CT Results

So i just started my 10 day Alaskan cruise.  But can't help be worried about my CT scan results and increasing pelvic pain. Results said: 


Pelvis: There is new pelvic ascites which is small volume. No pelvic

adenopathy is present


Reproductive organs : Status post hysterectomy. There is dirty fat

stranding in the cul-de-sac and resection bed without discrete lesion.


1. Status post hysterectomy and oophorectomy. There is new pelvic ascites

dirty fat stranding. This raises the concern for occult peritoneal

metastasis. No measurable peritoneal disease is demonstrated


Anybody have similar results?  They said there's nothing to test at this stage  



  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member
    Oh no, Cheesy! This IS NOT

    Oh no, Cheesy! This IS NOT the kind of baggage you want on a trip! I've never heard of such a thing - ascites yes, but not 'dirty fat stranding'. Did they suggest a needle biopsy to see what's in the fluid?

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    I hope someone will respond

    I hope someone will respond who has experience with this, if only so that you can put it out of your mind and enjoy your cruise!

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited June 2017 #4
    oh dear...

    I have no idea what that means - I'm so sorry you had to have that right as you were leaving- I hope you can find a way to put it out of your mind and enjoy your trip- I've always wanted to go... best thing you can do is stay in the moment- cherish the day you have right?!  (((HUGS))) and mighty big PRAYERS for you <3<3

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited June 2017 #5
    :( please try to enjoy your

    :( please try to enjoy your trip nevertheless. Prayers for you!

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Keep focusing on the fact

    Keep focusing on the fact that it states "raises the concern" and not "indicates". Those two are very different. Having a concern about something that might or might not exist is no reason for you to lose out on enjoying your trip. Try to have a good time and leave those next steps for when you good back. Bon Voyage!

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    I'm with the others


    Enjoy your vacation.  It is not going to change anything so you might as well have fun.   Like Kvdyson said, it only states "raises the concern".   It can be scary reading these records.

    Here is what my last PET scan indicated

    Abdomens and Pelvis:
    - Stable appearance of left pelvic soft tissue with low-level FDG uptake.
    - Interval reimplantation of the left ureter, without 
    -Nonspecific focal uptake in the gastric fundus and pylorus. This could 
    represent physiologic activity, inflammation or less likely neoplasm.  
    Consider correlation with endoscopy, at clinical discretion.

    They covered all the bases.  So my PA said the gyne/onc said not to worry that this may have been caused by my recent pancreatitis.  Huh?   Which by the way they don't know what caused that either!  I just came back from Italy and had the most wonderful time.   

    Take care.  Hugs!


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited June 2017 #8
    Don't spend your precious time worrying

    Go enjoy your vacation.  It will do you a world of good.  Nothing will change while you are gone.  Been there done that.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Hey Cheese, I agree with our

    Hey Cheese, I agree with our friends! I hope you have a blast!

    Lou Ann, Glad to see your post. How are you doing? Did you go on your vacation?

    Love and Hugs,



  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited June 2017 #10
    I am hanging in there

    Still some stomach problems and fatigue from radiation.  My CA125 dropped from 228 to 108 so I think that is good.  We did make it on vacation. Saw 3 kids, 2 grandkids, and 4 great grandkids. We drove from -Seattle to Crescent City, CA down the coast.  Spent 2 days on a room overlooking the ocean at Seaside.  So happy my energy held out enough to make it.  Came home exhausted, but I  made it.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Lou Ann M said:

    I am hanging in there

    Still some stomach problems and fatigue from radiation.  My CA125 dropped from 228 to 108 so I think that is good.  We did make it on vacation. Saw 3 kids, 2 grandkids, and 4 great grandkids. We drove from -Seattle to Crescent City, CA down the coast.  Spent 2 days on a room overlooking the ocean at Seaside.  So happy my energy held out enough to make it.  Came home exhausted, but I  made it.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

    So good to hear

    that sounds like a wonderful trip Lou Ann Cool  so glad you got to go and that your energy held out.  I find the ocean is so healing- we all need to get there more often- sure wish it wasn't so expensive and it does take energy just to get everything together and go.  (((HUGS)))

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey CQ!

    Hope you're not obsessing about that CT scan!  

    I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but to me it seems like now that I have a cancer diagnosis in my records, everyone is a lot more vigiliant covering their behinds when I have a test.

    Last fall's mammogram?  I've had dense breasts and areas of asymmetrical density since I can't remember when, but last year I had to go back for repeat views and then ultrasounds because they didn't want to take anything for granted anymore.

    My point is, the specialist reading your CT is covering his behind just in case. Not nessecarily a bad thing (wish my primary had been more concientious before my diagnosis!), but try to keep that in mind when you read results like this and not let it put you in a panic. Enjoy that vacation!!!!

  • Carpit
    Carpit Member Posts: 19

    Relax Relax and enjoy your cruise. "Don't worry, be Happy"

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    CQ enjoy  your Trip please!!!

    CQ enjoy  your Trip please!!!!!! 

  • DrienneB
    DrienneB Member Posts: 182

    Can't they be more careful and precise with their language when inerpreting and describing test findings. My word. Try to have fun and reserve the worries for when you know you have to. (I know---easier said than done.)



  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member

    Saw my oncogist this morning. She said the CT scan results doesn't indicate anything definitive but we'll watch it. I told her I'm going to Spain for 2 weeks in September. She scheduled another CT scan and visit for end of August. Hopefully this is nothing. Also saw neuro Opthmologist this week. Have to get used to "new normal" cause this is as good as it gets with my vision. It's been a year. I have some permanent damage but most oy vision has come back. Survived Alaskan cruise, although hubby and I came back with bad upper respiratory infections.   I hadn't been sick with a cold since diagnosis but everybody on the cruise (mostly elderly people) was sick. 

    BTW, the Vitamin E vaginal suppositories suggested here solved my burning issue. 

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Cheese that's good for now...

    glad they aren't rushing you into anything.  Wow! Spain!!  That's awesome.  I hope you have a great trip!

    Bummer about the Alaska cruise sickies.... lol  Such a drag you caught it.  Hope you are both recovering quickly.

    Happy to hear that the Vit E suggestion worked :D  (((HUGS)))

  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member
    That's a relief

    I'm so relieved to hear this! It does seem that once you've had cancer it's constantly referenced in every report, as though there's a fear something will happen and they'll be blamed later for not bringing it up. Unfortunately in my case it was correct, but I've had friends who were freaked out for months on end by scans citing the M (mets) word when in fact there was nothing there. I appreciate the reminder that we do have gray areas and things aren't always as bad as feared. Enjoy Spain !!