests, and on Tuesday of this week commenced neoadjuvant chemo/radiation.  My tumor is currently classified as T2N0M0.  The neoadjuvant treatment was recommended and approved due to the size of my tumor.  After some serious consideration, I decided to proceed with it.

When I get smarter, I will post my history elsewhere in the appropriate spot, but for now this is a brief synopis.  My initial, routine colonoscopy was conducted in March 2009.  I was squeaky clean and since my family did not have any history of polyps the doctor said that my next screening was not necessary until 10 years later.  However, during the past year I have noticed smaller stools and occasional blood.  The blood was always bright red so I attributed it to hemmoroids.  The bleeding increased to the point that I was sometimes filling the toilet with blood.  By chance I was scheduled for an annual physical in April of this year.  I shared that situation with the doctor and requested a colonoscopy.  We both laughed at the fact that I was asking for one when most people avoid them.  Anyway, the colonoscopy confirmed rectal cancer.  Had I not been proactive in my healthcare, I would be a dead man walking.

Must go now.  Back later.  Strength and encouragement to all.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    I guess we can say 'welcome back '

    how funny that you joined and forgot about it. 

    Sorry for your new diagnosis. I wonder if your prostate treatment had a hand in it?

    always remember that we are on the roller coaster with you. You're never alone. The forum is a great tool for many  reasons. 

    Visit often. 


  • airborne72
    airborne72 Member Posts: 301 Member
    Trubrit said:

    I guess we can say 'welcome back '

    how funny that you joined and forgot about it. 

    Sorry for your new diagnosis. I wonder if your prostate treatment had a hand in it?

    always remember that we are on the roller coaster with you. You're never alone. The forum is a great tool for many  reasons. 

    Visit often. 


    If I only knew why, if any of

    If I only knew why, if any of us only knew why we developed cancer then life would be different.  I am 66 with no health issues other than intractable chronic pain from multiple spinal fusions.  I spent 20 years in the military and retired from service with the same mindset about self-discipline and fitness.  Four decades of my life have included exercise and a well balanced diet (the ACS would approve of what I ate).  However, I have since realized that being physically fit does not necessarily equate to being healthy.

    Both of my bouts with cancer were detected by chance.  I describe it as Divine Intervention.  The statement that early detection is the best hope for cure totally applies to my situation.  But, that cure will poke a hole in your calendar, rearrange your life priorities, and change your lifestyle.  Living with cancer requires courage, stamina and hope.

    I began chemo (Xeloda) and radiation treatment on Tuesday of this week for the next five weeks.  The goal is to shrink the tumor and kill any other undetected cells prior to surgery.  I have been told that I will most likely not require a colostomy since my tumor is higher in my rectum.  We'll see.

    My motivator in all of this is the pending arrival of my first grandchild (Caroline) on 2 September.  I so much want to be a normal looking and behaving grandfather during the event and thereafter!  There is nothing as sweet as a newborn child.

    Strength and encouragement to all!!


  • NHMike
    NHMike Member Posts: 213 Member
    It's nice to learn more about you

    We have the same course of treatment with you about two weeks ahead of time so I'll look out for your posts. I'm a few years younger and work(ed) on my fitness and diet. When I went into the ER with bloody stools, I told the doctors that, outside of the bloody stools, I felt great. I never really went to see doctors though. The last time I was in a hospital was 40 years ago when I had two wisdom teeth removed. My body has held up well up until now. I probably would have been better off had I had annual checkups and the recommended colonoscopy tests but I suppose that I can't be sure if the recommended intervals are that long.