Any survivor of 4th stage Metastasis Colorectal Cancer in Lungs of_My husband of age 26 years

My husband got diagnosed with 3rd stage rectum cancer 1 year before and after 1 year of Radiation, Surgery and Chemotherapy we got to know 2 days back that now it is Metastasis Colorectal Cancer in Lungs, Abdomen, Prostate and Tail bones. Either it happened along with the chemotherapy or it happened within 1 month after Chemo. The largest tumor is in Lungs and at Lungs Radiation and surgery is not possible. Dr suggested to go for Chemotherapy again but it will be experimental on him. We have been told that there is no cure to this and if this Chemo doesn't work he might not even have an year and if Chemo goes well then he might have 5-10 years. 


Is there anyone who survived this disease? My husband is just 28 years old and we just got married.


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    edited June 2017 #2
    Dear Friend

    I'm so sorry to read about your situation because it reminded of my own. Although older (49) I had rest all cancer just around my marriagecof a beautiful woman 4 years ago. I was lucky, only stage two. Every case is different. Get second opinions, try everything you can. He is yiung and stromg. 

    Wish you best!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I don't know what to say to

    I don't know what to say to you. I can't begin to imagine your mental anguish. All I can say is that miracles happen every day and his team of medical professionals will know what to do to help him.

    A friend of mine's daughter had cancer when she was 9 years old. They tried an experimental treatment for her and she survived and is now 26 years old and has been NED for over ten years. What they tried on her is now the standard treatment for her cancer in children. I think it was lymphoma. I myself survived a blood clot in my lung over two years ago that should have killed me. My husband and daughter were asked if they should keep reviving me because the neurologist said if I survived I'd likely be in a care home for the rest of my life not knowing them and being barely mentally aware. I survived it and am doing fine. My point is to never give up hope. My colon cancer has metastisized also and I'm just praying for as much time as possible. I'll pray for your husband, I'm so sorry you're both going through this. Sending you a hug.


  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    So sorry. I am almost 11

    So sorry. I am almost 11 years out and doing well after Stage 4 dx with mets to liver and lung. I had 4 lung recurrances. I did have VAT surgery for them. I suggest, if possible, go to a major cancer center, and see what a team of surgeons and oncs can perhaps do.


  • MyJourneywithCancer
    MyJourneywithCancer Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2017 #5
    Keep your hope
    To second Chip's comment above, find an oncologist who talks about a treatment plan rather than predicting the future. There are so many options such as immunotherapy and targeted therapy out there even chemo fails. My wife was diagnosed at stage 4, given "a few weeks" after no response to chemo - her liver and lung almost completely failing. She had treatment targeting her BRAF mutation, and it's been 6 months and counting. An aggressive disease deserves to be treated aggressively.
  • NHMike
    NHMike Member Posts: 213 Member
    A young adult with colorectal

    A young adult with colorectal cancer that doesn't respond to 5FU might have Lynch's Syndrome which has targetted therapy options. Was this screening done?

  • Woodytele
    Woodytele Member Posts: 163

    you won't really know what to expect until chemo starts.  if he responds to the chemo it will help tremendously, work with your Dr. and stay strong.  No one an predict the future, he has youth on his side, try to stay positive. 

  • Walter4268
    Walter4268 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2017 #8
    Any survivor of 4th stage Metastasis Colorectal Cancer in Lungs

    I was diagnosed with stage 4 mCRC in early Sept 2012 with mets to liver and lungs. I've been on chemo ever since, had a colon and liver resection, radiation & Y90 pellets inserted. I was originally given about two months to live, that was over 5 years ago. I don't know if I can be considered a survivor, but I like to think I am.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Hello, I'm a stage 3er but my

    Hello, I'm a stage 3er but my friend at work is Stage IV and she's been getting ablations on her lungs.  But she's been doing very well for 5 years.  I really think you should get a second and third opinion as well as go to a hospital specific to cancer if you have not.  She works out 5 days a week and she really changed her diet.  She stuck to her chemo and her last scan was clean.  First clean scan in the 5 years.  She's now 43.  Don't give up, tell him to do anything he can think of and feels well enough to do to help himself.  Give up all the carcinogens while the cancer is present, that includes back yard bbq, eat healthy as heck, exercise and follow through on treatment and ask questions!