
stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

Has anyone heard from Donna (hardo718)?  I sent her a pm about a week ago and haven't heard back from her.  She was last online on May 16. 



  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    Oh no, I hope she is ok and

    Oh no, I hope she is ok and just enjoying summer.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited June 2017 #3
    I'm sure she is fine. She was

    I'm sure she is fine. She was Stage 1, wasn't she? So I guess this break can't be kidney related. Enjoying summer, or other issues, but hopefully not health related!

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    edited June 2017 #4
    And I was wondering about Brenda...

    It's been months since she posted last.  Thinking about her. Anyone have news?

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    edited June 2017 #5
    marosa said:

    And I was wondering about Brenda...

    It's been months since she posted last.  Thinking about her. Anyone have news?

    me too. Hasn't logged on since January

    I have been thinking of Brenda, it's been a while. . .

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    I dropped her a line

    via private contact.  If she's around email, she'll get a notice from ACS.  So she knows we are concerned we haven't heard from her.


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks donna_lee! Hope we

    Thanks donna_lee! Hope we hear soon!


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    Me too

    I also pm her a while back and nothing either  


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm sorry I haven't checked in for a while.  And thank you for the personal messages.  As many of you know, my mom has suffered many years from Alzheimers.  We lost her recently.  She spent the last few years of her life cared for in a wonderful facility (Silverado) in California, by my brother.  About a week before her passing she had "an event".  Not sure if it was a heart attack or stroke but something major.  My husband kept telling me to fly out but I didn't feel it was necessary....until I started getting calls from the hospice nurse, chaplain and family saying she kept calling out my name.  So, I made my flight arrangements.  My brother picked me up at the airport & we went directly there.  With us in her room was Adam, her nurse that cared for her in her last few years.  I got very close to my mom, touched her arm and said, mom, it's Donna, I'm here.  She opened her eyes and looked directly at me and smiled the biggest smile we'd seen in years!!  Of course, we all cried.  That was the last time she opened her eyes.  I guess she really was waiting for me.  When I left 2 days later Adam & I hugged as we knew it would be the last time we'd see each other and we cried again as he said that was a moment that would stay with him forever.  As it will me.  She passed the day after I left.  Then the day after I got home my husband had to have back surgery.  I've been busy now being caregiver to him, as he was to me after my kidney surgery.  Since we had to bring my mom back to Illinois for burial, that process takes some time to coordinate a transfer.  It was almost 2 weeks before her burial.  My concern was not having enough men for pallbearers due to my husband's surgery, my son-in-laws recent hernia surgery and my niece's husband surgery.  My oldest daughter said since Grandma always referred to her grandchildren as Angel #1, Angel #2, etc etc down to Angel #10, she thought grandma's angels should act as pallbearers.  Everyone LOVED that idea.  Nine of Grandma's Angels were in attendance (all girls in their 20's & 30's) and carried her to her final resting place.  It was so beautiful, touching & tear jerking.

    Things are starting to settle down here a bit and I promise I will try to get caught up here on this site soon.  Thank you all again, Donna~

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited July 2017 #10

    Sorry to hear about what you've gone thru. Join in when you are ready   to get back.



  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    hardo718 said:

    Hi All!

