
Forger Member Posts: 20

   Does anyone else here have a blog set up??  Or do y'all just use the discussion board for the day to day stuff in the life of a cancer patient??

   Being a FNG here I'm trying to learn the ropes on the best ways to interact with folks.  Do I start a new discussion when, "WHOO HOO!! My chilidog tastes like a chilidog instead of a highly medicated salt lick!!*"  Or is that best put in a blog post??

*(BTW, my sonic pretzel bacon cheese dog didn't taste like a highly medicated salt lick, but the bun was WELL done and those meddling kids forgot the cheese sauce. )


  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member

    Maybe you should just communicate in your own style and see how we adapt to you.

    You might set some new trends!

    FNG = Forger New Guy?


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member

    At least you have a great sense of humor.  And sometimes we mix it up; especially when it helps the medicine and bad stuff go down.

    And there are two Donna's, but I was here first.  If you click on a person's user name, and they have filled out a profile, you can read where or how we began this journey.  Some joined at the time they were D'xd, others not till after initial surgery or treatment.



  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Welcome Forger

    Glad you are able to taste your food, thanks for the laugh! You can share whatever you like on here Humor helps a lot. God bless you.


  • Forger
    Forger Member Posts: 20
    FNG = Freekin' New Guy

    But I guess Forger works too..

    Thanks for the feedback y'all. 

    Steve - My style is pretty much what you read, tempered for whatever audience I happen to be inflicting myself upon.  For a good example, check (not click fishing, it's a dead blog).  It's the chronicle of The Wife's hospitalization and her battle with endrometrial cancer and stroke.  It's pretty much my style.

    Miss Donna - My sense of humor has saved The Wife's and my sanity more than once.  I know I come off kinda strong, but I've always been  take the bull by the horns, tell him a hi-larious joke and he'll be so busy laughing that he'll forget about goring you while you are kicking him in the @$$..

    Deanie - It's a sad state of affairs when your first yummy hot dog in months is something you'd normally send back, but I'm glad I could give up the giggles.

    I'm just trying to get a feel for how things run around here..



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Welcome Forger

    It's important to maintain a sense of humor, how in the hell else can one get thru some of this stuff?  In my case I started with naming the beast, I refer to it as Bob the Blob.

    Best wishes in your journey,

    Donna~  ( number 2 )

  • Forger
    Forger Member Posts: 20
    hardo718 said:

    Welcome Forger

    It's important to maintain a sense of humor, how in the hell else can one get thru some of this stuff?  In my case I started with naming the beast, I refer to it as Bob the Blob.

    Best wishes in your journey,

    Donna~  ( number 2 )

    Good Idea

    I never thought about naming it.  Always called it "My" or "The Cancer".  A name brings it to a more personal level.  Consider your idea stolen, if you don't mind...

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Forger said:

    Good Idea

    I never thought about naming it.  Always called it "My" or "The Cancer".  A name brings it to a more personal level.  Consider your idea stolen, if you don't mind...

    Go for it!

    That was just my crazy, humorous way of coming to terms with it.  In my brain, it was like "hey, I grew this thing, I'm naming it".....much like a baby I guess.  Let me know what name you come up with.


  • Forger
    Forger Member Posts: 20
    Bob The Blob

    I mentioned your idea to the The Wife and she instantly said, "Bob??" 

    "Bob" is the generic name we've came up with for the annoyances in our life, i.e., "Bob just cut me off!!", or "If Bob would just look out the window, he'd come closer to getting the weather right."

    It comes from a long time weather man named Bob on the local TV channel, 30+years, retired and they hired some nozzle named Grant to replace him.  There's something about Grant's style that just grates, so it's become, "What's "Bob" saying about the weather??"

    And I'd truly love to kick Bob's @$$...

    (Not the weather guy, the cancer)

    So if you don't mind I'd like to use "Bob" as well for my renal "annoyance"...  Who knows, mebbe we can start a trend around here.  Cool

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Forger said:

    Bob The Blob

    I mentioned your idea to the The Wife and she instantly said, "Bob??" 

    "Bob" is the generic name we've came up with for the annoyances in our life, i.e., "Bob just cut me off!!", or "If Bob would just look out the window, he'd come closer to getting the weather right."

    It comes from a long time weather man named Bob on the local TV channel, 30+years, retired and they hired some nozzle named Grant to replace him.  There's something about Grant's style that just grates, so it's become, "What's "Bob" saying about the weather??"

    And I'd truly love to kick Bob's @$$...

    (Not the weather guy, the cancer)

    So if you don't mind I'd like to use "Bob" as well for my renal "annoyance"...  Who knows, mebbe we can start a trend around here.  Cool


    I think a bunch of us have already used Bob the Blob, so it's been trending, albeit slowly (which hopefully is how our individual Bobs the Blobs will be trending, also slowly). 

    Now, if someone goes and gets all territorial about names and suddenly is talking about THEIR "Bob the Blob (little tiny t and m)," some of the rest of us will have to have a little chat with them. Hopefully they'll understand, because any Bob the Blob hoggin' and robbin' could result in a small mob joggin' through the streets and lobbin' cobs, logs, and maybe even a clog or two. Better to share, honoring the former Bobs the Blobs by lifting a pint of grog or two. 

    You'll be sure to blog that?


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    I have no problem sharing

    and didn't realize the name was trending.  lol 

    I mean, I'm not the only Donna around either.  ;)

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    I named mine

    Hubert the Evil Mass. So glad it is gone...Smile

  • Mighty Frog
    Mighty Frog Member Posts: 152 Member
    edited July 2017 #13
    OK! Great to have one!

    I agreed... 

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    hardo718 said:

    I have no problem sharing

    and didn't realize the name was trending.  lol 

    I mean, I'm not the only Donna around either.  ;)

    What, you didn't know...?

    Donna, you didn't know you were trending, trendy, and therefore part of the in-crowd? See, all this time you could've been sitting at the "cool table" at lunch if you'd only known. 

    Personally, I think we kidney forum folks are sort of sitting at our own virtual cool table. We're not sitting together because of any potential coolness the RCC might have (because it is TOTALLY lacking in any coolness whatsoever), but because it's an amazing group of folks here. 

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    JerzyGrrl said:

    What, you didn't know...?

    Donna, you didn't know you were trending, trendy, and therefore part of the in-crowd? See, all this time you could've been sitting at the "cool table" at lunch if you'd only known. 

    Personally, I think we kidney forum folks are sort of sitting at our own virtual cool table. We're not sitting together because of any potential coolness the RCC might have (because it is TOTALLY lacking in any coolness whatsoever), but because it's an amazing group of folks here. 

    WOW!! No, I didn't know

    I've never been labeled "cool" before.....more of a square peg, if you will.  I'm so honored.....I'll just bask in all this coolness for a bit now. Cool