    I'm sorry I haven't checked in for a while.  And thank you for the personal messages.  As many of you know, my mom has suffered many years from Alzheimers.  We lost her recently.  She spent the last few years of her life cared for in a wonderful facility (Silverado) in California, by my brother.  About a week before her passing she had "an event".  Not sure if it was a heart attack or stroke but something major.  My husband kept telling me to fly out but I didn't feel it was necessary....until I started getting calls from the hospice nurse, chaplain and family saying she kept calling out my name.  So, I made my flight arrangements.  My brother picked me up at the airport & we went directly there.  With us in her room was Adam, her nurse that cared for her in her last few years.  I got very close to my mom, touched her arm and said, mom, it's Donna, I'm here.  She opened her eyes and looked directly at me and smiled the biggest smile we'd seen in years!!  Of course, we all cried.  That was the last time she opened her eyes.  I guess she really was waiting for me.  When I left 2 days later Adam & I hugged as we knew it would be the last time we'd see each other and we cried again as he said that was a moment that would stay with him forever.  As it will me.  She passed the day after I left.  Then the day after I got home my husband had to have back surgery.  I've been busy now being caregiver to him, as he was to me after my kidney surgery.  Since we had to bring my mom back to Illinois for burial, that process takes some time to coordinate a transfer.  It was almost 2 weeks before her burial.  My concern was not having enough men for pallbearers due to my husband's surgery, my son-in-laws recent hernia surgery and my niece's husband surgery.  My oldest daughter said since Grandma always referred to her grandchildren as Angel #1, Angel #2, etc etc down to Angel #10, she thought grandma's angels should act as pallbearers.  Everyone LOVED that idea.  Nine of Grandma's Angels were in attendance (all girls in their 20's & 30's) and carried her to her final resting place.  It was so beautiful, touching & tear jerking.

    Things are starting to settle down here a bit and I promise I will try to get caught up here on this site soon.  Thank you all again, Donna~

    So very sorry for your loss,

    So very sorry for your loss, Donna.

    The vision of grandma's angels carrying her with such respect brought tears to my eyes.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited July 2017 #12
    Thanks and sorry

    Donna, I'm sorry for the loss of your mother.  Take care and thanks for checking in.


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    edited July 2017 #13
    So sorry

    About your moms passing.  Take care


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Aww HUGS Donna! There is

    Aww HUGS Donna! There is nothing that prepares you for such a loss of one's mother. 

    Know how much we all care!

    Sending you healing, loving hugs!


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    The Last Hurah!

    What a special moment for you all, and my condolences to the family.  We went thru that with my mom-i-l three years ago-combination of memory problems bought on by the pancreatic cancer and morphine effects.  All of us who were on her "last list" were there within 36 hours of her death and when it was time, she took her final,  big breath and passed away.

    So sorry for your loss and the complications of funeral in another state. Glad that portion is completed: but I know there are other things you are dealing with, including your husband's surgery.  Please, please take time for yourself during this extremely stressful time.  A huge lesson I learned that year was how to smile and say, "NO."

    Glad you got back to us.  Many thanks.



  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Very sorry to hear, hugs to

    Very sorry to hear, hugs to you. Time will hopefully heal...

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    My Condolences to you and

    My Condolences to you and your family

    Take care of yourself and your husband

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Sorry to hear about your Mom

    Thanks for sharing the story about Grandma's angels. Glad you are ok, hope you get some rest and healing for your heart and soul. Prayers for you and your family.


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Thank you ALL!!

    So much.  Definitely been a tough time.  My brother and I have discussed, cried & laughed about the fact that we thought we were ready....years ago in fact because she hasn't been herself for many years.  Come to find out, you can never really be prepared.  We're hanging in there though and taking comfort in the fact that we all believe she has reunited with our dad, our youngest brother and other loved ones that were dear to us.

    I've got a lot of catching up to do.  It's going to take a little time, bear with me.

    And thanx again.  Donna~

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Good to know you're OK...

    Good to know you're OK, Donna. You certainly have a lot on your plate.

    So sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Glad she was in such good care.  What a great smile you -- and everyone there -- got to see. Wow. You're right, though... it's not something you can really prepare or practice for. 

    Thank you for the story about Grandma's angels. That was so touching, what a great send-off for your mom.  What with mortuaries using "church trolleys" and "cemetery trolleys / trucks" to move caskets nowadays, even little kiddos can be pall bearers (Well, with the wee ones, it helps to have someone older who can steer).

    See, you disappear from here, you get folks thinking about you!

    Take-care-of-yourself hugs going your way,
